Crimes Punishable By Death

Aggravating Factors by State

The crimes list­ed below are those enu­mer­at­ed in state law as mak­ing a defen­dant eli­gi­ble for the death penalty.

For aggra­vat­ing and mit­i­gat­ing fac­tors in the fed­er­al death penal­ty statute, click here.

For a dis­cus­sion of the child-vic­tim aggra­vat­ing fac­tor, click here.

Alabama: Ala. Stat. Ann. 13A5 – 40(a)(1)-(19)

(1) Murder by the defen­dant dur­ing a kid­nap­ping in the first degree or an attempt there­of com­mit­ted by the defen­dant.
(2) Murder by the defen­dant dur­ing a rob­bery in the first degree or an attempt there­of com­mit­ted by the defen­dant.
(3) Murder by the defen­dant dur­ing a rape in the first or sec­ond degree or an attempt there­of com­mit­ted by the defen­dant; or mur­der by the defen­dant dur­ing sodomy in the first or sec­ond degree or an attempt there­of com­mit­ted by the defen­dant.
(4) Murder by the defen­dant dur­ing a bur­glary in the first or sec­ond degree or an attempt there­of com­mit­ted by the defen­dant.
(5) Murder of any police offi­cer, sher­iff, deputy, state troop­er, fed­er­al law enforce­ment offi­cer, or any oth­er state or fed­er­al peace offi­cer of any kind, or prison or jail guard, while such offi­cer or guard is on duty, regard­less of whether the defen­dant knew or should have known the vic­tim was an offi­cer or guard on duty, or because of some offi­cial or job-relat­ed act or per­for­mance of such offi­cer or guard.
(6) Murder com­mit­ted while the defen­dant is under sen­tence of life impris­on­ment.
(7) Murder done for a pecu­niary or oth­er valu­able con­sid­er­a­tion or pur­suant to a con­tract or for hire.
(8) Murder by the defen­dant dur­ing sex­u­al abuse in the first or sec­ond degree or an attempt there­of com­mit­ted by the defen­dant.
(9) Murder by the defen­dant dur­ing arson in the first or sec­ond degree com­mit­ted by the defen­dant; or mur­der by the defen­dant by means of explo­sives or explo­sion.
(10) Murder where­in two or more per­sons are mur­dered by the defen­dant by one act or pur­suant to one scheme or course of con­duct.
(11) Murder by the defen­dant when the vic­tim is a state or fed­er­al pub­lic offi­cial or for­mer pub­lic offi­cial and the mur­der stems from or is caused by or is relat­ed to his offi­cial posi­tion, act, or capac­i­ty.
(12) Murder by the defen­dant dur­ing the act of unlaw­ful­ly assum­ing con­trol of any air­craft by use of threats or force with intent to obtain any valu­able con­sid­er­a­tion for the release of said air­craft or any pas­sen­ger or crew­men there­on or to direct the route or move­ment of said air­craft, or oth­er­wise exert con­trol over said air­craft.
(13) Murder by a defen­dant who has been con­vict­ed of any oth­er mur­der in the 20 years pre­ced­ing the crime; pro­vid­ed that the mur­der which con­sti­tutes the cap­i­tal crime shall be mur­der as defined in sub­sec­tion (b) of this sec­tion; and pro­vid­ed fur­ther that the pri­or mur­der con­vic­tion referred to shall include mur­der in any degree as defined at the time and place of the pri­or con­vic­tion.
(14) Murder when the vic­tim is sub­poe­naed, or has been sub­poe­naed, to tes­ti­fy, or the vic­tim had tes­ti­fied, in any pre­lim­i­nary hear­ing, grand jury pro­ceed­ing, crim­i­nal tri­al or crim­i­nal pro­ceed­ing of what­ev­er nature, or civ­il tri­al or civ­il pro­ceed­ing of what­ev­er nature, in any munic­i­pal, state, or fed­er­al court, when the mur­der stems from, is caused by, or is relat­ed to the capac­i­ty or role of the vic­tim as a wit­ness.
(15) Murder when the vic­tim is less than four­teen years of age.
(16) Murder com­mit­ted by or through the use of a dead­ly weapon fired or oth­er­wise used from out­side a dwelling while the vic­tim is in a dwelling.
(17) Murder com­mit­ted by or through the use of a dead­ly weapon while the vic­tim is in a vehi­cle.
(18) Murder com­mit­ted by or through the use of a dead­ly weapon fired or oth­er­wise used with­in or from a vehi­cle.
(19) Murder by the defen­dant where a court had issued a pro­tec­tive order for the vic­tim, against the defen­dant, pur­suant to Section 30 – 51 et seq., or the pro­tec­tive order was issued as a con­di­tion of the defen­dan­t’s pretrial release.

Arizona: A.R.S. § 13 – 751

(1) The defen­dant has been con­vict­ed of anoth­er offense in the United States for which under Arizona law a sen­tence of life impris­on­ment or death was impos­able.
(2) The defen­dant has been or was pre­vi­ous­ly con­vict­ed of a seri­ous offense, whether prepara­to­ry or com­plet­ed. Convictions for seri­ous offens­es com­mit­ted on the same occa­sion as the homi­cide, or not com­mit­ted on the same occa­sion but con­sol­i­dat­ed for tri­al with the homi­cide, shall be treat­ed as a seri­ous offense under this para­graph.
(3) In the com­mis­sion of the offense the defen­dant know­ing­ly cre­at­ed a grave risk of death to anoth­er per­son or per­sons in addi­tion to the per­son mur­dered dur­ing the com­mis­sion of the offense.
(4) The defen­dant pro­cured the com­mis­sion of the offense by pay­ment, or promise of pay­ment, of any­thing of pecu­niary val­ue.
(5) The defen­dant com­mit­ted the offense as con­sid­er­a­tion for the receipt, or in expec­ta­tion of the receipt, of any­thing of pecu­niary val­ue.
(6) The defen­dant com­mit­ted the offense in an espe­cial­ly heinous, cru­el or depraved man­ner.
(7) The defen­dant com­mit­ted the offense while:

(a) In the cus­tody of or on autho­rized or unau­tho­rized release from the state depart­ment of cor­rec­tions, a law enforce­ment agency or a coun­ty or city jail.
(b) On pro­ba­tion for a felony offense.

(8) The defen­dant has been con­vict­ed of one or more oth­er homi­cides, as defined in sec­tion 13 – 1101, that were com­mit­ted dur­ing the com­mis­sion of the offense.
(9) The defen­dant was an adult at the time the offense was com­mit­ted or was tried as an adult and the mur­dered per­son was under fif­teen years of age, was an unborn child in the womb at any stage of its devel­op­ment or was sev­en­ty years of age or old­er.
(10) The mur­dered per­son was an on duty peace offi­cer who was killed in the course of per­form­ing the offi­cer’s offi­cial duties and the defen­dant knew, or should have known, that the mur­dered per­son was a peace offi­cer.
(11) The defen­dant com­mit­ted the offense with the intent to pro­mote, fur­ther or assist the objec­tives of a crim­i­nal street gang or crim­i­nal syn­di­cate or to join a crim­i­nal street gang or crim­i­nal syn­di­cate.
(12) The defen­dant com­mit­ted the offense to pre­vent a per­son­’s coop­er­a­tion with an offi­cial law enforce­ment inves­ti­ga­tion, to pre­vent a per­son­’s tes­ti­mo­ny in a court pro­ceed­ing, in retal­i­a­tion for a per­son­’s coop­er­a­tion with an offi­cial law enforce­ment inves­ti­ga­tion or in retal­i­a­tion for a per­son­’s tes­ti­mo­ny in a court pro­ceed­ing.
(13) The offense was com­mit­ted in a cold, cal­cu­lat­ed man­ner with­out pre­tense of moral or legal jus­ti­fi­ca­tion.
(14) The defen­dant used a remote stun gun or an autho­rized remote stun gun in the com­mis­sion of the offense. For the pur­pos­es of this paragraph:

(a) Authorized remote stun gun” means a remote stun gun that has all of the following:

(i) An elec­tri­cal dis­charge that is less than one hun­dred thou­sand volts and less than nine joules of ener­gy per pulse.
(ii) A ser­i­al or iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­ber on all pro­jec­tiles that are dis­charged from the remote stun gun.
(iii) An iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and track­ing sys­tem that, on deploy­ment of remote elec­trodes, dis­pers­es cod­ed mate­r­i­al that is trace­able to the pur­chas­er through records that are kept by the man­u­fac­tur­er on all remote stun guns and all indi­vid­ual car­tridges sold.
(iv) A train­ing pro­gram that is offered by the manufacturer.

(b) Remote stun gun” means an elec­tron­ic device that emits an elec­tri­cal charge and that is designed and pri­mar­i­ly employed to inca­pac­i­tate a per­son or ani­mal either through con­tact with elec­trodes on the device itself or remote­ly through wired probes that are attached to the device or through a spark, plas­ma, ion­iza­tion or oth­er con­duc­tive means emit­ting from the device.

Arkansas: Ark. Code Ann. 5 – 10-101
(1) Acting alone or with one (1) or more other persons:

(A) The per­son com­mits or attempts to commit:

(i) Terrorism, as defined in 5 – 54-205;
(ii) Rape, 5 – 14-103;
(iii) Kidnapping, 5 – 11-102;
(iv) Vehicular pira­cy, 5 – 11-105;
(v) Robbery, 5 – 12-102;
(vi) Aggravated rob­bery, 5 – 12-103;
(vii) Residential bur­glary, 5 – 39-201(a);
(viii) Commercial bur­glary, 5 – 39-201(b);
(ix) Aggravated res­i­den­tial bur­glary, 5 – 39-204;
(x) A felony vio­la­tion of the Uniform Controlled Substances Act, 5 – 64-101 — 5 – 64-508, involv­ing an actu­al deliv­ery of a con­trolled sub­stance; or
(xi) First degree escape, 5 – 54-110; and

(B) In the course of and in fur­ther­ance of the felony or in imme­di­ate flight from the felony, the per­son or an accom­plice caus­es the death of a per­son under cir­cum­stances man­i­fest­ing extreme indif­fer­ence to the val­ue of human life;

(2) Acting alone or with one (1) or more other persons:

(A) The per­son com­mits or attempts to com­mit arson, 5 – 38-301; and
(B) In the course of and in fur­ther­ance of the felony or in imme­di­ate flight from the felony, the per­son or an accom­plice caus­es the death of any person;

(3) With the pre­med­i­tat­ed and delib­er­at­ed pur­pose of caus­ing the death of any law enforce­ment offi­cer, jail­er, prison offi­cial, fire­fight­er, judge or oth­er court offi­cial, pro­ba­tion offi­cer, parole offi­cer, any mil­i­tary per­son­nel, or teacher or school employ­ee, when such per­son is act­ing in the line of duty, the per­son caus­es the death of any per­son;
(4) With the pre­med­i­tat­ed and delib­er­at­ed pur­pose of caus­ing the death of anoth­er per­son, the per­son caus­es the death of any per­son;
(5) With the pre­med­i­tat­ed and delib­er­at­ed pur­pose of caus­ing the death of the hold­er of any pub­lic office filled by elec­tion or appoint­ment or a can­di­date for pub­lic office, the per­son caus­es the death of any per­son;
(6) While incar­cer­at­ed in the Department of Correction or the Department of Community Correction, the per­son pur­pose­ly caus­es the death of anoth­er per­son after pre­med­i­ta­tion and delib­er­a­tion;
(7) Pursuant to an agree­ment that the per­son cause the death of anoth­er per­son in return for any­thing of val­ue, he or she caus­es the death of any per­son;
(8) The per­son enters into an agree­ment in which a per­son is to cause the death of anoth­er per­son in return for any­thing of val­ue, and a per­son hired pur­suant to the agree­ment caus­es the death of any per­son;
(9) (A) Under cir­cum­stances man­i­fest­ing extreme indif­fer­ence to the val­ue of human life, the per­son know­ing­ly caus­es the death of a per­son four­teen (14) years of age or younger at the time the mur­der was com­mit­ted if the defen­dant was eigh­teen (18) years of age or old­er at the time the mur­der was com­mit­ted. (B) It is an affir­ma­tive defense to any pros­e­cu­tion under this sub­di­vi­sion (a)(9) aris­ing from the fail­ure of the par­ent, guardian, or per­son stand­ing in loco par­en­tis to pro­vide spec­i­fied med­ical or sur­gi­cal treat­ment, that the par­ent, guardian, or per­son stand­ing in loco par­en­tis relied sole­ly on spir­i­tu­al treat­ment through prayer in accor­dance with the tenets and prac­tices of an estab­lished church or reli­gious denom­i­na­tion of which he or she is a mem­ber; or
(10) The person:

(A) Purposely dis­charges a firearm from a vehi­cle at a per­son or at a vehi­cle, con­veyance, or a res­i­den­tial or com­mer­cial occu­pi­able struc­ture that he or she knows or has good rea­son to believe to be occu­pied by a per­son; and
(B) Thereby caus­es the death of anoth­er per­son under cir­cum­stances man­i­fest­ing extreme indif­fer­ence to the val­ue of human life.

