On September 2, Ohio Governor Ted Strickland (pic­tured) grant­ed clemen­cy to Kevin Keith, com­mut­ing his death sen­tence to life with­out parole. Keith, who was con­vict­ed of killing three peo­ple, has always main­tained his inno­cence, and some evi­dence point­ed to anoth­er sus­pect. Gov. Strickland’s com­mu­ta­tion state­ment addressed his con­cerns regard­ing Keith’s case: Mr. Keith’s con­vic­tion relied upon the link­ing of cer­tain eye­wit­ness tes­ti­mo­ny with cer­tain foren­sic evi­dence about which impor­tant ques­tions have been raised. I also find the absence of a full inves­ti­ga­tion of oth­er cred­i­ble sus­pects trou­bling.” The gov­er­nor acknowl­edged that Keith might well be guilty and that the Ohio Parole Board had rec­om­mend­ed against clemen­cy, but he could not allow an exe­cu­tion with the doubts that per­sist­ed. The gov­er­nor left open the pos­si­bil­i­ty that future devel­op­ments might require addi­tion­al relief for Mr. Keith. Attorneys for Keith applaud­ed Gov. Strickland’s actions, but said they will con­tin­ue to peti­tion for a new tri­al to address new­ly dis­cov­ered evi­dence, evi­dence with­held by the State, and new sci­ence behind eye­wit­ness iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, all of which, they claim, point to Mr. Keith’s innocence. 

(A. Johnson, Strickland com­mutes death row inmate’s sen­tence to life with­out parole,” Columbus Dispatch, September 2, 2010; Governor’s Statement Regarding Clemency Application of Kevin Keith,” September 2, 2010; and Statement from Attorneys for Kevin Keith in Response to Governor Strickland’s Commutation to Life Without Parole,” September 2, 2010). See Clemency, Innocence and Life Without Parole.


Governor’s Statement Regarding Clemency Application of Kevin Keith — Sept. 2, 2010

Columbus, OH – Governor Ted Strickland today issued the fol­low­ing state­ment regard­ing the pend­ing clemen­cy appli­ca­tion of Kevin Keith:

Kevin Keith was con­vict­ed, by a jury, of cal­lous­ly mur­der­ing three peo­ple — includ­ing a four-year old child — and shoot­ing three oth­ers, includ­ing two young chil­dren. Since the time of his arrest more than 16 years ago, Mr. Keith has main­tained his inno­cence, insist­ing that some­one else com­mit­ted the mur­ders.

Mr. Keith’s con­vic­tion has been repeat­ed­ly reviewed and upheld by Ohio and fed­er­al courts at the tri­al and appel­late lev­el. The Ohio Parole Board rec­om­mend­ed against clemen­cy in this case. There is evi­dence which links him to the crimes that, while cir­cum­stan­tial, is not oth­er­wise well explained. It is my view, after a thor­ough review of the infor­ma­tion and evi­dence avail­able to me at this time, that it is far more like­ly that Mr. Keith com­mit­ted these mur­ders than it is like­ly that he did not.

Yet, despite the evi­dence sup­port­ing his guilt and the sub­stan­tial legal review of Mr. Keith’s con­vic­tion, many legit­i­mate ques­tions have been raised regard­ing the evi­dence in sup­port of the con­vic­tion and the inves­ti­ga­tion which led to it. In par­tic­u­lar, Mr. Keith’s con­vic­tion relied upon the link­ing of cer­tain eye­wit­ness tes­ti­mo­ny with cer­tain foren­sic evi­dence about which impor­tant ques­tions have been raised. I also find the absence of a full inves­ti­ga­tion of oth­er cred­i­ble sus­pects trou­bling.

Clearly, the care­ful exer­cise of a governor’s exec­u­tive clemen­cy author­i­ty is appro­pri­ate in a case like this one, giv­en the real and unan­swered ques­tions sur­round­ing the mur­ders for which Mr. Keith was con­vict­ed. Mr. Keith still has appel­late legal pro­ceed­ings pend­ing which, in the­o­ry, could ulti­mate­ly result in his con­vic­tion being over­turned alto­geth­er. But the pend­ing legal pro­ceed­ings may nev­er result in a full reex­am­i­na­tion of his case, includ­ing an inves­ti­ga­tion of alter­nate sus­pects, by law enforce­ment author­i­ties and/​or the courts. That would be unfor­tu­nate – this case is clear­ly one in which a full, fair analy­sis of all of the unan­swered ques­tions should be con­sid­ered by a court. Under these cir­cum­stances, I can­not allow Mr. Keith to be exe­cut­ed. I have decid­ed, at this time, to com­mute Mr. Keith’s sen­tence to life in prison with­out the pos­si­bil­i­ty of parole. Should fur­ther evi­dence jus­ti­fy my doing so, I am pre­pared to review this mat­ter again for pos­si­ble further action.”

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