In a recent op-ed, the co-author of a key study on the via­bil­i­ty of California’s death penal­ty ana­lyzed the recent dra­mat­ic shift in pub­lic opin­ion on cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment in the state. According to Paula Mitchell, adjunct pro­fes­sor at Loyola of Los Angeles Law School, decades of polling showed about two-thirds of Californians sup­port­ed the death penal­ty, but the 2012 ref­er­en­dum to repeal the law lost by just 4 per­cent­age points (52%-48%). Moreover, in coun­ties that used the death penal­ty the most, sup­port for the death penal­ty was even low­er. In Los Angeles County, which has more peo­ple on death row than any oth­er American coun­ty, 54.5% of vot­ers favored repeal. In Alameda County, ninth among all coun­ties in death row inmates, 62.5% of the votes cast were for repeal. Mitchell said that this drop in sup­port was due to sev­er­al fac­tors. California’s death penal­ty, she said, is expen­sive and struc­tural­ly bro­ken — prob­a­bly beyond repair.” She also point­ed to unfair­ness in the sys­tem, par­tic­u­lar­ly along racial lines: In addi­tion to con­cerns over the exor­bi­tant costs asso­ci­at­ed with cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment and the poten­tial for wrong­ful con­vic­tions — issues that were well pub­li­cized dur­ing the cam­paign to repeal last year — there are also ever-present con­cerns over the uneven appli­ca­tion of death penal­ty.” African Americans make up over 36% of California’s death row, even though they con­sti­tute only 6% of the state pop­u­la­tion. Read full op-ed below.

California Voters’ Shifting Views on the Death Penalty

Public sup­port for the death penal­ty among California vot­ers has shift­ed dra­mat­i­cal­ly. This reflects a nation­al trend away from the death penal­ty. For the last few decades, Field Poll results showed that two-thirds of Californians sup­port­ed the death penal­ty. In November 2012, how­ev­er, when Proposition 34 asked California vot­ers whether the state should replace the death penal­ty with life impris­on­ment with­out the pos­si­bil­i­ty of parole as the state’s most severe pun­ish­ment, near­ly half of the elec­torate (forty-eight per­cent — or 5.9 mil­lion vot­ers) vot­ed in favor of repeal. Only fifty-two per­cent (6.4 mil­lion) vot­ed to keep the death penalty.

Remarkably, vot­ers the largest death penal­ty coun­ties in California vot­ed over­whelm­ing­ly to replace it with life in prison with­out parole. In Los Angeles County, which sends more peo­ple to death row than any oth­er coun­ty in the nation (229 of the state’s 736 death row inmates were sen­tenced in L.A. County), 54.5% of cit­i­zens vot­ed to repeal the state’s death penal­ty — a mar­gin of 10% more than the state aver­age. And Alameda County, ranked ninth nation­al­ly for the num­ber of per­sons sen­tenced to death, vot­ed to repeal the death penal­ty by an even wider mar­gin, with 62.5% in favor of repeal and 37.5% against.

There are sev­er­al pos­si­ble expla­na­tions for the decline in sup­port for the death penal­ty in California. First, California’s death penal­ty sys­tem is expen­sive and struc­tural­ly bro­ken — prob­a­bly beyond repair. Second, high pro­file cas­es show­ing inno­cent men and women sen­tenced to death high­lights the real pos­si­bil­i­ty that the state may exe­cute an inno­cent per­son. Kirk Bloodsworth, who spent nine years in prison (includ­ing two years on death row) for a rape and mur­der he did not com­mit before DNA evi­dence exon­er­at­ed him, is just one example.

Third, recent polls indi­cate that peo­ple are not as con­cerned about the crime rate as they once were. According to a 2011 Pew Research poll, “[a] decade ago, 76% said that reduc­ing crime should be a top pri­or­i­ty; [where­as] just 44% cur­rent­ly rate reduc­ing crime as a top pol­i­cy pri­or­i­ty.” See Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, January 20, 2011 Economy Dominates Public’s Agenda, Dims Hopes for the Future.”

California has the largest death row in the United States. It is also home to five of the nation’s top ten death penal­ty coun­ties. In November 2012, a propo­si­tion that sought to replace the death penal­ty with life in prison with­out parole failed to pass last November by 250,000 votes. Even though the mea­sure failed to pass, the elec­tion results demon­strat­ed that there has been a pro­found shift in Californians’ views about the death penal­ty; one that mir­rors the chang­ing atti­tudes across the country.

In addi­tion to con­cerns over the exor­bi­tant costs asso­ci­at­ed with the cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment and the poten­tial for wrong­ful con­vic­tions — issues that were well pub­li­cized dur­ing the cam­paign to repeal last year — there are also ever-present con­cerns over the uneven appli­ca­tion of death penal­ty. It is well-estab­lished that there is great dis­par­i­ty among those coun­ties that file cap­i­tal cas­es and those that do not. Los Angeles County is an extreme out­lier. Twenty of California’s 58 coun­ties – over one-third – cur­rent­ly have no inmates on death row at all. Another 17 coun­ties have sen­tenced three or few­er defen­dants each to death row (for a total of 35 inmates for all sev­en­teen coun­ties). Thus, 37 of California’s 58 coun­ties either do not pros­e­cute cap­i­tal cas­es, or do so very sparingly.

