A new novel by acclaimed author John Grisham, entitled “The Confession,” tells the story of Donte Drumm, an innocent man who was convicted of murder and sentenced to death in Texas. The book begins as the execution of Drumm is only four days away and another man confesses to the crime to a minister. Although a work of fiction, Grisham’s work offers a critique of our criminal justice system and of the death penalty in particular. USA Today’s review of the book notes, “Readers who share [Grisham’s] views as well as those sitting on the fence will find much to love and lament in the tragic story of Donté Drumm.”
(J. Grisham, “The Confession,” Doubleday 2010; C. Memmott, “Grisham prosecutes the death penalty in ‘The Confession’,” USA Today, October 26, 2010). See Books and Innocence.
Nov 25, 2024