The Death Penalty Information Center’s web­site has been select­ed for inclu­sion in the archives of the U.S. Library of Congress. DPIC’s mate­ri­als will be part of the Library’s his­toric col­lec­tion of Internet resources on pub­lic pol­i­cy top­ics, which will be made avail­able to researchers at Library of Congress facil­i­ties, and may also be avail­able on the Library’s pub­lic access web­site at a lat­er date. The Library’s Web Archiving Team said, Our web archives are impor­tant because they con­tribute to the his­tor­i­cal record, cap­tur­ing infor­ma­tion that could oth­er­wise be lost. With the grow­ing role of the web as an influ­en­tial medi­um, records of his­toric events could be con­sid­ered incom­plete with­out mate­ri­als that were born dig­i­tal’ and nev­er print­ed on paper.” They not­ed that they con­sid­er DPIC’s web­site to be an impor­tant part of this col­lec­tion and the his­tor­i­cal record.” We are hon­ored for this designation.

(Posted by DPIC, January 22, 2014). See About DPIC. To con­tribute to our work, vis­it our Donate page.

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