Attorneys in Missouri and Pennsylvania will reveal two sep­a­rate exon­er­a­tions from their death rows. In Pennsylvania, attor­neys for Nicholas James Yarris will announce in a press con­fer­ence today (July 28, 2003) that three sep­a­rate DNA tests exclude Yarris from the rape and mur­der for which he was con­vict­ed. Yarris, 41, has spent 21 years on Pennsylvania’s death row, and has always main­tained his innocence.

Joseph Amrine, who has spent the past 17 years on Missouri’s death row, had all charges dropped and will walk away a free man today. Witness tes­ti­mo­ny against Amrine was par­tic­u­lal­ry sus­pect, com­ing from jail­house infor­mants and prison guards not direct­ly involved in the inci­dent for which Amrine was tried. While Joseph Amrine is now free, Yarris will have to wait for the pros­e­cu­tor’s office to offi­cial­ly drop charges. The state does not dis­pute the DNA results. 

Click Here to read the Yarris Press Release. Click Here for a sum­ma­ry of the Joseph Amrine case. See Also Innocence.

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