Additionally, African-Americans make up a dis­pro­por­tion­ate share of California’s death row. According to the United States Census for 2011, African-Americans make up 6.6% of the pop­u­la­tion in the state of California but 36.15% of California’s death row pop­u­la­tion is African-American. In Los Angeles County, the dis­par­i­ty is even greater: near­ly half of the defen­dants sen­tenced to death are black (112 out of 229), even though African-Americans make up only 9.3% of Los Angeles County’s overall population.

There is cur­rent­ly a sus­pen­sion on lethal injec­tions in California pend­ing the out­come of lit­i­ga­tion over the con­sti­tu­tion­al­i­ty of the state’s pro­ce­dures. The Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court has pub­licly stat­ed that she pre­dicts it will be three or more years before the state is in a posi­tion to car­ry out any exe­cu­tions. Given L.A. County’s sta­tus as the nation’s num­ber one death penal­ty coun­ty and the fact that the major­i­ty of vot­ers in L.A. County are in favor of repeal­ing the death penal­ty, the District Attorney is pre­sent­ed with a momen­tous oppor­tu­ni­ty to exer­cise her pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al dis­cre­tion and decline to con­tin­ue seek­ing the death penal­ty in the coun­ty, just as her pre­de­ces­sor declined to file third-strike charges in non-vio­lent felony cas­es while wait­ing for pub­lic opin­ion to catch up so the law could be amended.

Nationally, pub­lic sup­port for the death penal­ty is also declin­ing rapid­ly. Six states in the last six years have repealed their death penal­ty laws: New Mexico, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Maryland. Maryland is the first state south of the Mason Dixon line to end cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment. Governor Kitzhaber of Oregon has declared a mora­to­ri­um on all exe­cu­tions in the state. Citing the state’s bro­ken sys­tem,” Gov. Kitzhaber stat­ed that he refused to be a part of the state’s com­pro­mised and inequitable sys­tem any longer.” He urged Oregon to con­sid­er a different approach.”

Similarly, Governor Hickenlooper of Colorado recent­ly issued an exec­u­tive order grant­i­ng a reprieve to a death row inmate not out of com­pas­sion or sym­pa­thy,” but because we now have the ben­e­fit of infor­ma­tion that expos­es an inequitable sys­tem. It is a legit­i­mate ques­tion whether we as a state should be tak­ing lives.” Gov. Hickenlooper not­ed that “[m]any states and nations have come to the con­clu­sion that the death penal­ty does not work.”

In January, after run­ning for office as a pro­po­nent of the death penal­ty, Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe announced that the expe­ri­ence of sign­ing a death war­rant for the first time changed his think­ing and that he would sign leg­is­la­tion out­law­ing cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment if leg­is­la­tors were to send him such a bill.

This year alone, sev­en­teen states have con­sid­ered bills to repeal the death penal­ty. Delaware passed repeal leg­is­la­tion through its state sen­ate but the bill was tabled in the State House. The Nebraska state sen­ate Judiciary com­mit­tee recent­ly advanced a bill that would change the death penal­ty to life impris­on­ment with­out parole by a sur­pris­ing 7 – 0 vote. Not since 1979 has a repeal bill advanced that far in Nebraska. In the Washington State Legislature, a bill to repeal man­aged to get a pub­lic hear­ing in the House Judiciary Committee with lob­by­ists from sev­er­al orga­ni­za­tions tes­ti­fy­ing in favor of the bill and no one tes­ti­fy­ing against it.

Montana, Colorado, and New Hampshire have all passed repeal leg­is­la­tion through one cham­ber of their leg­is­la­tures in recent years. The Kansas Senate came with­in one vote of pass­ing repeal leg­is­la­tion. A bill to abol­ish the death penal­ty in Texas will final­ly have a com­mit­tee hear­ing in the State House.

Paula Mitchell is a career fed­er­al judi­cial law clerk for Senior Circuit Judge Arthur L. Alarcón on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal and adjunct law pro­fes­sor at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles where she teach­es Habeas Corpus and Civil Rights Litigation. She has writ­ten and lec­tured exten­sive­ly on the sub­ject of the death penal­ty in California. Paula recent­ly co-authored with Judge Alarcón Costs of Capital Punishment in California: Will Voters Choose Reform this November?, 46 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. S1 (2012) and Executing the Will of the Voters?: A Roadmap to Mend or End the California Legislature’s Multi-Billion Dollar Death Penalty Debacle, 44 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. S41 (2011).

(P. Mitchell, California Voters’ Shifting Views on the Death Penalty,” Verdict, Justia​.com, September 11, 2013.) See Public Opinion and Costs.

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