Executions Overview
States With No Recent Executions
Updated December 18, 2024
Although the United States is considered a death penalty country, executions are rare or non-existent in most of the nation: more than two-thirds of U.S. states—35 out of 50—have either abolished the death penalty or have not carried out an execution in at least 10 years. An additional 3 states have not had an execution in at least 5 years, for a total of 38 states with no death penalty or no executions in that time. Two additional jurisdictions (the District of Columbia and the Military) have not had an execution in at least 10 years.
The tables below list the jurisdictions with no executions in many years. The number in parentheses indicates total executions since 1976.
Note: A botched execution where the prisoner survives is not included in determining when a state last carried out an execution.
34 states, plus 2 jurisdictions (District of Columbia and Military), with no death penalty or no executions in at least 10 years
Jurisdictions With No Death Penalty | Last Execution |
1. Alaska | Before 1976 |
2. Colorado (1) | October 13, 1997 |
3. Connecticut (1) | May 13, 2005 |
4. Delaware (16) | April 20, 2012 |
5. Hawaii | Before 1976 |
6. Illinois (12) | March 17, 1999 |
7. Iowa | Before 1976 |
8. Maine | Before 1976 |
9. Maryland (5) | December 5, 2005 |
10. Massachusetts | Before 1976 |
11. Michigan | Before 1976 |
12. Minnesota | Before 1976 |
13. New Hampshire | Before 1976 |
14. New Jersey | Before 1976 |
15. New Mexico (1) | November 6, 2001 |
16. New York | Before 1976 |
17. North Dakota | Before 1976 |
18. Rhode Island | Before 1976 |
19. Vermont | Before 1976 |
20. Virginia (113) | July 6, 2017 |
21. Washington (5) | September 10, 2010 |
22. West Virginia | Before 1976 |
23. Wisconsin | Before 1976 |
24. District of Columbia | Before 1976 |
Jurisdictions With the Death Penalty | Last Execution |
25. California (13) | January 17, 2006 |
26. Idaho (3) | June 12, 2012 |
27. Indiana (20) | December 11, 2009 |
28. Kansas (0) | Before 1976 |
29. Kentucky (3) | November 21, 2008 |
30. Montana (3) | August 11, 2006 |
31. Nevada (12) | April 26, 2006 |
32. North Carolina (43) | August 18, 2006 |
33. Oregon (2) | May 16, 1997 |
34. Pennsylvania (3) | July 6, 1999 |
35. Wyoming (1) | January 22, 1992 |
36. U.S. Military (0) | Before 1976 |
36 states, plus 2 jurisdictions, with no death penalty or no executions in at least 5 years
Jurisdictions With No Death Penalty | Last Execution |
1. Alaska | Before 1976 |
2. Colorado (1) | October 13, 1997 |
3. Connecticut (1) | May 13, 2005 |
4. Delaware (16) | April 20, 2012 |
5. Hawaii | Before 1976 |
6. Illinois (12) | March 17, 1999 |
7. Iowa | Before 1976 |
8. Maine | Before 1976 |
9. Maryland (5) | December 5, 2005 |
10. Massachusetts | Before 1976 |
11. Michigan | Before 1976 |
12. Minnesota | Before 1976 |
13. New Hampshire | Before 1976 |
14. New Jersey | Before 1976 |
15. New Mexico (1) | November 6, 2001 |
16. New York | Before 1976 |
17. North Dakota | Before 1976 |
18. Rhode Island | Before 1976 |
19. Vermont | Before 1976 |
20. Virginia (113) | July 6, 2017 |
21. Washington (5) | September 10, 2010 |
22. West Virginia | Before 1976 |
23. Wisconsin | Before 1976 |
24. District of Columbia | Before 1976 |
Jurisdictions With the Death Penalty | Last Execution |
25. Arkansas (31) | April 27, 2017 |
26. California (13) | January 17, 2006 |
27. Idaho (3) | June 12, 2012 |
28. Kansas (0) | Before 1976 |
29. Kentucky (3) | November 21, 2008 |
31. Montana (3) | August 11, 2006 |
32. Nebraska (4) | August 14, 2018 |
33. Nevada (12) | April 26, 2006 |
34. North Carolina (43) | August 18, 2006 |
35. Oregon (2) | May 16, 1997 |
36. Pennsylvania (3) | July 6, 1999 |
37. Wyoming (1) | January 22, 1992 |
38. U.S. Military (0) | Before 1976 |