Entries by Death Penalty Information Center


Jul 142021

One Year Later, Execution Spree Lays Bare Federal Death Penalty’s Systemic Failures

At 3:00 a.m. Central time on July 14, 2020, after his notice of exe­cu­tion had expired, the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) strapped Daniel Lewis Lee to an exe­cu­tion gur­ney in the United States Penitentiary in Terre Haute, Indiana. With the exe­cu­tion cham­ber cur­tains closed, cor­rec­tion­al offi­cials left him there for four hours while fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tors filed plead­ings in a fed­er­al appeals court to lift a stay of exe­cu­tion they had for­got­ten was still in…

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Jul 132021

Editorial Boards Say Moratorium to Study Execution Practices is Not Enough, Biden Should Commute Federal Death Row

Major U.S. edi­to­r­i­al writ­ers have crit­i­cized the Biden administration’s June 30, 2021 announce­ment of a tem­po­rary mora­to­ri­um on exe­cu­tions while the Department of Justice reviews Trump admin­is­tra­tion changes to U.S. exe­cu­tion prac­tices, say­ing that the pause for a lim­it­ed pol­i­cy review fails to ful­fill the President’s cam­paign pledge to work to end the federal death…

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Jul 122021

Arizona Supreme Court Rejects Prosecution Attempt to Expedite Executions Based on Its Own Error on Shelf Life of Execution Drugs

The Arizona Supreme Court has reject­ed the efforts of Arizona pros­e­cu­tors to expe­dite the exe­cu­tions of two death-row pris­on­ers and fur­ther lim­it appeals judi­cial review of legal issues in their cas­es. The Arizona Attorney General’s office had sought to short­en judi­cial review in the cas­es of death-row pris­on­ers Frank Atwood and Clarence Dixon after learn­ing that the shelf life of the drugs it intend­ed to use in the exe­cu­tions would expire…

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Jul 122021

Arizona Seeks to Expedite Executions, With Less Judicial Oversight, Because of Its Own Error on Shelf Life of Execution Drugs

The Arizona Attorney General’s office has asked the Arizona Supreme Court to cur­tail the time allot­ted to judi­cial review of legal issues in the cas­es of two death-row pris­on­ers pros­e­cu­tors want to exe­cute, say­ing that the drugs they intend to use in the exe­cu­tions remain potent half as long as it had previously…

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Jul 072021

NEW BOOK — Marc Bookman’s A Descending Spiral: Exposing the Death Penalty in 12 Essays

The more peo­ple know about how the sys­tem of cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment real­ly works, the less sup­port they will have for that pol­i­cy,” says Marc Bookman, the author of A Descending Spiral: Exposing the Death Penalty in 12 Essays. Bookman’s crit­i­cal­ly acclaimed col­lec­tion of essays — described by Publishers Weekly as a cogent and har­row­ing primer on what’s wrong with cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment” — chan­nels his decades of cap­i­tal lit­i­ga­tion experience into…

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Jul 062021

Department of Justice Formally Pauses Federal Executions to Review Trump Death-Penalty Regulations

In a mem­o­ran­dum that left to Congress the task of address­ing sys­temic ques­tions of arbi­trari­ness, racial dis­crim­i­na­tion, and wrong­ful con­vic­tions affect­ing the admin­is­tra­tion of the fed­er­al death penal­ty, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland (pic­tured) issued a direc­tive for­mal­ly paus­ing fed­er­al exe­cu­tions while the Department of Justice (DOJ) under­takes a review of exec­u­tive branch poli­cies adopt­ed in the last two years of the Trump…

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Jul 012021

DPIC 2021 MID-YEAR REVIEW: Virginia’s Historic Death Penalty Abolition Accompanies Continuing Record-Low Death Penalty Usage in First Half of Year

The first half of 2021 spot­light­ed two con­tin­u­ing death-penal­­ty trends in the United States, accord­ing to the Death Penalty Information Center’s 2021 Mid-Year Review. On one hand, the con­tin­u­ing ero­sion of cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment in law and prac­tice across the coun­try; on the oth­er hand, the extreme and often law­less con­duct of the few juris­dic­tions that have attempt­ed to car­ry out exe­cu­tions this year. The year began with three exe­cu­tions that con­clud­ed the Trump administration’s unparalleled…

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