A new book by Charles D. Flores details his per­son­al expe­ri­ence as an inmate on Texas’ death row. The book, Warrior Within: Inside Report on Texas Death Row, pro­vides a first-hand account of Flores’ death penal­ty tri­al and his expe­ri­ences await­ing exe­cu­tion. It explores his quest to learn more about the law as he fights to prove his inno­cence and win his free­dom. In the book, Flores writes, I start­ed to com­pre­hend what it meant to be on death row. I was begin­ning to under­stand it was a race against the clock, the most impor­tant race, I’d ever run. That under­stand­ing came at a ter­ri­ble price, a price I pay dai­ly. It’s paid in the form of the anx­i­ety attacks that come from nowhere that I have today. It’s paid in night­mares that wake me up in a cold sweat, shak­ing my head try­ing to knock the haunt­ing images out of it, night­mares of liv­ing my last day on death row, being tak­en to Huntsville and being put in the hold­ing cell next to the death cham­ber, drown­ing on fear, chok­ing on ter­ror, as I wait for them to exe­cute me.” The book was edit­ed and pub­lished by Flores’ friends, Sue and Jim Ulrich, and is avail­able online.
(C. Flores, Warrior Within: Inside Report on Texas Death Row, pub­lished by Sue and Jim Ulrich, 2007). See Books.

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