California: Cal. Penal Code § 190.2

(1) The mur­der was inten­tion­al and car­ried out for finan­cial gain.
(2) The defen­dant was con­vict­ed pre­vi­ous­ly of mur­der in the first or sec­ond degree. For the pur­pose of this para­graph, an offense com­mit­ted in anoth­er juris­dic­tion, which if com­mit­ted in California would be pun­ish­able as first or sec­ond degree mur­der, shall be deemed mur­der in the first or sec­ond degree.
(3) The defen­dant, in this pro­ceed­ing, has been con­vict­ed of more than one offense of mur­der in the first or sec­ond degree.
(4) The mur­der was com­mit­ted by means of a destruc­tive device, bomb, or explo­sive plant­ed, hid­den, or con­cealed in any place, area, dwelling, build­ing, or struc­ture, and the defen­dant knew, or rea­son­ably should have known, that his or her act or acts would cre­ate a great risk of death to one or more human beings.
(5) The mur­der was com­mit­ted for the pur­pose of avoid­ing or pre­vent­ing a law­ful arrest, or per­fect­ing or attempt­ing to per­fect, an escape from law­ful cus­tody.
(6) The mur­der was com­mit­ted by means of a destruc­tive device, bomb, or explo­sive that the defen­dant mailed or deliv­ered, attempt­ed to mail or deliv­er, or caused to be mailed or deliv­ered, and the defen­dant knew, or rea­son­ably should have known, that his or her act or acts would cre­ate a great risk of death to one or more human beings.
(7) The vic­tim was a peace officer…who, while engaged in the course of the per­for­mance of his or her duties, was inten­tion­al­ly killed, and the defen­dant knew, or rea­son­ably should have known, that the vic­tim was a peace offi­cer engaged in the per­for­mance of his or her duties; or the vic­tim was a peace officer…or a for­mer peace offi­cer under any of those sec­tions, and was inten­tion­al­ly killed in retal­i­a­tion for the per­for­mance of his or her offi­cial duties.
(8) The vic­tim was a fed­er­al law enforce­ment offi­cer or agent who, while engaged in the course of the per­for­mance of his or her duties, was inten­tion­al­ly killed, and the defen­dant knew, or rea­son­ably should have known, that the vic­tim was a fed­er­al law enforce­ment offi­cer or agent engaged in the per­for­mance of his or her duties; or the vic­tim was a fed­er­al law enforce­ment offi­cer or agent, and was inten­tion­al­ly killed in retal­i­a­tion for the per­for­mance of his or her offi­cial duties.
(9) The vic­tim was a firefighter…who, while engaged in the course of the per­for­mance of his or her duties, was inten­tion­al­ly killed, and the defen­dant knew, or rea­son­ably should have known, that the vic­tim was a fire­fight­er engaged in the per­for­mance of his or her duties.
(10) The vic­tim was a wit­ness to a crime who was inten­tion­al­ly killed for the pur­pose of pre­vent­ing his or her tes­ti­mo­ny in any crim­i­nal or juve­nile pro­ceed­ing, and the killing was not com­mit­ted dur­ing the com­mis­sion or attempt­ed com­mis­sion, of the crime to which he or she was a wit­ness; or the vic­tim was a wit­ness to a crime and was inten­tion­al­ly killed in retal­i­a­tion for his or her tes­ti­mo­ny in any crim­i­nal or juve­nile pro­ceed­ing.
(11) The vic­tim was a pros­e­cu­tor or assis­tant pros­e­cu­tor or a for­mer pros­e­cu­tor or assis­tant pros­e­cu­tor of any local or state pros­e­cu­tor’s office in this or any oth­er state, or of a fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tor’s office, and the mur­der was inten­tion­al­ly car­ried out in retal­i­a­tion for, or to pre­vent the per­for­mance of, the vic­tim’s offi­cial duties.
(12) The vic­tim was a judge or for­mer judge of any court of record in the local, state, or fed­er­al sys­tem in this or any oth­er state, and the mur­der was inten­tion­al­ly car­ried out in retal­i­a­tion for, or to pre­vent the per­for­mance of, the vic­tim’s offi­cial duties.
(13) The vic­tim was an elect­ed or appoint­ed offi­cial or for­mer offi­cial of the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment, or of any local or state gov­ern­ment of this or any oth­er state, and the killing was inten­tion­al­ly car­ried out in retal­i­a­tion for, or to pre­vent the per­for­mance of, the vic­tim’s offi­cial duties.
(14) The mur­der was espe­cial­ly heinous, atro­cious, or cru­el, man­i­fest­ing excep­tion­al deprav­i­ty. As used in this sec­tion, the phrase espe­cial­ly heinous, atro­cious, or cru­el, man­i­fest­ing excep­tion­al deprav­i­ty” means a con­science­less or piti­less crime that is unnec­es­sar­i­ly tor­tur­ous to the vic­tim.
(15) The defen­dant inten­tion­al­ly killed the vic­tim by means of lying in wait.
(16) The vic­tim was inten­tion­al­ly killed because of his or her race, col­or, reli­gion, nation­al­i­ty, or coun­try of ori­gin.
(17) The mur­der was com­mit­ted while the defen­dant was engaged in, or was an accom­plice in, the com­mis­sion of, attempt­ed com­mis­sion of, or the imme­di­ate flight after com­mit­ting, or attempt­ing to com­mit, the following felonies:

(A) Robbery in vio­la­tion of Section 211 or 212.5.
(B) Kidnapping in vio­la­tion of Section 207, 209, or 209.5.
(C) Rape in vio­la­tion of Section 261.
(D) Sodomy in vio­la­tion of Section 286.
(E) The per­for­mance of a lewd or las­civ­i­ous act upon the per­son of a child under the age of 14 years in vio­la­tion of Section 288.
(F) Oral cop­u­la­tion in vio­la­tion of Section 288a.
(G) Burglary in the first or sec­ond degree in vio­la­tion of Section 460.
(H) Arson in vio­la­tion of sub­di­vi­sion (b) of Section 451.
(I) Train wreck­ing in vio­la­tion of Section 219.
(J) Mayhem in vio­la­tion of Section 203.
(K) Rape by instru­ment in vio­la­tion of Section 289.
(L) Carjacking, as defined in Section 215.
(M) To prove the spe­cial cir­cum­stances of kid­nap­ping in sub­para­graph (B), or arson in sub­para­graph (H), if there is spe­cif­ic intent to kill, it is only required that there be proof of the ele­ments of those felonies. If so estab­lished, those two spe­cial cir­cum­stances are proven even if the felony of kid­nap­ping or arson is com­mit­ted pri­mar­i­ly or sole­ly for the pur­pose of facil­i­tat­ing the murder.

(18) The mur­der was inten­tion­al and involved the inflic­tion of tor­ture.
(19) The defen­dant inten­tion­al­ly killed the vic­tim by the admin­is­tra­tion of poi­son.
(20) The vic­tim was a juror in any court of record in the local, state, or fed­er­al sys­tem in this or any oth­er state, and the mur­der was inten­tion­al­ly car­ried out in retal­i­a­tion for, or to pre­vent the per­for­mance of, the vic­tim’s offi­cial duties.
(21) The mur­der was inten­tion­al and per­pe­trat­ed by means of dis­charg­ing a firearm from a motor vehi­cle, inten­tion­al­ly at anoth­er per­son or per­sons out­side the vehi­cle with the intent to inflict death.
(22) The defen­dant inten­tion­al­ly killed the vic­tim while the defen­dant was an active par­tic­i­pant in a crim­i­nal street gang…and the mur­der was car­ried out to fur­ther the activ­i­ties of the crim­i­nal street gang.

Colorado: C.R.S. § 18 – 1.3 – 1201(5) (prospec­tive­ly abol­ished the death penal­ty in 2020)

(1) The class 1 felony was com­mit­ted by a per­son under sen­tence of impris­on­ment for a class 1, 2, or 3 felony as defined by Colorado law or United States law, or for a crime com­mit­ted against anoth­er state or the United States which would con­sti­tute a class 1, 2, or 3 felony as defined by Colorado law
(2) The defen­dant was pre­vi­ous­ly con­vict­ed in this state of a class 1 or 2 felony involv­ing vio­lence as spec­i­fied in sec­tion 18 – 1.3 – 406, or was pre­vi­ous­ly con­vict­ed by anoth­er state or the United States of an offense which would con­sti­tute a class 1 or 2 felony involv­ing vio­lence as defined by Colorado law in sec­tion 18 – 1.3 – 406
(3) The defen­dant inten­tion­al­ly killed any of the fol­low­ing per­sons while the per­son was engaged in the course of the per­for­mance of the per­son­’s offi­cial duties, and the defen­dant knew or rea­son­ably should have known that the vic­tim was a per­son engaged in the per­for­mance of the per­son­’s offi­cial duties, or the vic­tim was inten­tion­al­ly killed in retal­i­a­tion for the per­for­mance of the vic­tim’s official duties:

(I) A peace offi­cer or for­mer peace offi­cer as described in sec­tion 16 – 2.5 – 101, C.R.S.; or
(II) A fire­fight­er as defined in sec­tion 24 – 33.5 – 1202 (4), C.R.S.; or
(II.5) An emer­gency med­ical ser­vice provider, as defined in sec­tion 18 – 3201 (1); or
(III) A judge, ref­er­ee, or for­mer judge or ref­er­ee of any court of record in the state or fed­er­al sys­tem or in any oth­er state court sys­tem or a judge or for­mer judge in any munic­i­pal court in this state or in any oth­er state. For pur­pos­es of this sub­para­graph (III), the term ref­er­ee” shall include a hear­ing offi­cer or any oth­er offi­cer who exer­cis­es judi­cial func­tions.
(IV) An elect­ed state, coun­ty, or munic­i­pal offi­cial; or
(V) A fed­er­al law enforce­ment offi­cer or agent or for­mer fed­er­al law enforce­ment offi­cer or agent

(4) The defen­dant inten­tion­al­ly killed a per­son kid­napped or being held as a hostage by the defen­dant or by any­one asso­ci­at­ed with the defen­dant
(5) The defen­dant has been a par­ty to an agree­ment to kill anoth­er per­son in fur­ther­ance of which a per­son has been inten­tion­al­ly killed
(6) The defen­dant com­mit­ted the offense while lying in wait, from ambush, or by use of an explo­sive or incen­di­ary device or a chem­i­cal, bio­log­i­cal, or radi­o­log­i­cal weapon. As used in this para­graph (f), explo­sive or incen­di­ary device” means:

(I) Dynamite and all oth­er forms of high explo­sives; or
(II) Any explo­sive bomb, grenade, mis­sile, or sim­i­lar device; or
(III) Any incen­di­ary bomb or grenade, fire bomb, or sim­i­lar device, includ­ing any device which con­sists of or includes a break­able con­tain­er includ­ing a flam­ma­ble liq­uid or com­pound, and a wick com­posed of any mate­r­i­al which, when ignit­ed, is capa­ble of ignit­ing such flam­ma­ble liq­uid or com­pound, and can be car­ried or thrown by one indi­vid­ual acting alone.

(7) The defen­dant com­mit­ted a class 1, 2, or 3 felony and, in the course of or in fur­ther­ance of such or imme­di­ate flight there­from, the defen­dant inten­tion­al­ly caused the death of a per­son oth­er than one of the par­tic­i­pants
(8) The class 1 felony was com­mit­ted for pecu­niary gain
(9) In the com­mis­sion of the offense, the defen­dant know­ing­ly cre­at­ed a grave risk of death to anoth­er per­son in addi­tion to the vic­tim of the offense
(10) The defen­dant com­mit­ted the offense in an espe­cial­ly heinous, cru­el, or depraved man­ner
(11) The class 1 felony was com­mit­ted for the pur­pose of avoid­ing or pre­vent­ing a law­ful arrest or pros­e­cu­tion or effect­ing an escape from cus­tody. This fac­tor shall include the inten­tion­al killing of a wit­ness to a crim­i­nal offense.
(12) The defen­dant unlaw­ful­ly and inten­tion­al­ly, know­ing­ly, or with uni­ver­sal mal­ice man­i­fest­ing extreme indif­fer­ence to the val­ue of human life gen­er­al­ly, killed two or more per­sons dur­ing the com­mis­sion of the same crim­i­nal episode
(13) The defen­dant inten­tion­al­ly killed a child who has not yet attained twelve years of age
(14) The defen­dant com­mit­ted the class 1 felony against the vic­tim because of the vic­tim’s race, col­or, ances­try, reli­gion, or nation­al ori­gin
(15) The defen­dan­t’s pos­ses­sion of the weapon used to com­mit the class 1 felony con­sti­tut­ed a felony offense under the laws of this state or the United States
(16) The defen­dant inten­tion­al­ly killed more than one per­son in more than one crim­i­nal episode
(17) The vic­tim was a preg­nant woman, and the defen­dant inten­tion­al­ly killed the vic­tim, know­ing she was pregnant.

