Vicki Werneke is a fed­er­al pub­lic defend­er who rep­re­sent­ed Billy Slagle on Ohios death row. She recent­ly wrote about her fren­zied work dur­ing the last week­end before Slagle’s death on August 4. She not­ed that he was only 18 and high­ly intox­i­cat­ed at the time of his crime. He had been remorse­ful ever since, try­ing to do some good with his life while on death row. Even the District Attorney of the coun­ty that pros­e­cut­ed him sup­port­ed a reprieve, mak­ing this a strong case for clemen­cy. On the final week­end before his exe­cu­tion, new evi­dence emerged that Slagle had not been informed about an oppor­tu­ni­ty to plead guilty at his tri­al and avoid the death penal­ty. The cur­rent pros­e­cu­tors agreed not to oppose a motion for a stay, but, as Werneke wrote, a tragedy occurred: But then Sunday morn­ing, the world shat­tered. I was in church with my dad and my phone kept vibrat­ing in the mid­dle of the ser­mon. I could tell I was get­ting phone calls, but didn’t look at my phone. As soon as I could find a dis­creet time to take a glance at my phone, I saw a text mes­sage from [our inves­ti­ga­tor] telling me that Billy’s sis­ter called to tell us that he had hanged him­self. He was gone.” He did­n’t know of the new legal devel­op­ment. Werneke con­clud­ed, Even in a case where there is no ques­tion of guilt, there remain seri­ous ques­tions about whether the death sen­tence was the appro­pri­ate pun­ish­ment and the cat and mouse games played by those in pow­er. Hope is a pow­er­ful thing and loss of hope can be deadly.”

(V. Werneke, Loss of Hope,” National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty Blog, August 6, 2013). See Arbitrariness and Life Without Parole.

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