A new doc­u­men­tary, After Innocence,” by Jessica Sanders and Marc Simon, is open­ing in cities around the coun­try. This award-win­ning film (Sundance and oth­er film fes­ti­vals) tells the sto­ries of wrong­ful­ly con­vict­ed defen­dants who were exon­er­at­ed through DNA evi­dence, and about what hap­pens to them after their release as they attempt to rebuild their lives. The film opens in Washington, D.C. at the Landmark’s E St. Cinema, 555 11th St. NW, on Friday, Nov. 4. A dis­cus­sion will fol­low the film and bulk dis­counts are available. 

For infor­ma­tion about show­ings else­where, see https://​www​.buy​do​mains​.com/​l​a​n​d​e​r​/​a​f​t​e​r​i​n​n​o​c​e​n​c​e​.​c​o​m​?​d​o​m​a​i​n​=​a​f​t​e​r​i​n​n​o​c​e​n​c​e​.​c​o​m​&​u​t​m​_​s​o​u​r​c​e​=​a​f​t​e​r​i​n​n​o​c​e​n​c​e​.​c​o​m​&​u​t​m​_​m​e​d​i​u​m​=​c​l​i​c​k​&​u​t​m​_​c​a​m​p​a​i​g​n​=​T​D​F​S​-​O​O​-​B​D​L​a​n​d​e​r​&​t​r​a​f​f​i​c​_​i​d​=​T​D​F​S​-​O​O​-​B​D​L​a​n​d​e​r​&​t​r​a​f​f​i​c​_​t​y​p​e​=tdfs.

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