Connecticut: (abol­ished death penal­ty in 2012)
(1)The mur­der was espe­cial­ly heinous, atro­cious, cru­el, or depraved (or involved tor­ture)
(2) The cap­i­tal offense was com­mit­ted dur­ing the com­mis­sion of, attempt of, or escape from a spec­i­fied felony (such as rob­bery, kid­nap­ping, rape, sodomy, arson, oral cop­u­la­tion, train wreck­ing, car­jack­ing, crim­i­nal gang activ­i­ty, drug deal­ing, or air­craft pira­cy)
(3) The defen­dant know­ing­ly cre­at­ed a grave risk of death for one or more per­sons in addi­tion to the vic­tim of the offense
(4)The defen­dant com­mit­ted the offense with an assault weapon
(5) The defen­dant caused or direct­ed anoth­er to com­mit mur­der, or the defen­dant pro­cured the com­mis­sion of the offense by pay­ment, promise of pay­ment, or any­thing of pecu­niary val­ue
(6) The defen­dant has been con­vict­ed of, or com­mit­ted, a pri­or mur­der, a felony involv­ing vio­lence, or oth­er seri­ous felony
(7)The defen­dant com­mit­ted the mur­der to avoid arrest for a crim­i­nal act or pre­vent detec­tion of a crim­i­nal act or to ham­per or pre­vent the vic­tim from car­ry­ing out any act with­in the scope of the victim’s offi­cial duties or to retal­i­ate against the vic­tim for the per­for­mance of the victim’s offi­cial duties
(8)Murder of a per­son under 16 years of age
(9) Murders, while the vic­tim was act­ing with­in the scope of his duties, a police offi­cer, Division of Criminal Justice inspec­tor, state mar­shal exer­cis­ing his statu­to­ry author­i­ty, judi­cial mar­shal per­form­ing his duties, con­sta­ble per­form­ing law enforce­ment duties, spe­cial police­man, con­ser­va­tion or spe­cial con­ser­va­tion offi­cer appoint­ed by the envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion com­mis­sion­er, Department of Correction (DOC) employ­ee or ser­vice provider act­ing with­in the scope of his employ­ment in a cor­rec­tion­al facil­i­ty and the per­pe­tra­tor is an inmate, or fire­fight­er;

Delaware: (abol­ished death penal­ty in 2024; death sen­tenc­ing statute struck down in 2016) 11 Del. C. § 4209

(1) The mur­der was com­mit­ted by a per­son in, or who has escaped from, the cus­tody of a law-enforce­ment offi­cer or place of con­fine­ment.
(2) The mur­der was com­mit­ted for the pur­pose of avoid­ing or pre­vent­ing an arrest or for the pur­pose of effect­ing an escape from cus­tody.
(3) The mur­der was com­mit­ted against any law-enforce­ment offi­cer, cor­rec­tions employ­ee, fire­fight­er, para­medic, emer­gency med­ical tech­ni­cian, fire mar­shal or fire police offi­cer while such vic­tim was engaged in the per­for­mance of offi­cial duties.
(4) The mur­der was com­mit­ted against a judi­cial offi­cer, a for­mer judi­cial offi­cer, Attorney General, for­mer Attorney General, Assistant or Deputy Attorney General or for­mer Assistant or Deputy Attorney General, State Detective or for­mer State Detective, Special Investigator or for­mer Special Investigator, dur­ing, or because of, the exer­cise of an offi­cial duty.
(5) The mur­der was com­mit­ted against a per­son who was held or oth­er­wise detained as a shield or hostage.
(6) The mur­der was com­mit­ted against a per­son who was held or detained by the defen­dant for ran­som or reward.
(7) The mur­der was com­mit­ted against a per­son who was a wit­ness to a crime and who was killed for the pur­pose of pre­vent­ing the wit­ness’s appear­ance or tes­ti­mo­ny in any grand jury, crim­i­nal or civ­il pro­ceed­ing involv­ing such crime, or in retal­i­a­tion for the wit­ness’s appear­ance or tes­ti­mo­ny in any grand jury, crim­i­nal or civ­il pro­ceed­ing involv­ing such crime.
(8) The defen­dant paid or was paid by anoth­er per­son or had agreed to pay or be paid by anoth­er per­son or had con­spired to pay or be paid by anoth­er per­son for the killing of the vic­tim.
(9) The defen­dant was pre­vi­ous­ly con­vict­ed of anoth­er mur­der or manslaugh­ter or of a felony involv­ing the use of, or threat of, force or vio­lence upon anoth­er per­son.
(10) The mur­der was com­mit­ted while the defen­dant was engaged in the com­mis­sion of, or attempt to com­mit, or flight after com­mit­ting or attempt­ing to com­mit any degree of rape, unlaw­ful sex­u­al inter­course, arson, kid­nap­ping, rob­bery, sodomy, bur­glary, or home inva­sion.
(11) The defen­dan­t’s course of con­duct result­ed in the deaths of 2 or more per­sons where the deaths are a prob­a­ble con­se­quence of the defen­dan­t’s con­duct.
(12) The mur­der was out­ra­geous­ly or wan­ton­ly vile, hor­ri­ble or inhu­man in that it involved tor­ture, deprav­i­ty of mind, use of an explo­sive device or poi­son or the defen­dant used such means on the vic­tim pri­or to mur­der­ing the vic­tim.
(13) The defen­dant caused or direct­ed anoth­er to com­mit mur­der or com­mit­ted mur­der as an agent or employ­ee of anoth­er per­son.
(14) The defen­dant was under a sen­tence of life impris­on­ment, whether for nat­ur­al life or oth­er­wise, at the time of the com­mis­sion of the mur­der.
(15) The mur­der was com­mit­ted for pecu­niary gain.
(16) The vic­tim was preg­nant.
(17) The vic­tim was par­tic­u­lar­ly vul­ner­a­ble due to a severe intel­lec­tu­al, men­tal or phys­i­cal dis­abil­i­ty.
(18) The vic­tim was 62 years of age or old­er.
(19) The vic­tim was a child 14 years of age or younger, and the mur­der was com­mit­ted by an indi­vid­ual who is at least 4 years old­er than the vic­tim.
(20) At the time of the killing, the vic­tim was or had been a non­govern­men­tal infor­mant or had oth­er­wise pro­vid­ed any inves­tiga­tive, law enforce­ment or police agency with infor­ma­tion con­cern­ing crim­i­nal activ­i­ty, and the killing was in retal­i­a­tion for the vic­tim’s activ­i­ties as a non­govern­men­tal infor­mant or in pro­vid­ing infor­ma­tion con­cern­ing crim­i­nal activ­i­ty to an inves­tiga­tive, law enforce­ment or police agency.
(21) The mur­der was pre­med­i­tat­ed and the result of sub­stan­tial plan­ning. Such plan­ning must be as to the com­mis­sion of the mur­der itself and not sim­ply as to the com­mis­sion or attempt­ed com­mis­sion of any under­ly­ing felony.
(22) The mur­der was com­mit­ted for the pur­pose of inter­fer­ing with the vic­tim’s free exer­cise or enjoy­ment of any right, priv­i­lege or immu­ni­ty pro­tect­ed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, or because the vic­tim has exer­cised or enjoyed said rights, or because of the vic­tim’s race, reli­gion, col­or, dis­abil­i­ty, nation­al ori­gin or ances­try.

Florida: Fl. Stat. 921.141(6)

(1) The cap­i­tal felony was com­mit­ted by a per­son pre­vi­ous­ly con­vict­ed of a felony and under sen­tence of impris­on­ment or placed on com­mu­ni­ty con­trol or on felony pro­ba­tion.
(2) The defen­dant was pre­vi­ous­ly con­vict­ed of anoth­er cap­i­tal felony or of a felony involv­ing the use or threat of vio­lence to the per­son.
(3) The defen­dant know­ing­ly cre­at­ed a great risk of death to many per­sons.
(4) The cap­i­tal felony was com­mit­ted while the defen­dant was engaged, or was an accom­plice, in the com­mis­sion of, or an attempt to com­mit, or flight after com­mit­ting or attempt­ing to com­mit, any: rob­bery; sex­u­al bat­tery; aggra­vat­ed child abuse; abuse of an elder­ly per­son or dis­abled adult result­ing in great bod­i­ly harm, per­ma­nent dis­abil­i­ty, or per­ma­nent dis­fig­ure­ment; arson; bur­glary; kid­nap­ping; air­craft pira­cy; or unlaw­ful throw­ing, plac­ing, or dis­charg­ing of a destruc­tive device or bomb.
(5) The cap­i­tal felony was com­mit­ted for the pur­pose of avoid­ing or pre­vent­ing a law­ful arrest or effect­ing an escape from cus­tody.
(6) The cap­i­tal felony was com­mit­ted for pecu­niary gain.
(7) The cap­i­tal felony was com­mit­ted to dis­rupt or hin­der the law­ful exer­cise of any gov­ern­men­tal func­tion or the enforce­ment of laws.
(8) The cap­i­tal felony was espe­cial­ly heinous, atro­cious, or cru­el.
(9) The cap­i­tal felony was a homi­cide and was com­mit­ted in a cold, cal­cu­lat­ed, and pre­med­i­tat­ed man­ner with­out any pre­tense of moral or legal jus­ti­fi­ca­tion.
(10) The vic­tim of the cap­i­tal felony was a law enforce­ment offi­cer engaged in the per­for­mance of his or her offi­cial duties.
(11) The vic­tim of the cap­i­tal felony was an elect­ed or appoint­ed pub­lic offi­cial engaged in the per­for­mance of his or her offi­cial duties if the motive for the cap­i­tal felony was relat­ed, in whole or in part, to the victim’s offi­cial capac­i­ty.
(12) The vic­tim of the cap­i­tal felony was a per­son less than 12 years of age.
(13) The vic­tim of the cap­i­tal felony was par­tic­u­lar­ly vul­ner­a­ble due to advanced age or dis­abil­i­ty, or because the defen­dant stood in a posi­tion of famil­ial or cus­to­di­al author­i­ty over the vic­tim.
(14) The cap­i­tal felony was com­mit­ted by a crim­i­nal gang mem­ber, as defined in s. 874.03.
(15) The cap­i­tal felony was com­mit­ted by a per­son des­ig­nat­ed as a sex­u­al preda­tor pur­suant to s. 775.21 or a per­son pre­vi­ous­ly des­ig­nat­ed as a sex­u­al preda­tor who had the sex­u­al preda­tor des­ig­na­tion removed.
(16) The cap­i­tal felony was com­mit­ted by a per­son sub­ject to an injunc­tion issued pur­suant to s.741.30 or s. 784.046, or a for­eign pro­tec­tion order accord­ed full faith and cred­it pur­suant to s.741.315, and was com­mit­ted against the peti­tion­er who obtained the injunc­tion or pro­tec­tion order or any spouse, child, sib­ling, or par­ent of the peti­tion­er.

