This month, DPIC cel­e­brates Black History Month with week­ly pro­files of notable Black Americans whose work affect­ed the mod­ern death penal­ty era. The third in this series is for­mer Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins, who died on December 122023

Craig Watkins, a for­mer defense attor­ney, was elect­ed as Texas’ first Black dis­trict attor­ney and was the cre­ator of the nation’s first Conviction Integrity Unit. He served two terms as Dallas County District Attorney, from 2007 – 2015

While in office, Mr. Watkins aban­doned the estab­lished prac­tice of rou­tine­ly oppos­ing defen­dants’ motions for DNA test­ing and cre­at­ed a Conviction Integrity Unit (CIU) to review cas­es involv­ing alle­ga­tions of wrong­ful con­vic­tion. Heath Harris, who served as Mr. Watkins’ first assis­tant DA, said, He had a lot of courage in try­ing to change the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem. The stuff that he did here set a blue­print for the nation.” The Dallas County CIU has led to the exon­er­a­tion of 24 peo­ple since 2007. Christopher Scott, one of the men exon­er­at­ed by Mr. Watkins’ DNA test­ing pol­i­cy, stat­ed his heart was bro­ken” by the loss of Mr. Watkins and that Mr. Watkins had saved [his] life.” In 2007, Craig Watkins won Texas Lawyer’s Impact Lawyer of the Year 2007” award and Dallas Weekly’s Man of the Year 2007.” 

Innocence Project Co-Director Barry Scheck told the Wall Street Journal in 2008 that Mr. Watkins’ open­ness to pur­sue claims of inno­cence often helps find the real per­pe­tra­tor in these cas­es and cre­ate leads in oth­er cold cas­es. Many times, you bring these cas­es to dis­trict attor­neys and they say, You can’t go see my file. I won’t do any­thing.’ There’s a knee-jerk reluc­tance to revis­it any­thing,” said Mr. Scheck. He added that Dallas County’s CIU serves as a mod­el for oth­ers. Mr. Watkins takes the view that if he can cor­rect a wrong­ful con­vic­tion, that’s a good thing.” 

Mr. Watkins’ lega­cy on the death penal­ty was com­pli­cat­ed. He revealed in 2012 that his own great-grand­fa­ther, Richard Johnson, had been exe­cut­ed in 1932. He called on state leg­is­la­tors to review death penal­ty pro­ce­dures to ensure the pun­ish­ment was fair­ly admin­is­tered, and he raised con­cerns about the exe­cu­tion of inno­cent peo­ple, say­ing, I think it’s a legit­i­mate ques­tion to have, to ask: Have we exe­cut­ed some­one that didn’t com­mit the crime?’” Yet as dis­trict attor­ney, he reg­u­lar­ly sought the new death sen­tences. During his tenure, Dallas County sen­tenced more peo­ple to death than any oth­er Texas county. 

Throughout his career, Mr. Watkins some­times received crit­i­cism for being a crim­i­nal-lov­ing DA.” Mr. Watkins would often respond by stat­ing, We have a con­sti­tu­tion­al oblig­a­tion to seek jus­tice.” Remarking on Mr. Watkins’ death, Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price stat­ed, At the end of the day, the scales of jus­tice were bet­ter because of Craig Watkins.”

Citation Guide

Jamie Landers, Kelli Smith and Aria Jones, Former Dallas DA Craig Watkins, Creator of Nation’s First Conviction Integrity Unit, Dies at 56, Dallas Morning News, December 13, 2023; Bethany Erickson, Former Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins Dead at 56, D Magazine, Jan. 16, 2024; 22nd Anniversary & Volunteer Awards, American Bar, Jan. 17, 2024; Jack Marshall, Ethics Hero: Dallas District Attorney Craig Watkins, Ethics Alarm, Jan. 12, 2024; Jennifer Forsyth and Leslie Eaton, The Exonerator, The Wall Street Journal, Jan. 17, 2024; Conviction Integrity Division, Dallas County, Feb. 1, 2024; Nomaan Merchant, Texas DA Seeks Death Penalty Review, Associated Press, Feb. 12024