Adam Luck (pic­tured), the Chairman of Oklahoma’s Board of Pardons and Parole, has resigned from the board under pres­sure from Governor Kevin Stitt because of Luck’s votes in favor of clemen­cy for death-row prisoners. 

When I began ser­vice on this board there was a mora­to­ri­um on exe­cu­tions in the state of Oklahoma,” Luck wrote in his January 14, 2022 res­ig­na­tion let­ter to Stitt. As we resumed exe­cu­tions in October I came to the con­clu­sion that guid­ed my votes dur­ing the five clemen­cy hear­ings our board con­duct­ed. I under­stand these beliefs dif­fer from yours and while I could con­tin­ue my ser­vice I wish to hon­or your request and allow you to appoint an indi­vid­ual more aligned with your position.”

Luck twice vot­ed to rec­om­mend that Stitt com­mute Julius Jones’ death sen­tence to life with the pos­si­bil­i­ty of parole, say­ing, I believe in death penal­ty cas­es there should be no doubts. And put sim­ply, I have doubts about this case.” He was one of two board mem­bers to rec­om­mend that John Grants death sen­tence be com­mut­ed to life with­out parole. After Grant’s exe­cu­tion was botched, he was part of the 3 – 2 major­i­ty of the board that, cit­ing con­cerns about Oklahoma’s exe­cu­tion pro­to­col, rec­om­mend­ed that Stitt reduce Bigler Stouffers sen­tence to life without parole. 

Four hours before the sched­uled exe­cu­tion, Stitt com­mut­ed Jones sen­tence to life with­out parole, con­di­tioned upon Jones nev­er seek­ing a par­don or fur­ther reduc­tion in sen­tence. Stitt reject­ed the board’s clemen­cy rec­om­men­da­tion for Stouffer.

Stitt replaced Luck on the board with Edward Konieczny, who served 17 years as a California police offi­cer and 14 years as the CEO and President of the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma. Konieczny’s name appeared on a 2012 Oklahoma Conference of Churches state­ment oppos­ing the death penal­ty, but a spokesper­son for Stitt says his inclu­sion in the let­ter was a mis­take and that his name was added auto­mat­i­cal­ly to the let­ter while he was out of town. 

Stitt’s com­mu­ni­ca­tions direc­tor, Carly Atchison, said that Konieczny has assured the gov­er­nor he is pre­pared, should he believe it to be appro­pri­ate, to vote in sup­port of the death penal­ty in accor­dance with the law of Oklahoma.” 

Luck is the CEO of City Care, a non­prof­it in Oklahoma that pro­vides ser­vices to the home­less and sup­port­ive hous­ing to peo­ple liv­ing in pover­ty. Stitt appoint­ed him to the board in February of 2019.

In November 2019, Luck presided over the board’s unan­i­mous vote to com­mute the sen­tences of 462 pris­on­ers, the largest sin­gle-day mass com­mu­ta­tion in U.S. his­to­ry. At the time, Stitt laud­ed the action as a bold change” and anoth­er mark on our his­toric time­line as we move the nee­dle in crim­i­nal justice reform.” 

But pros­e­cu­tors ran­kled at Luck’s votes on the board, repeat­ed­ly seek­ing to recuse him from clemen­cy votes because of his pur­port­ed pro-clemen­cy bias and alleged finan­cial inter­est in clemen­cy because of the re-entry ser­vices his non-prof­it pro­vides to those new­ly released from prison. In March 2021, Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater filed a law­suit against Stitt and the board seek­ing to enjoin all clemen­cy hear­ings because the board alleged­ly had failed to pro­vide notice to pros­e­cu­tors of upcoming proceedings. 

Atchison blast­ed the law­suit, say­ing We are not intim­i­dat­ed by polit­i­cal hit jobs dis­guised as law­suits’ in a des­per­ate cry for pub­lic­i­ty.” She said Stitt was proud” of the par­dons board mem­bers, who take their jobs seri­ous­ly and con­sid­er each case on its individual merits.”

Prater and the Oklahoma Attorney General both filed emer­gency peti­tions in the Oklahoma Supreme Court seek­ing to bar Luck and fel­low board mem­ber Kelly Doyle from par­tic­i­pat­ing in clemen­cy votes in Jones’ case. The court denied the petitions.

Luck’s res­ig­na­tion comes amid a spree of sev­en sched­uled exe­cu­tions in a five-month peri­od. He was also the lone vote for clemen­cy in the cas­es of Donald Grant and Gilbert Postelle, whose exe­cu­tions are pend­ing. Grant is sched­uled to be exe­cut­ed on January 27, 2022 and Postelle’s exe­cu­tion is sched­uled for February 172022.

The board will vote on who takes over the role of chairperson.

Citation Guide

Nolan Clay, Chairman of Pardon and Parole Board leaves at request of Gov. Stitt, The Oklahoman, January 14, 2022; Parole board chair­man resigns over death penal­ty posi­tion, Associated Press, January 14, 2022; Dillon Richards, Stitt names replace­ment to Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board fol­low­ing Adam Luck’s res­ig­na­tion, KOCO-TV, Oklahoma City, January 14, 2022; Tres Savage, Adam Luck resigns from Pardon and Parole Board, Stitt appoints Edward Konieczny, NonDoc Media, January 14, 2022; Oklahoma pros­e­cu­tor sues gov­er­nor, par­don and parole board, Associated Press, March 12, 2021; Tres Savage, Deliberate sub­ver­sion’ of the law: Prater sues Stitt, Pardon and Parole Board, NonDoc Media, March 11, 2021; Lindsey Chastain, Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board rec­om­mends largest sin­gle-day com­mu­ta­tion in U.S. his­to­ry, Tulsa World, November 12019.

Read Adam Luck’s let­ter resign­ing as Chairman of the Oklahoma Board of Pardons and Parole.