Life and Death Matters: Seeking the Truth About Capital Punishment is a new book that doc­u­ments author Robert Baldwin’s per­son­al jour­ney in con­fronting racism and the death penal­ty in the Deep South. Baldwin shares his evo­lu­tion in a con­ver­sa­tion­al, first-per­son style with a declared faith per­spec­tive. Written for peo­ple of all beliefs and back­grounds, he focus­es on the myths and mis­con­cep­tions about pris­ons and the death penal­ty dis­cov­ered through his personal experiences. 

Baldwin began his career as a med­ical doc­tor and now devotes his time to pub­lic ser­vice work in prison min­istry and to help­ing chil­dren born deaf and hard of hearing.

(R. Baldwin, Life and Death Matters,” New South Books, 2009). See Books and Race. The book can be pur­chased here.

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