Georgia: GA Code § 17 – 10-30

(1) The offense of mur­der, rape, armed rob­bery, or kid­nap­ping was com­mit­ted by a per­son with a pri­or record of con­vic­tion for a cap­i­tal felony;
(2) The offense of mur­der, rape, armed rob­bery, or kid­nap­ping was com­mit­ted while the offend­er was engaged in the com­mis­sion of anoth­er cap­i­tal felony or aggra­vat­ed bat­tery, or the offense of mur­der was com­mit­ted while the offend­er was engaged in the com­mis­sion of bur­glary or arson in the first degree;
(3) The offend­er, by his act of mur­der, armed rob­bery, or kid­nap­ping, know­ing­ly cre­at­ed a great risk of death to more than one per­son in a pub­lic place by means of a weapon or device which would nor­mal­ly be haz­ardous to the lives of more than one per­son;
(4) The offend­er com­mit­ted the offense of mur­der for him­self or anoth­er, for the pur­pose of receiv­ing mon­ey or any oth­er thing of mon­e­tary val­ue;
(5) The mur­der of a judi­cial offi­cer, for­mer judi­cial offi­cer, dis­trict attor­ney or solic­i­tor-gen­er­al, or for­mer dis­trict attor­ney, solic­i­tor, or solic­i­tor-gen­er­al was com­mit­ted dur­ing or because of the exer­cise of his or her offi­cial duties;
(6) The offend­er caused or direct­ed anoth­er to com­mit mur­der or com­mit­ted mur­der as an agent or employ­ee of anoth­er per­son;
(7) The offense of mur­der, rape, armed rob­bery, or kid­nap­ping was out­ra­geous­ly or wan­ton­ly vile, hor­ri­ble, or inhu­man in that it involved tor­ture, deprav­i­ty of mind, or an aggra­vat­ed bat­tery to the vic­tim;
(8) The offense of mur­der was com­mit­ted against any peace offi­cer, cor­rec­tions employ­ee, or fire­fight­er while engaged in the per­for­mance of his offi­cial duties;
(9) The offense of mur­der was com­mit­ted by a per­son in, or who has escaped from, the law­ful cus­tody of a peace offi­cer or place of law­ful con­fine­ment;
(10) The mur­der was com­mit­ted for the pur­pose of avoid­ing, inter­fer­ing with, or pre­vent­ing a law­ful arrest or cus­tody in a place of law­ful con­fine­ment, of him­self or anoth­er; or
(11) The offense of mur­der, rape, or kid­nap­ping was com­mit­ted by a per­son pre­vi­ous­ly con­vict­ed of rape, aggra­vat­ed sodomy, aggra­vat­ed child molesta­tion, or aggra­vat­ed sex­u­al bat­tery.

Idaho: Idaho Statute 19 – 2515

(1) The defen­dant was pre­vi­ous­ly con­vict­ed of anoth­er mur­der.
(2) At the time the mur­der was com­mit­ted the defen­dant also com­mit­ted anoth­er mur­der.
(3) The defen­dant know­ing­ly cre­at­ed a great risk of death to many per­sons.
(4) The mur­der was com­mit­ted for remu­ner­a­tion or the promise of remu­ner­a­tion or the defen­dant employed anoth­er to com­mit the mur­der for remu­ner­a­tion or the promise of remu­ner­a­tion.
(5) The mur­der was espe­cial­ly heinous, atro­cious or cru­el, man­i­fest­ing excep­tion­al deprav­i­ty.
(6) By the mur­der, or cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing its com­mis­sion, the defen­dant exhib­it­ed utter dis­re­gard for human life.
(7) The mur­der was com­mit­ted in the per­pe­tra­tion of, or attempt to per­pe­trate, arson, rape, rob­bery, bur­glary, kid­nap­ping or may­hem and the defen­dant killed, intend­ed a killing, or act­ed with reck­less indif­fer­ence to human life.
(8) The mur­der was com­mit­ted in the per­pe­tra­tion of, or attempt to per­pe­trate, an infa­mous crime against nature, lewd and las­civ­i­ous con­duct with a minor, sex­u­al abuse of a child under six­teen (16) years of age, rit­u­al­ized abuse of a child, sex­u­al exploita­tion of a child, sex­u­al bat­tery of a minor child six­teen (16) or sev­en­teen (17) years of age, or forcible sex­u­al pen­e­tra­tion by use of a for­eign object, and the defen­dant killed, intend­ed a killing, or act­ed with reck­less indif­fer­ence to human life.
(9) The defen­dant, by his con­duct, whether such con­duct was before, dur­ing or after the com­mis­sion of the mur­der at hand, has exhib­it­ed a propen­si­ty to com­mit mur­der which will prob­a­bly con­sti­tute a con­tin­u­ing threat to soci­ety.
(10) The mur­der was com­mit­ted against a for­mer or present peace offi­cer, exec­u­tive offi­cer, offi­cer of the court, judi­cial offi­cer or pros­e­cut­ing attor­ney because of the exer­cise of offi­cial duty or because of the victim’s for­mer or present offi­cial sta­tus.
(11) The mur­der was com­mit­ted against a wit­ness or poten­tial wit­ness in a crim­i­nal or civ­il legal pro­ceed­ing because of such pro­ceed­ing.

Illinois: (abol­ished death penal­ty in 2011)
(1) Committed the offense while on pro­ba­tion or parole
(2) The mur­der was com­mit­ted for pecu­niary gain or pur­suant to an agree­ment that the defen­dant would receive some­thing of val­ue
(3) The defen­dant caused or direct­ed anoth­er to com­mit mur­der, or the defen­dant pro­cured the com­mis­sion of the offense by pay­ment, promise of pay­ment, or any­thing of pecu­niary val­ue
(4) The defen­dant has been con­vict­ed of, or com­mit­ted, a pri­or mur­der, a felony involv­ing vio­lence, or oth­er seri­ous felony
(5) The cap­i­tal offense was com­mit­ted by a per­son who is incar­cer­at­ed, has escaped, is on pro­ba­tion, is in jail, or is under a sen­tence of impris­on­ment
(6) The defen­dant was a drug deal­er or has pri­or con­vic­tions involv­ing the dis­tri­b­u­tion of a con­trolled sub­stance
(7) The mur­dered indi­vid­ual was under 12 years of age and the death result­ed from excep­tion­al­ly bru­tal or heinous behav­ior indica­tive of wan­ton cru­el­ty
(8) The vic­tim was a gov­ern­ment employ­ee, includ­ing peace offi­cers, police offi­cers, fed­er­al agents, fire­fight­ers, judges, jurors, defense attor­neys, and pros­e­cu­tors, in the course of his or her duties
(9) The vic­tim was a cor­rec­tion­al offi­cer.
(10) The mur­der was com­mit­ted against a wit­ness in a crim­i­nal or civ­il pro­ceed­ing to pre­vent the wit­ness from appear­ing
(11) The mur­der was com­mit­ted as a result of the inten­tion­al dis­charge of a firearm by the defen­dant from a motor vehi­cle and the vic­tim was not present with­in the motor vehi­cle
(12) The defen­dant com­mit­ted trea­son
(13) The defen­dant know­ing­ly or pur­pose­ly and with­out law­ful author­i­ty restrained anoth­er per­son by either secret­ing or hold­ing in a place of iso­la­tion or by using or threat­en­ing to use phys­i­cal force
(14) The mur­dered indi­vid­ual was known by the defen­dant to be a teacher or oth­er per­son employed in any school and the teacher or oth­er employ­ee was on the grounds of the school, or build­ing, or adja­cent sur­round­ings
(15) The mur­der was com­mit­ted by the defen­dant in con­nec­tion with or as a result of the offense of ter­ror­ism
(16) The mur­dered indi­vid­ual was sub­ject to an order of pro­tec­tion and the mur­der was com­mit­ted by a per­son against whom the same order of pro­tec­tion was issued under the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986
(17) The mur­der was com­mit­ted by rea­son of any person’s activ­i­ty as a com­mu­ni­ty-polic­ing vol­un­teer or to pre­vent any per­son from engag­ing in activ­i­ty as a com­mu­ni­ty polic­ing vol­un­teer

Indiana: IC 35 – 502 – 9
(1) The defen­dant com­mit­ted the mur­der by inten­tion­al­ly killing the vic­tim while com­mit­ting or attempt­ing to com­mit any of the following:

(A) Arson (IC 35 – 431 – 1).
(B) Burglary (IC 35 – 432 – 1).
(C) Child molest­ing (IC 35 – 424 – 3).
(D) Criminal devi­ate con­duct (IC 35 – 424 – 2) (before its repeal).
(E) Kidnapping (IC 35 – 423 – 2).
(F) Rape (IC 35 – 424 – 1).
(G) Robbery (IC 35 – 425 – 1).
(H) Carjacking (IC 35 – 425 – 2) (before its repeal).
(I) Criminal gang activ­i­ty (IC 35 – 459 – 3).
(J) Dealing in cocaine or a nar­cot­ic drug (IC 35 – 484 – 1).
(K) Criminal con­fine­ment (IC 35 – 423 – 3).

(2) The defen­dant com­mit­ted the mur­der by the unlaw­ful det­o­na­tion of an explo­sive with intent to injure a per­son or dam­age prop­er­ty.
(3) The defen­dant com­mit­ted the mur­der by lying in wait.
(4) The defen­dant who com­mit­ted the mur­der was hired to kill.
(5) The defen­dant com­mit­ted the mur­der by hir­ing anoth­er per­son to kill.
(6) The vic­tim of the mur­der was a cor­rec­tions employ­ee, pro­ba­tion offi­cer, parole offi­cer, com­mu­ni­ty cor­rec­tions work­er, home deten­tion offi­cer, fire­man, judge, or law enforce­ment offi­cer, and either:

(A) the vic­tim was act­ing in the course of duty; or
(B) the mur­der was moti­vat­ed by an act the vic­tim per­formed while act­ing in the course of duty.

(7) The defen­dant has been con­vict­ed of anoth­er mur­der.
(8) The defen­dant has com­mit­ted anoth­er mur­der, at any time, regard­less of whether the defen­dant has been con­vict­ed of that oth­er mur­der.
(9) The defendant was:

(A) under the cus­tody of the depart­ment of cor­rec­tion;
(B) under the cus­tody of a coun­ty sher­iff;
(C) on pro­ba­tion after receiv­ing a sen­tence for the com­mis­sion of a felony; or
(D) on parole; at the time the mur­der was committed.

(10) The defen­dant dis­mem­bered the vic­tim.
(11) The defen­dant burned, muti­lat­ed, or tor­tured the vic­tim while the vic­tim was alive.
(12) The vic­tim of the mur­der was less than twelve (12) years of age.
(13) The vic­tim was a vic­tim of any of the fol­low­ing offens­es for which the defen­dant was convicted:

(A) Battery com­mit­ted before July 1, 2014, as a Class D felony or as a Class C felony under IC 35 – 422 – 1 or bat­tery com­mit­ted after June 30, 2014, as a Level 6 felony, a Level 5 felony, a Level 4 felony, or a Level 3 felony.
(B) Kidnapping (IC 35 – 423 – 2).
(C) Criminal con­fine­ment (IC 35 – 423 – 3).
(D) A sex crime under IC 35 – 424.

(14) The vic­tim of the mur­der was list­ed by the state or known by the defen­dant to be a wit­ness against the defen­dant and the defen­dant com­mit­ted the mur­der with the intent to pre­vent the per­son from tes­ti­fy­ing.
(15) The defen­dant com­mit­ted the mur­der by inten­tion­al­ly dis­charg­ing a firearm (as defined in IC 35 – 471 – 5):

(A) into an inhab­it­ed dwelling; or
(B) from a vehicle.

(16) The vic­tim of the mur­der was preg­nant and the mur­der result­ed in the inten­tion­al killing of a fetus that has attained via­bil­i­ty (as defined in IC 16 – 182 – 365).

Kansas: KSA 21 – 3439

(1) Intentional and pre­med­i­tat­ed killing of any per­son in the com­mis­sion of kid­nap­ping, as defined in K.S.A. 21 – 3420 and amend­ments there­to, or aggra­vat­ed kid­nap­ping, as defined in K.S.A. 21 – 3421 and amend­ments there­to, when the kid­nap­ping or aggra­vat­ed kid­nap­ping was com­mit­ted with the intent to hold such per­son for ran­som; 
(2) inten­tion­al and pre­med­i­tat­ed killing of any per­son pur­suant to a con­tract or agree­ment to kill such per­son or being a par­ty to the con­tract or agree­ment pur­suant to which such per­son is killed;
(3) inten­tion­al and pre­med­i­tat­ed killing of any per­son by an inmate or pris­on­er con­fined in a state cor­rec­tion­al insti­tu­tion, com­mu­ni­ty cor­rec­tion­al insti­tu­tion or jail or while in the cus­tody of an offi­cer or employ­ee of a state cor­rec­tion­al insti­tu­tion, com­mu­ni­ty cor­rec­tion­al insti­tu­tion or jail;
(4) inten­tion­al and pre­med­i­tat­ed killing of the vic­tim of one of the fol­low­ing crimes in the com­mis­sion of, or sub­se­quent to, such crime: Rape, as defined in K.S.A. 21 – 3502 and amend­ments there­to, crim­i­nal sodomy, as defined in sub­sec­tions (a)(2) or (a)(3) of K.S.A. 21 – 3505 and amend­ments there­to or aggra­vat­ed crim­i­nal sodomy, as defined in K.S.A. 21 – 3506 and amend­ments there­to, or any attempt there­of, as defined in K.S.A. 21 – 3301 and amend­ments there­to;
(5) inten­tion­al and pre­med­i­tat­ed killing of a law enforce­ment offi­cer, as defined in K.S.A. 21 – 3110 and amend­ments there­to;
(6) inten­tion­al and pre­med­i­tat­ed killing of more than one per­son as a part of the same act or trans­ac­tion or in two or more acts or trans­ac­tions con­nect­ed togeth­er or con­sti­tut­ing parts of a com­mon scheme or course of con­duct; or
(7) inten­tion­al and pre­med­i­tat­ed killing of a child under the age of 14 in the com­mis­sion of kid­nap­ping, as defined in K.S.A. 21 – 3420 and amend­ments there­to, or aggra­vat­ed kid­nap­ping, as defined in K.S.A. 21 – 3421 and amend­ments there­to, when the kid­nap­ping or aggra­vat­ed kid­nap­ping was com­mit­ted with intent to com­mit a sex offense upon or with the child or with intent that the child com­mit or sub­mit to a sex offense.

