Daryl Mack, who repeat­ed­ly not­ed that he would rather be exe­cut­ed than spend the next 20 years of his life on death row pur­su­ing legal appeals, was exe­cut­ed Wednesday for a 1988 mur­der in Reno. Mack was con­vict­ed in 2002. He was the 12th per­son exe­cut­ed in Nevada since cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment was rein­stat­ed in 1977, and the 11th to waive remain­ing appeals at the time of exe­cu­tion. He was the first black man to be exe­cut­ed in the Nevada since exe­cu­tions resumed in the state.

On the same day that Mack was lethal­ly inject­ed in Nevada, the U.S. Supreme Court con­sid­ered the issue of lethal injec­tion in a Florida case. Many exe­cu­tions nation­al­ly have been stayed because of this issue. (Review-Journal, April 272006) .

There have been 15 exe­cu­tions in the U.S. this year, down from 17 car­ried out at this time in 2005. This year’s exe­cu­tions are near­ly 60% few­er than the num­ber of exe­cu­tions at this time in 1999 (36).

See Executions and U.S. Supreme Court.

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