Entries by Death Penalty Information Center


Jun 072021

California Supreme Court Hears Case That Could Undo Hundreds of State Death Sentences

The California Supreme Court heard oral argu­ment on June 2, 2021 in a cap­i­tal case whose out­come could affect the fate of hun­dreds of pris­on­ers on the state’s death row. Supported by friend-of-the-court briefs by California Governor Gavin Newsom and an alliance of pro­gres­sive California dis­trict attor­neys, lawyers for death row pris­on­er Don’te McDaniel argued to the court that California’s cap­i­tal sen­tenc­ing scheme is uncon­sti­tu­tion­al because it fails to…

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Jun 032021

New Podcast: Rethinking Public Safety, A Conversation with Former Nevada Prison Doctor, Dr. Karen Gedney

In 1989, Nevada prison doc­tor, Dr. Karen Gedney (pic­tured) refused a request by state offi­cials to write a pre­scrip­tion for exe­cu­tion drugs, believ­ing that doing so vio­lat­ed her med­ical oath to do no harm and her duty to pro­vide med­ical care to pris­on­ers. In the sec­ond episode of the Discussions With DPIC podcast’s Rethinking Public Safety series, Dr. Gedney speaks with DPIC Managing Director Anne Holsinger about this and…

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