Kentucky: K.S.A. 21 – 6224

21 – 6624. Aggravating cir­cum­stances. Aggravating cir­cum­stances shall be lim­it­ed to the following:

(a) The defen­dant was pre­vi­ous­ly con­vict­ed of a felony in which the defen­dant inflict­ed great bod­i­ly harm, dis­fig­ure­ment, dis­mem­ber­ment or death on anoth­er.
(b) The defen­dant know­ing­ly or pur­pose­ly killed or cre­at­ed a great risk of death to more than one per­son.
(c) The defen­dant com­mit­ted the crime for the defen­dan­t’s self or anoth­er for the pur­pose of receiv­ing mon­ey or any oth­er thing of mon­e­tary val­ue.
(d) The defen­dant autho­rized or employed anoth­er per­son to com­mit the crime.
(e) The defen­dant com­mit­ted the crime in order to avoid or pre­vent a law­ful arrest or pros­e­cu­tion.
(f) The defen­dant com­mit­ted the crime in an espe­cial­ly heinous, atro­cious or cru­el man­ner. A find­ing that the vic­tim was aware of such vic­tim’s fate or had con­scious pain and suf­fer­ing as a result of the phys­i­cal trau­ma that result­ed in the vic­tim’s death is not nec­es­sary to find that the man­ner in which the defen­dant killed the vic­tim was espe­cial­ly heinous, atro­cious or cru­el. Conduct which is heinous, atro­cious or cru­el may include, but is not lim­it­ed to:
(1) Prior stalk­ing of or crim­i­nal threats to the vic­tim;
(2) prepa­ra­tion or plan­ning, indi­cat­ing an inten­tion that the killing was meant to be espe­cial­ly heinous, atro­cious or cru­el;
(3) inflic­tion of men­tal anguish or phys­i­cal abuse before the vic­tim’s death;
(4) tor­ture of the vic­tim;
(5) con­tin­u­ous acts of vio­lence begun before or con­tin­u­ing after the killing;
(6) des­e­cra­tion of the vic­tim’s body in a man­ner indi­cat­ing a par­tic­u­lar deprav­i­ty of mind, either dur­ing or fol­low­ing the killing; or
(7) any oth­er con­duct the tri­er of fact express­ly finds is espe­cial­ly heinous.
(g) The defen­dant com­mit­ted the crime while serv­ing a sen­tence of impris­on­ment on con­vic­tion of a felony.
(h) The vic­tim was killed while engag­ing in, or because of the vic­tim’s per­for­mance or prospec­tive per­for­mance of, the vic­tim’s duties as a wit­ness in a criminal proceeding.

Louisiana: La. R.S. 14:30

(1) When the offend­er has spe­cif­ic intent to kill or to inflict great bod­i­ly harm and is engaged in the per­pe­tra­tion or attempt­ed per­pe­tra­tion of aggra­vat­ed kid­nap­ping, sec­ond degree kid­nap­ping, aggra­vat­ed escape, aggra­vat­ed arson, aggra­vat­ed rape, forcible rape, aggra­vat­ed bur­glary, armed rob­bery, assault by dri­ve-by shoot­ing, first degree rob­bery, sec­ond degree rob­bery, sim­ple rob­bery, ter­ror­ism, cru­el­ty to juve­niles, or sec­ond degree cru­el­ty to juve­niles.
(2) When the offend­er has a spe­cif­ic intent to kill or to inflict great bod­i­ly harm upon a fire­man, peace offi­cer, or civil­ian employ­ee of the Louisiana State Police Crime Laboratory or any oth­er foren­sic lab­o­ra­to­ry engaged in the per­for­mance of his law­ful duties, or when the spe­cif­ic intent to kill or to inflict great bod­i­ly harm is direct­ly relat­ed to the vic­tim’s sta­tus as a fire­man, peace offi­cer, or civil­ian employ­ee.
(3) When the offend­er has a spe­cif­ic intent to kill or to inflict great bod­i­ly harm upon more than one per­son.
(4) When the offend­er has spe­cif­ic intent to kill or inflict great bod­i­ly harm and has offered, has been offered, has giv­en, or has received any­thing of val­ue for the killing.
(5) When the offend­er has the spe­cif­ic intent to kill or to inflict great bod­i­ly harm upon a vic­tim who is under the age of twelve or six­ty-five years of age or old­er.
(6) When the offend­er has the spe­cif­ic intent to kill or to inflict great bod­i­ly harm while engaged in the dis­tri­b­u­tion, exchange, sale, or pur­chase, or any attempt there­of, of a con­trolled dan­ger­ous sub­stance list­ed in Schedules I, II, III, IV, or V of the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law.
(7) When the offend­er has spe­cif­ic intent to kill or to inflict great bod­i­ly harm and is engaged in the activ­i­ties pro­hib­it­ed by R.S. 14:107.1(C)(1).
(8) When the offend­er has spe­cif­ic intent to kill or to inflict great bod­i­ly harm and there has been issued by a judge or mag­is­trate any law­ful order pro­hibit­ing con­tact between the offend­er and the vic­tim in response to threats of phys­i­cal vio­lence or harm which was served on the offend­er and is in effect at the time of the homi­cide.
(9) When the offend­er has spe­cif­ic intent to kill or to inflict great bod­i­ly harm upon a vic­tim who was a wit­ness to a crime or was a mem­ber of the imme­di­ate fam­i­ly of a wit­ness to a crime com­mit­ted on a pri­or occasion and:

(a) The killing was com­mit­ted for the pur­pose of pre­vent­ing or influ­enc­ing the vic­tim’s tes­ti­mo­ny in any crim­i­nal action or pro­ceed­ing whether or not such action or pro­ceed­ing had been com­menced; or
(b) The killing was com­mit­ted for the pur­pose of exact­ing ret­ri­bu­tion for the vic­tim’s prior testimony.

Maryland: (abol­ished death penal­ty in 2013)
(1)The cap­i­tal offense was com­mit­ted dur­ing the com­mis­sion of, attempt of, or escape from a spec­i­fied felony (such as rob­bery, kid­nap­ping, rape, sodomy, arson, oral cop­u­la­tion, train wreck­ing, car­jack­ing, crim­i­nal gang activ­i­ty, drug deal­ing, or air­craft pira­cy)
(2) The defen­dant com­mit­ted or attempt­ed to com­mit more than one mur­der at the same time
(3) The mur­der was com­mit­ted for pecu­niary gain or pur­suant to an agree­ment that the defen­dant would receive some­thing of val­ue
(4) The defen­dant caused or direct­ed anoth­er to com­mit mur­der, or the defen­dant pro­cured the com­mis­sion of the offense by pay­ment, promise of pay­ment, or any­thing of pecu­niary val­ue
(5) The mur­der was com­mit­ted to avoid or pre­vent arrest, to effect an escape, or to con­ceal the com­mis­sion of a crime
(6) The cap­i­tal offense was com­mit­ted by a per­son who is incar­cer­at­ed, has escaped, is on pro­ba­tion, is in jail, or is under a sen­tence of impris­on­ment
(7) The vic­tim was a gov­ern­ment employ­ee, includ­ing peace offi­cers, police offi­cers, fed­er­al agents, fire­fight­ers, judges, jurors, defense attor­neys, and pros­e­cu­tors, in the course of his or her duties
(8)The mur­der was com­mit­ted against a per­son held as a shield, as a hostage, or for ran­som. The vic­tim was a child abduct­ed.

Mississippi: Miss. Code Ann. § 97 – 319(2)

(1) Murder which is per­pe­trat­ed by killing a peace offi­cer or fire­man while such offi­cer or fire­man is act­ing in his offi­cial capac­i­ty or by rea­son of an act per­formed in his offi­cial capac­i­ty, and with knowl­edge that the vic­tim was a peace offi­cer or fire­man. For pur­pos­es of this para­graph, the term peace offi­cer” means any state or fed­er­al law enforce­ment offi­cer, includ­ing, but not lim­it­ed to, a fed­er­al park ranger, the sher­iff of or police offi­cer of a city or town, a con­ser­va­tion offi­cer, a parole offi­cer, a judge, senior sta­tus judge, spe­cial judge, dis­trict attor­ney, legal assis­tant to a dis­trict attor­ney, coun­ty pros­e­cut­ing attor­ney or any oth­er court offi­cial, an agent of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Division of the State Tax Commission, an agent of the Bureau of Narcotics, per­son­nel of the Mississippi Highway Patrol, and the employ­ees of the Department of Corrections who are des­ig­nat­ed as peace offi­cers by the Commissioner of Corrections pur­suant to Section 47 – 554, and the super­in­ten­dent and his deputies, guards, offi­cers and oth­er employ­ees of the Mississippi State Penitentiary;
(2) Murder which is per­pe­trat­ed by a per­son who is under sen­tence of life impris­on­ment;
(3) Murder which is per­pe­trat­ed by use or det­o­na­tion of a bomb or explo­sive device;
(4) Murder which is per­pe­trat­ed by any per­son who has been offered or has received any­thing of val­ue for com­mit­ting the mur­der, and all par­ties to such a mur­der, are guilty as prin­ci­pals;
(5) When done with or with­out any design to effect death, by any per­son engaged in the com­mis­sion of the crime of rape, bur­glary, kid­nap­ping, arson, rob­bery, sex­u­al bat­tery, unnat­ur­al inter­course with any child under the age of twelve (12), or non­con­sen­su­al unnat­ur­al inter­course with mankind, or in any attempt to com­mit such felonies;
(6) When done with or with­out any design to effect death, by any per­son engaged in the com­mis­sion of the crime of felo­nious abuse and/​or bat­tery of a child in vio­la­tion of sub­sec­tion (2) of Section 97 – 539, or in any attempt to com­mit such felony;
(7) Murder which is per­pe­trat­ed on edu­ca­tion­al prop­er­ty as defined in Section 97 – 37-17;
(8) Murder which is per­pe­trat­ed by the killing of any elect­ed offi­cial of a coun­ty, munic­i­pal, state or fed­er­al gov­ern­ment with knowl­edge that the vic­tim was such public official.

