As stu­dents return for the start of the school year, DPIC’s award-win­ning Educational Curriculum on the Death Penalty is avail­able for teacher and stu­dent use. This free cur­ricu­lum was designed by the Michigan State Communications Technology Laboratory in con­junc­tion with the Death Penalty Information Center. There are sep­a­rate teacher and stu­dent sites, flex­i­ble les­son plans, teacher overviews, dynam­ic maps, and edu­ca­tion­al objec­tives meet­ing nation­al stan­dards. The cur­ricu­lum’s Web site con­tains inter­ac­tive exer­cis­es for stu­dents regard­ing jury selec­tion, judg­ing cas­es, and con­sid­er­a­tion of both sides of the death penal­ty debate.

Anyone desir­ing brochures about the cur­ricu­lum, infor­ma­tion regard­ing teacher train­ing work­shops, or hav­ing any oth­er ques­tion can con­tact us at dpic@​deathpenaltyinfo.​org. To learn more about the cur­ricu­lum, vis­it our Web site.
(Posted Aug. 242006).

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