Bestselling author Thomas Cahill has writ­ten a new book, A Saint on Death Row: The Story of Dominique Green,” about his encounter and grad­ual under­stand­ing of the life of a Texas death row inmate named Dominique Green. Green, who was only 18 at the time of his arrest, was exe­cut­ed in 2004. Cahill’s sto­ry of Green’s life high­lights issues of race, pover­ty, and abuse, trac­ing details of his child­hood through his years on death row. Thomas Cahill is prob­a­bly best known for his New York Times best­seller How the Irish Saved Civilization.” This newest book will be pub­lished by Doubleday and will be released in March 2009

(T. Cahill, A Saint on Death Row: The Story of Dominique Green,” Doubleday Publishing, 2009). The book can be pur­chased here. See also Race and Books.

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