Missouri: 565.032.1 RSMO

(1) The offense was com­mit­ted by a per­son with a pri­or record of con­vic­tion for mur­der in the first degree, or the offense was com­mit­ted by a per­son who has one or more seri­ous assaultive crim­i­nal con­vic­tions;
(2) The mur­der in the first degree offense was com­mit­ted while the offend­er was engaged in the com­mis­sion or attempt­ed com­mis­sion of anoth­er unlaw­ful homi­cide;
(3) The offend­er by his or her act of mur­der in the first degree know­ing­ly cre­at­ed a great risk of death to more than one per­son by means of a weapon or device which would nor­mal­ly be haz­ardous to the lives of more than one per­son;
(4) The offend­er com­mit­ted the offense of mur­der in the first degree for him­self or her­self or anoth­er, for the pur­pose of receiv­ing mon­ey or any oth­er thing of mon­e­tary val­ue from the vic­tim of the mur­der or anoth­er;
(5) The mur­der in the first degree was com­mit­ted against a judi­cial offi­cer, for­mer judi­cial offi­cer, pros­e­cut­ing attor­ney or for­mer pros­e­cut­ing attor­ney, cir­cuit attor­ney or for­mer cir­cuit attor­ney, assis­tant pros­e­cut­ing attor­ney or for­mer assis­tant pros­e­cut­ing attor­ney, assis­tant cir­cuit attor­ney or for­mer assis­tant cir­cuit attor­ney, peace offi­cer or for­mer peace offi­cer, elect­ed offi­cial or for­mer elect­ed offi­cial dur­ing or because of the exer­cise of his offi­cial duty;
(6) The offend­er caused or direct­ed anoth­er to com­mit mur­der in the first degree or com­mit­ted mur­der in the first degree as an agent or employ­ee of anoth­er per­son;
(7) The mur­der in the first degree was out­ra­geous­ly or wan­ton­ly vile, hor­ri­ble or inhu­man in that it involved tor­ture, or deprav­i­ty of mind;
(8) The mur­der in the first degree was com­mit­ted against any peace offi­cer, or fire­man while engaged in the per­for­mance of his or her offi­cial duty;
(9) The mur­der in the first degree was com­mit­ted by a per­son in, or who has escaped from, the law­ful cus­tody of a peace offi­cer or place of law­ful con­fine­ment;
(10) The mur­der in the first degree was com­mit­ted for the pur­pose of avoid­ing, inter­fer­ing with, or pre­vent­ing a law­ful arrest or cus­tody in a place of law­ful con­fine­ment, of him­self or her­self or anoth­er;
(11) The mur­der in the first degree was com­mit­ted while the defen­dant was engaged in the per­pe­tra­tion or was aid­ing or encour­ag­ing anoth­er per­son to per­pe­trate or attempt to per­pe­trate a felony of any degree of rape, sodomy, bur­glary, rob­bery, kid­nap­ping, or any felony offense in chap­ter 195 or 579;
(12) The mur­dered indi­vid­ual was a wit­ness or poten­tial wit­ness in any past or pend­ing inves­ti­ga­tion or past or pend­ing pros­e­cu­tion, and was killed as a result of his or her sta­tus as a wit­ness or poten­tial wit­ness;
(13) The mur­dered indi­vid­ual was an employ­ee of an insti­tu­tion or facil­i­ty of the depart­ment of cor­rec­tions of this state or local cor­rec­tion agency and was killed in the course of per­form­ing his or her offi­cial duties, or the mur­dered indi­vid­ual was an inmate of such insti­tu­tion or facil­i­ty;
(14) The mur­dered indi­vid­ual was killed as a result of the hijack­ing of an air­plane, train, ship, bus or oth­er pub­lic con­veyance;
(15) The mur­der was com­mit­ted for the pur­pose of con­ceal­ing or attempt­ing to con­ceal any felony offense defined in chap­ter 195 or 579;
(16) The mur­der was com­mit­ted for the pur­pose of caus­ing or attempt­ing to cause a per­son to refrain from ini­ti­at­ing or aid­ing in the pros­e­cu­tion of a felony offense defined in chap­ter 195 or 579;
(17) The mur­der was com­mit­ted dur­ing the com­mis­sion of an offense which is part of a pat­tern of crim­i­nal street gang activ­i­ty as defined in sec­tion 578.421.

Montana: Mont. Code Ann. § 46 – 18-303

(a) The offense was delib­er­ate homi­cide and was committed:

(i) by an offend­er while in offi­cial deten­tion, as defined in 45 – 2101
(ii) by an offend­er who had been pre­vi­ous­ly con­vict­ed of anoth­er delib­er­ate homi­cide; 
(iii) by means of tor­ture; 
(iv) by an offend­er lying in wait or ambush; 
(v) as a part of a scheme or oper­a­tion that, if com­plet­ed, would result in the death of more than one per­son; or 
(vi) by an offend­er dur­ing the course of com­mit­ting sex­u­al assault, sex­u­al inter­course with­out con­sent, devi­ate sex­u­al con­duct, or incest, and the vic­tim was less than 18 years of age.

(b) The offense was delib­er­ate homi­cide, as defined in 45 – 5102(1)(a), and the vic­tim was a peace offi­cer killed while per­form­ing the officer’s duty.

(2) The offense was aggra­vat­ed kid­nap­ping that result­ed in the death of the vic­tim or the death by direct action of the offend­er of a per­son who res­cued or attempt­ed to res­cue the vic­tim. 
(3) The offense was attempt­ed delib­er­ate homi­cide, aggra­vat­ed assault, or aggra­vat­ed kid­nap­ping com­mit­ted while in offi­cial deten­tion, as defined in 45 – 2101, by an offend­er who has been previously:

(a) con­vict­ed of the offense of delib­er­ate homi­cide; or 
(b) found to be a per­sis­tent felony offend­er pur­suant to part 5 of this chap­ter, and one of the con­vic­tions was for an offense against the per­son in vio­la­tion of Title 45, chap­ter 5, for which the min­i­mum prison term is not less than 2 years.

(4) The offense was sex­u­al inter­course with­out con­sent, the offend­er has a pre­vi­ous con­vic­tion of sex­u­al inter­course with­out con­sent in this state or of an offense under the laws of anoth­er state or of the United States that if com­mit­ted in this state would be the offense of sex­u­al inter­course with­out con­sent, and the offend­er inflict­ed seri­ous bod­i­ly injury upon a per­son in the course of com­mit­ting each offense.

Nebraska: Nebraska Revised Statute 29 – 2523

(1) The offend­er was pre­vi­ous­ly con­vict­ed of anoth­er mur­der or a crime involv­ing the use or threat of vio­lence to the per­son, or has a sub­stan­tial pri­or his­to­ry of seri­ous assaultive or ter­ror­iz­ing crim­i­nal activ­i­ty;
(2) The mur­der was com­mit­ted in an effort to con­ceal the com­mis­sion of a crime, or to con­ceal the iden­ti­ty of the per­pe­tra­tor of such crime;
(3) The mur­der was com­mit­ted for hire, or for pecu­niary gain, or the defen­dant hired anoth­er to com­mit the mur­der for the defen­dant;
(4) The mur­der was espe­cial­ly heinous, atro­cious, cru­el, or man­i­fest­ed excep­tion­al deprav­i­ty by ordi­nary stan­dards of moral­i­ty and intel­li­gence;
(5) At the time the mur­der was com­mit­ted, the offend­er also com­mit­ted anoth­er mur­der;
(6) The offend­er know­ing­ly cre­at­ed a great risk of death to at least sev­er­al per­sons;
(7) The vic­tim was a pub­lic ser­vant hav­ing law­ful cus­tody of the offend­er or anoth­er in the law­ful per­for­mance of his or her offi­cial duties and the offend­er knew or should have known that the vic­tim was a pub­lic ser­vant per­form­ing his or her offi­cial duties;
(8) The mur­der was com­mit­ted know­ing­ly to dis­rupt or hin­der the law­ful exer­cise of any gov­ern­men­tal func­tion or the enforce­ment of the laws; or
(9) The vic­tim was a law enforce­ment offi­cer engaged in the law­ful per­for­mance of his or her offi­cial duties as a law enforce­ment offi­cer and the offend­er knew or rea­son­ably should have known that the vic­tim was a law enforce­ment offi­cer.

Nevada: NRS 200.033

(1) The mur­der was com­mit­ted by a per­son under sen­tence of impris­on­ment.
(2) The mur­der was com­mit­ted by a per­son who, at any time before a penal­ty hear­ing is con­duct­ed for the mur­der pur­suant to NRS 175.552, is or has been convicted of:

(a) Another mur­der and the pro­vi­sions of sub­sec­tion 12 do not oth­er­wise apply to that oth­er mur­der; or
(b) A felony involv­ing the use or threat of vio­lence to the per­son of anoth­er and the pro­vi­sions of sub­sec­tion 4 do not oth­er­wise apply to that felony.

(3) The mur­der was com­mit­ted by a per­son who know­ing­ly cre­at­ed a great risk of death to more than one per­son by means of a weapon, device or course of action which would nor­mal­ly be haz­ardous to the lives of more than one per­son.
(4) The mur­der was com­mit­ted while the per­son was engaged, alone or with oth­ers, in the com­mis­sion of, or an attempt to com­mit or flight after com­mit­ting or attempt­ing to com­mit, any rob­bery, arson in the first degree, bur­glary, inva­sion of the home or kid­nap­ping in the first degree, and the person charged:

(a) Killed or attempt­ed to kill the per­son mur­dered; or
(b) Knew or had rea­son to know that life would be tak­en or lethal force used.

(5) The mur­der was com­mit­ted to avoid or pre­vent a law­ful arrest or to effect an escape from cus­tody.
(6) The mur­der was com­mit­ted by a per­son, for him­self or her­self or anoth­er, to receive mon­ey or any oth­er thing of mon­e­tary val­ue.
(7) The mur­der was com­mit­ted upon a peace offi­cer or fire­fight­er who was killed while engaged in the per­for­mance of his or her offi­cial duty or because of an act per­formed in his or her offi­cial capac­i­ty, and the defen­dant knew or rea­son­ably should have known that the vic­tim was a peace offi­cer or fire­fight­er. For the pur­pos­es of this sub­sec­tion, peace offi­cer” means:

(a) An employ­ee of the Department of Corrections who does not exer­cise gen­er­al con­trol over offend­ers impris­oned with­in the insti­tu­tions and facil­i­ties of the Department, but whose nor­mal duties require the employ­ee to come into con­tact with those offend­ers when car­ry­ing out the duties pre­scribed by the Director of the Department.
(b) Any per­son upon whom some or all of the pow­ers of a peace offi­cer are con­ferred pur­suant to NRS 289.150 to 289.360, inclu­sive, when car­ry­ing out those powers.

(8) The mur­der involved tor­ture or the muti­la­tion of the vic­tim.
(9) The mur­der was com­mit­ted upon one or more per­sons at ran­dom and with­out appar­ent motive.
(10) The mur­der was com­mit­ted upon a per­son less than 14 years of age.
(11) The mur­der was com­mit­ted upon a per­son because of the actu­al or per­ceived race, col­or, reli­gion, nation­al ori­gin, phys­i­cal or men­tal dis­abil­i­ty or sex­u­al ori­en­ta­tion of that per­son.
(12) The defen­dant has, in the imme­di­ate pro­ceed­ing, been con­vict­ed of more than one offense of mur­der in the first or sec­ond degree. For the pur­pos­es of this sub­sec­tion, a per­son shall be deemed to have been con­vict­ed of a mur­der at the time the jury ver­dict of guilt is ren­dered or upon pro­nounce­ment of guilt by a judge or judges sit­ting with­out a jury.
(13) The per­son, alone or with oth­ers, sub­ject­ed or attempt­ed to sub­ject the vic­tim of the mur­der to non­con­sen­su­al sex­u­al pen­e­tra­tion imme­di­ate­ly before, dur­ing or imme­di­ate­ly after the com­mis­sion of the mur­der. For the pur­pos­es of this subsection:

(a) Nonconsensual” means against the victim’s will or under con­di­tions in which the per­son knows or rea­son­ably should know that the vic­tim is men­tal­ly or phys­i­cal­ly inca­pable of resist­ing, con­sent­ing or under­stand­ing the nature of his or her con­duct, includ­ing, but not lim­it­ed to, con­di­tions in which the per­son knows or rea­son­ably should know that the vic­tim is dead.
(b) Sexual pen­e­tra­tion” means cun­nilin­gus, fel­la­tio or any intru­sion, how­ev­er slight, of any part of the victim’s body or any object manip­u­lat­ed or insert­ed by a per­son, alone or with oth­ers, into the gen­i­tal or anal open­ings of the body of the vic­tim, whether or not the vic­tim is alive. The term includes, but is not lim­it­ed to, anal inter­course and sex­u­al inter­course in what would be its ordinary meaning.

(14) The mur­der was com­mit­ted on the prop­er­ty of a pub­lic or pri­vate school, at an activ­i­ty spon­sored by a pub­lic or pri­vate school or on a school bus while the bus was engaged in its offi­cial duties by a per­son who intend­ed to cre­ate a great risk of death or sub­stan­tial bod­i­ly harm to more than one per­son by means of a weapon, device or course of action that would nor­mal­ly be haz­ardous to the lives of more than one per­son. For the pur­pos­es of this sub­sec­tion, school bus” has the mean­ing ascribed to it in NRS 483.160.
(15) The mur­der was com­mit­ted with the intent to com­mit, cause, aid, fur­ther or con­ceal an act of ter­ror­ism. For the pur­pos­es of this sub­sec­tion, act of ter­ror­ism” has the mean­ing ascribed to it in NRS 202.4415.

New Hampshire: RSA 630:1 (death penal­ty abol­ished, May 2019)

A per­son is guilty of cap­i­tal mur­der if he know­ing­ly caus­es the death of:
(1) A law enforce­ment offi­cer or a judi­cial offi­cer act­ing in the line of duty or when the death is caused as a con­se­quence of or in retal­i­a­tion for such per­son­’s actions in the line of duty;
(2) Another before, after, while engaged in the com­mis­sion of, or while attempt­ing to com­mit kid­nap­ping as that offense is defined in RSA 633:1;
(3) Another by crim­i­nal­ly solic­it­ing a per­son to cause said death or after hav­ing been crim­i­nal­ly solicit­ed by anoth­er for his per­son­al pecu­niary gain;
(4) Another after being sen­tenced to life impris­on­ment with­out parole pur­suant to RSA 630:1‑a, III;
(5) Another before, after, while engaged in the com­mis­sion of, or while attempt­ing to com­mit aggra­vat­ed felo­nious sex­u­al assault as defined in RSA 632‑A:2;
(6) Another before, after, while engaged in the com­mis­sion of, or while attempt­ing to com­mit an offense pun­ish­able under RSA 318‑B:26, I(a) or (b); or
(7) Another, who is licensed or priv­i­leged to be with­in an occu­pied struc­ture, or sep­a­rate­ly secured or occu­pied sec­tion there­of, before, after, or while in the com­mis­sion of, or while attempt­ing to com­mit, bur­glary as defined in RSA 635:1.

New Jersey: (death penal­ty abol­ished, Dec. 2007)
(1)The mur­der was espe­cial­ly heinous, atro­cious, cru­el or depraved (or involved tor­ture)
(2) The cap­i­tal offense was com­mit­ted dur­ing the com­mis­sion of, attempt of, or escape from a spec­i­fied felony (such as rob­bery, kid­nap­ping, rape, sodomy, arson, oral cop­u­la­tion, train wreck­ing, car­jack­ing, crim­i­nal gang activ­i­ty, drug deal­ing, or air­craft pira­cy)
(3) The defen­dant know­ing­ly cre­at­ed a grave risk of death for one or more per­sons in addi­tion to the vic­tim of the offense
(4) The mur­der was com­mit­ted by means of a bomb, destruc­tive device, explo­sive, or sim­i­lar device
(5) The mur­der was com­mit­ted for pecu­niary gain or pur­suant to an agree­ment that the defen­dant would receive some­thing of val­ue
(6) The defen­dant caused or direct­ed anoth­er to com­mit mur­der, or the defen­dant pro­cured the com­mis­sion of the offense by pay­ment, promise of pay­ment, or any­thing of pecu­niary val­ue
(7) The mur­der was com­mit­ted to avoid or pre­vent arrest, to effect an escape, or to con­ceal the com­mis­sion of a crime
(8) The defen­dant has been con­vict­ed of, or com­mit­ted, a pri­or mur­der, a felony involv­ing vio­lence, or oth­er seri­ous felony
(9) The defen­dant was a drug deal­er or has pri­or con­vic­tions involv­ing the dis­tri­b­u­tion of a con­trolled sub­stance as a leader of a nar­cotics traf­fick­ing net­work or at the direc­tion of a leader of a nar­cotics traf­fick­ing net­work
(10)The vic­tim was less than 14 years old
(11)The defen­dant mur­dered a pub­lic ser­vant while the vic­tim was engaged in the per­for­mance of his offi­cial duties, or because of the victim’s sta­tus as a pub­lic ser­vant
(12)The mur­der was com­mit­ted dur­ing the com­mis­sion of, or an attempt to com­mit, or flight after com­mit­ting or attempt­ing to com­mit, ter­ror­ism
(13)Murder was com­mit­ted dur­ing the crime of con­tempt in vio­la­tion of an order of pro­tec­tion for domestic violence

New Mexico: (death penal­ty abol­ished 2009)
(1)The cap­i­tal offense was com­mit­ted dur­ing the com­mis­sion of, attempt of, or escape from a spec­i­fied felony (such as rob­bery, kid­nap­ping, rape, sodomy, arson, oral cop­u­la­tion, train wreck­ing, car­jack­ing, crim­i­nal gang activ­i­ty, drug deal­ing, or air­craft pira­cy)
(2) The mur­der was com­mit­ted for pecu­niary gain or pur­suant to an agree­ment that the defen­dant would receive some­thing of val­ue
(3) The defen­dant caused or direct­ed anoth­er to com­mit mur­der, or the defen­dant pro­cured the com­mis­sion of the offense by pay­ment, promise of pay­ment, or any­thing of pecu­niary val­ue
(4) The mur­der was com­mit­ted to avoid or pre­vent arrest, to effect an escape, or to con­ceal the com­mis­sion of a crime
(5) The cap­i­tal offense was com­mit­ted by a per­son who is incar­cer­at­ed, has escaped, is on pro­ba­tion, is in jail, or is under a sen­tence of impris­on­ment
(6)The vic­tim was a peace offi­cer who was act­ing in the law­ful dis­charge of an offi­cial duty when he was mur­dered
(7)The defen­dant with the intent to kill mur­dered an employ­ee of the cor­rec­tions and crim­i­nal reha­bil­i­ta­tion depart­ment
(8)The mur­der was com­mit­ted against a wit­ness or a poten­tial wit­ness in a crim­i­nal or civ­il pro­ceed­ing to pre­vent the wit­ness from appear­ing, or for revenge
(9)The defen­dant engaged in espionage

New York: (no valid death penal­ty statute)
(1)The mur­der was espe­cial­ly heinous, atro­cious, cru­el or depraved (or involved tor­ture)
(2) The cap­i­tal offense was com­mit­ted dur­ing the com­mis­sion of, attempt of, or escape from a spec­i­fied felony (such as rob­bery, kid­nap­ping, rape, sodomy, arson, oral cop­u­la­tion, train wreck­ing, car­jack­ing, crim­i­nal gang activ­i­ty, drug deal­ing, or air­craft pira­cy)
(3) The defen­dant com­mit­ted or attempt­ed to com­mit more than one mur­der at the same time
(4) The mur­der was com­mit­ted for pecu­niary gain or pur­suant to an agree­ment that the defen­dant would receive some­thing of val­ue
(5) The defen­dant caused or direct­ed anoth­er to com­mit mur­der, or the defen­dant pro­cured the com­mis­sion of the offense by pay­ment, promise of pay­ment, or any­thing of pecu­niary val­ue
(6) The defen­dant has been con­vict­ed of, or com­mit­ted, a pri­or mur­der, a felony involv­ing vio­lence, or oth­er seri­ous felony
(7) The cap­i­tal offense was com­mit­ted by a per­son who is incar­cer­at­ed, has escaped, is on pro­ba­tion, is in jail, or is under a sen­tence of impris­on­ment
(8)The vic­tim was a police offi­cer or a peace offi­cer who was engaged in his offi­cial duties at the time of the killing and the defen­dant knew or rea­son­ably should have known that the intend­ed vic­tim was such an offi­cer
(9)The vic­tim was a cor­rec­tion­al offi­cer
(10) The mur­der was com­mit­ted against a wit­ness, a poten­tial wit­ness, or a fam­i­ly mem­ber of a wit­ness in a crim­i­nal or civ­il pro­ceed­ing to pre­vent the wit­ness from appear­ing, or for revenge
(11)The vic­tim was killed in fur­ther­ance of an act of terrorism

North Carolina: NCGS §15A-2000

(1) The cap­i­tal felony was com­mit­ted by a per­son law­ful­ly incar­cer­at­ed.
(2) The defen­dant had been pre­vi­ous­ly con­vict­ed of anoth­er cap­i­tal felony or had been pre­vi­ous­ly adju­di­cat­ed delin­quent in a juve­nile pro­ceed­ing for com­mit­ting an offense that would be a cap­i­tal felony if com­mit­ted by an adult.
(3) The defen­dant had been pre­vi­ous­ly con­vict­ed of a felony involv­ing the use or threat of vio­lence to the per­son or had been pre­vi­ous­ly adju­di­cat­ed delin­quent in a juve­nile pro­ceed­ing for com­mit­ting an offense that would be a Class A, B1, B2, C, D, or E felony involv­ing the use or threat of vio­lence to the per­son if the offense had been com­mit­ted by an adult.
(4) The cap­i­tal felony was com­mit­ted for the pur­pose of avoid­ing or pre­vent­ing a law­ful arrest or effect­ing an escape from cus­tody.
(5) The cap­i­tal felony was com­mit­ted while the defen­dant was engaged, or was an aider or abet­tor, in the com­mis­sion of, or an attempt to com­mit, or flight after com­mit­ting or attempt­ing to com­mit, any homi­cide, rob­bery, rape or a sex offense, arson, bur­glary, kid­nap­ping, or air­craft pira­cy or the unlaw­ful throw­ing, plac­ing, or dis­charg­ing of a destruc­tive device or bomb.
(6) The cap­i­tal felony was com­mit­ted for pecu­niary gain.
(7) The cap­i­tal felony was com­mit­ted to dis­rupt or hin­der the law­ful exer­cise of any gov­ern­men­tal func­tion or the enforce­ment of laws.
(8) The cap­i­tal felony was com­mit­ted against a law-enforce­ment offi­cer, employ­ee of the Division of Adult Correction of the Department of Public Safety, jail­er, fire­man, judge or jus­tice, for­mer judge or jus­tice, pros­e­cu­tor or for­mer pros­e­cu­tor, juror or for­mer juror, or wit­ness or for­mer wit­ness against the defen­dant, while engaged in the per­for­mance of his offi­cial duties or because of the exer­cise of his offi­cial duty.
(9) The cap­i­tal felony was espe­cial­ly heinous, atro­cious, or cru­el.
(10) The defen­dant know­ing­ly cre­at­ed a great risk of death to more than one per­son by means of a weapon or device which would nor­mal­ly be haz­ardous to the lives of more than one per­son.
(11) The mur­der for which the defen­dant stands con­vict­ed was part of a course of con­duct in which the defen­dant engaged and which includ­ed the com­mis­sion by the defen­dant of oth­er crimes of vio­lence against anoth­er per­son or per­sons.

O.R.C. secs. 2903.01, 2929.02, and 2929.04

(1) The offense was the assas­si­na­tion of the pres­i­dent of the United States or a per­son in line of suc­ces­sion to the pres­i­den­cy, the gov­er­nor or lieu­tenant gov­er­nor of this state, the pres­i­dent-elect or vice pres­i­dent-elect of the United States, the gov­er­nor-elect or lieu­tenant gov­er­nor-elect of this state, or a can­di­date for any of the offices described in this divi­sion. For pur­pos­es of this divi­sion, a per­son is a can­di­date if the per­son has been nom­i­nat­ed for elec­tion accord­ing to law, if the per­son has filed a peti­tion or peti­tions accord­ing to law to have the per­son­’s name placed on the bal­lot in a pri­ma­ry or gen­er­al elec­tion, or if the per­son cam­paigns as a write-in can­di­date in a pri­ma­ry or gen­er­al elec­tion.
(2) The offense was com­mit­ted for hire.
(3) The offense was com­mit­ted for the pur­pose of escap­ing detec­tion, appre­hen­sion, tri­al, or pun­ish­ment for anoth­er offense com­mit­ted by the offend­er.
(4) The offense was com­mit­ted while the offend­er was under deten­tion or while the offend­er was at large after hav­ing bro­ken deten­tion. As used in divi­sion (A)(4) of this sec­tion, deten­tion” has the same mean­ing as in sec­tion 2921.01 of the Revised Code, except that deten­tion does not include hos­pi­tal­iza­tion, insti­tu­tion­al­iza­tion, or con­fine­ment in a men­tal health facil­i­ty or intel­lec­tu­al dis­abil­i­ties facil­i­ty unless at the time of the com­mis­sion of the offense either of the fol­low­ing circumstances apply:

(a) The offend­er was in the facil­i­ty as a result of being charged with a vio­la­tion of a sec­tion of the Revised Code.
(b) The offend­er was under deten­tion as a result of being con­vict­ed of or plead­ing guilty to a vio­la­tion of a sec­tion of the Revised Code.

(5) Prior to the offense at bar, the offend­er was con­vict­ed of an offense an essen­tial ele­ment of which was the pur­pose­ful killing of or attempt to kill anoth­er, or the offense at bar was part of a course of con­duct involv­ing the pur­pose­ful killing of or attempt to kill two or more per­sons by the offend­er.
(6) The vic­tim of the offense was a law enforce­ment offi­cer, as defined in sec­tion 2911.01 of the Revised Code, whom the offend­er had rea­son­able cause to know or knew to be a law enforce­ment offi­cer as so defined, and either the vic­tim, at the time of the com­mis­sion of the offense, was engaged in the vic­tim’s duties, or it was the offend­er’s spe­cif­ic pur­pose to kill a law enforce­ment offi­cer as so defined.
(7) The offense was com­mit­ted while the offend­er was com­mit­ting, attempt­ing to com­mit, or flee­ing imme­di­ate­ly after com­mit­ting or attempt­ing to com­mit kid­nap­ping, rape, aggra­vat­ed arson, aggra­vat­ed rob­bery, or aggra­vat­ed bur­glary, and either the offend­er was the prin­ci­pal offend­er in the com­mis­sion of the aggra­vat­ed mur­der or, if not the prin­ci­pal offend­er, com­mit­ted the aggra­vat­ed mur­der with pri­or cal­cu­la­tion and design.
(8) The vic­tim of the aggra­vat­ed mur­der was a wit­ness to an offense who was pur­pose­ly killed to pre­vent the vic­tim’s tes­ti­mo­ny in any crim­i­nal pro­ceed­ing and the aggra­vat­ed mur­der was not com­mit­ted dur­ing the com­mis­sion, attempt­ed com­mis­sion, or flight imme­di­ate­ly after the com­mis­sion or attempt­ed com­mis­sion of the offense to which the vic­tim was a wit­ness, or the vic­tim of the aggra­vat­ed mur­der was a wit­ness to an offense and was pur­pose­ly killed in retal­i­a­tion for the vic­tim’s tes­ti­mo­ny in any crim­i­nal pro­ceed­ing.
(9) The offend­er, in the com­mis­sion of the offense, pur­pose­ful­ly caused the death of anoth­er who was under thir­teen years of age at the time of the com­mis­sion of the offense, and either the offend­er was the prin­ci­pal offend­er in the com­mis­sion of the offense or, if not the prin­ci­pal offend­er, com­mit­ted the offense with pri­or cal­cu­la­tion and design.
(10) The offense was com­mit­ted while the offend­er was com­mit­ting, attempt­ing to com­mit, or flee­ing imme­di­ate­ly after com­mit­ting or attempt­ing to commit terrorism.

Oklahoma: 21 Okl. St. Ann. § 701.12

(1) The defen­dant was pre­vi­ous­ly con­vict­ed of a felony involv­ing the use or threat of vio­lence to the per­son;
(2) The defen­dant know­ing­ly cre­at­ed a great risk of death to more than one per­son;
(3) The per­son com­mit­ted the mur­der for remu­ner­a­tion or the promise of remu­ner­a­tion or employed anoth­er to com­mit the mur­der for remu­ner­a­tion or the promise of remu­ner­a­tion;
(4) The mur­der was espe­cial­ly heinous, atro­cious, or cru­el;
(5) The mur­der was com­mit­ted for the pur­pose of avoid­ing or pre­vent­ing a law­ful arrest or pros­e­cu­tion;
(6) The mur­der was com­mit­ted by a per­son while serv­ing a sen­tence of impris­on­ment on con­vic­tion of a felony;
(7) The exis­tence of a prob­a­bil­i­ty that the defen­dant would com­mit crim­i­nal acts of vio­lence that would con­sti­tute a con­tin­u­ing threat to soci­ety; or
(8) The vic­tim of the mur­der was a peace offi­cer as defined by Section 99 of this title, or cor­rec­tion­al employ­ee of an insti­tu­tion under the con­trol of the Department of Corrections, and such per­son was killed while in per­for­mance of offi­cial duty.

ORS 163.095

(1) The defen­dant com­mit­ted the mur­der pur­suant to an agree­ment that the defen­dant receive mon­ey or oth­er thing of val­ue for com­mit­ting the mur­der.
(2) The defen­dant solicit­ed anoth­er to com­mit the mur­der and paid or agreed to pay the per­son mon­ey or oth­er thing of val­ue for com­mit­ting the mur­der.
(3) The defen­dant com­mit­ted mur­der after hav­ing been con­vict­ed pre­vi­ous­ly in any juris­dic­tion of any homi­cide, the ele­ments of which con­sti­tute the crime of mur­der as defined in ORS 163.115 (Murder) or manslaugh­ter in the first degree as defined in ORS 163.118 (Manslaughter in the first degree).
(4) There was more than one mur­der vic­tim in the same crim­i­nal episode as defined in ORS 131.505 (Definitions for ORS 131.505 to 131.525).
(5) The homi­cide occurred in the course of or as a result of inten­tion­al maim­ing or tor­ture of the vic­tim.
(6) The vic­tim of the inten­tion­al homi­cide was a per­son under the age of 14 years.
(7) The vic­tim was one of the fol­low­ing and the mur­der was relat­ed to the per­for­mance of the victim’s offi­cial duties in the justice system:

(A) A police offi­cer as defined in ORS 181A.355 (Definitions for ORS 181A.355 to 181A.670);
(B) A cor­rec­tion­al, parole and pro­ba­tion offi­cer or oth­er per­son charged with the duty of cus­tody, con­trol or super­vi­sion of con­vict­ed per­sons;
(C) A mem­ber of the Oregon State Police;
(D) A judi­cial offi­cer as defined in ORS 1.210 (Judicial offi­cer defined);
(E) A juror or wit­ness in a crim­i­nal pro­ceed­ing;
(F) An employ­ee or offi­cer of a court of jus­tice;
(G) A mem­ber of the State Board of Parole and Post-Prison Supervision; or
(H) A regulatory specialist.

(8) The defen­dant was con­fined in a state, coun­ty or munic­i­pal penal or cor­rec­tion­al facil­i­ty or was oth­er­wise in cus­tody when the mur­der occurred.
(9) The defen­dant com­mit­ted mur­der by means of an explo­sive as defined in ORS 164.055 (Theft in the first degree).
(10) Notwithstanding ORS 163.115 (Murder) (1)(b), the defen­dant per­son­al­ly and inten­tion­al­ly com­mit­ted the homi­cide under the cir­cum­stances set forth in ORS 163.115 (Murder) (1)(b).
(11) The mur­der was com­mit­ted in an effort to con­ceal the com­mis­sion of a crime, or to con­ceal the iden­ti­ty of the per­pe­tra­tor of a crime.
(12) The mur­der was com­mit­ted after the defen­dant had escaped from a state, coun­ty or munic­i­pal penal or cor­rec­tion­al facil­i­ty and before the defen­dant had been returned to the cus­tody of the facility.

Pennsylvania: 42 Pa.C.S. § 9711

(1) The vic­tim was a fire­fight­er, peace offi­cer, pub­lic ser­vant con­cerned in offi­cial deten­tion, as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 5121 (relat­ing to escape), judge of any court in the uni­fied judi­cial sys­tem, the Attorney General of Pennsylvania, a deputy attor­ney gen­er­al, dis­trict attor­ney, assis­tant dis­trict attor­ney, mem­ber of the General Assembly, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Auditor General, State Treasurer, State law enforce­ment offi­cial, local law enforce­ment offi­cial, Federal law enforce­ment offi­cial or per­son employed to assist or assist­ing any law enforce­ment offi­cial in the per­for­mance of his duties, who was killed in the per­for­mance of his duties or as a result of his offi­cial posi­tion.
(2) The defen­dant paid or was paid by anoth­er per­son or had con­tract­ed to pay or be paid by anoth­er per­son or had con­spired to pay or be paid by anoth­er per­son for the killing of the vic­tim.
(3) The vic­tim was being held by the defen­dant for ran­som or reward, or as a shield or hostage.
(4) The death of the vic­tim occurred while defen­dant was engaged in the hijack­ing of an air­craft.
(5) The vic­tim was a pros­e­cu­tion wit­ness to a mur­der or oth­er felony com­mit­ted by the defen­dant and was killed for the pur­pose of pre­vent­ing his tes­ti­mo­ny against the defen­dant in any grand jury or crim­i­nal pro­ceed­ing involv­ing such offens­es.
(6) The defen­dant com­mit­ted a killing while in the per­pe­tra­tion of a felony.
(7) In the com­mis­sion of the offense the defen­dant know­ing­ly cre­at­ed a grave risk of death to anoth­er per­son in addi­tion to the vic­tim of the offense.
(8) The offense was com­mit­ted by means of tor­ture.
(9) The defen­dant has a sig­nif­i­cant his­to­ry of felony con­vic­tions involv­ing the use or threat of vio­lence to the per­son.
(10) The defen­dant has been con­vict­ed of anoth­er Federal or State offense, com­mit­ted either before or at the time of the offense at issue, for which a sen­tence of life impris­on­ment or death was impos­able or the defen­dant was under­go­ing a sen­tence of life impris­on­ment for any rea­son at the time of the com­mis­sion of the offense.
(11) The defen­dant has been con­vict­ed of anoth­er mur­der com­mit­ted in any juris­dic­tion and com­mit­ted either before or at the time of the offense at issue.
(12) The defen­dant has been con­vict­ed of vol­un­tary manslaugh­ter, as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 2503 (relat­ing to vol­un­tary manslaugh­ter), or a sub­stan­tial­ly equiv­a­lent crime in any oth­er juris­dic­tion, com­mit­ted either before or at the time of the offense at issue.
(13) The defen­dant com­mit­ted the killing or was an accom­plice in the killing, as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 306(c) (relat­ing to lia­bil­i­ty for con­duct of anoth­er; com­plic­i­ty), while in the per­pe­tra­tion of a felony under the pro­vi­sions of the act of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act, and pun­ish­able under the pro­vi­sions of 18 Pa.C.S. § 7508 (relat­ing to drug traf­fick­ing sen­tenc­ing and penal­ties).
(14) At the time of the killing, the vic­tim was or had been involved, asso­ci­at­ed or in com­pe­ti­tion with the defen­dant in the sale, man­u­fac­ture, dis­tri­b­u­tion or deliv­ery of any con­trolled sub­stance or coun­ter­feit con­trolled sub­stance in vio­la­tion of The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act or sim­i­lar law of any oth­er state, the District of Columbia or the United States, and the defen­dant com­mit­ted the killing or was an accom­plice to the killing as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 306(c), and the killing result­ed from or was relat­ed to that asso­ci­a­tion, involve­ment or com­pe­ti­tion to pro­mote the defen­dan­t’s activ­i­ties in sell­ing, man­u­fac­tur­ing, dis­trib­ut­ing or deliv­er­ing con­trolled sub­stances or coun­ter­feit con­trolled sub­stances.
(15) At the time of the killing, the vic­tim was or had been a non­govern­men­tal infor­mant or had oth­er­wise pro­vid­ed any inves­tiga­tive, law enforce­ment or police agency with infor­ma­tion con­cern­ing crim­i­nal activ­i­ty and the defen­dant com­mit­ted the killing or was an accom­plice to the killing as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 306(c), and the killing was in retal­i­a­tion for the vic­tim’s activ­i­ties as a non­govern­men­tal infor­mant or in pro­vid­ing infor­ma­tion con­cern­ing crim­i­nal activ­i­ty to an inves­tiga­tive, law enforce­ment or police agency.
(16) The vic­tim was a child under 12 years of age.
(17) At the time of the killing, the vic­tim was in her third trimester of preg­nan­cy or the defen­dant had knowl­edge of the vic­tim’s preg­nan­cy.
(18) At the time of the killing the defen­dant was sub­ject to a court order restrict­ing in any way the defen­dan­t’s behav­ior toward the vic­tim pur­suant to 23 Pa.C.S. Ch. 61 (relat­ing to pro­tec­tion from abuse) or any oth­er order of a court of com­mon pleas or of the minor judi­cia­ry designed in whole or in part to pro­tect the vic­tim from the defendant.

South Carolina: § 16 – 320(C)(a)

(1) The mur­der was com­mit­ted while in the com­mis­sion of the fol­low­ing crimes or acts:

(a) crim­i­nal sex­u­al con­duct in any degree;
(b) kid­nap­ping;
(c) traf­fick­ing in per­sons;
(d) bur­glary in any degree;
(e) rob­bery while armed with a dead­ly weapon;
(f) lar­ce­ny with use of a dead­ly weapon;
(g) killing by poi­son;
(h) drug traf­fick­ing as defined in Section 44 – 53-370(e), 44 – 53-375(B), 44 – 53-440, or 44 – 53-445;
(i) phys­i­cal tor­ture;
(j) dis­mem­ber­ment of a per­son; or
(k) arson in the first degree as defined in Section 16 – 11-110(A).

(2) The mur­der was com­mit­ted by a per­son with a pri­or con­vic­tion for mur­der.
(3) The offend­er by his act of mur­der know­ing­ly cre­at­ed a great risk of death to more than one per­son in a pub­lic place by means of a weapon or device which nor­mal­ly would be haz­ardous to the lives of more than one per­son.
(4) The offend­er com­mit­ted the mur­der for him­self or anoth­er for the pur­pose of receiv­ing mon­ey or a thing of mon­e­tary val­ue.
(5) The mur­der of a judi­cial offi­cer, for­mer judi­cial offi­cer, solic­i­tor, for­mer solic­i­tor, or oth­er offi­cer of the court dur­ing or because of the exer­cise of his offi­cial duty.
(6) The offend­er caused or direct­ed anoth­er to com­mit mur­der or com­mit­ted mur­der as an agent or employ­ee of anoth­er per­son.
(7) The mur­der of a fed­er­al, state, or local law enforce­ment offi­cer or for­mer fed­er­al, state, or local law enforce­ment offi­cer, peace offi­cer or for­mer peace offi­cer, cor­rec­tions offi­cer or for­mer cor­rec­tions offi­cer, includ­ing a coun­ty or munic­i­pal cor­rec­tions offi­cer or a for­mer coun­ty or munic­i­pal cor­rec­tions offi­cer, a coun­ty or munic­i­pal deten­tion facil­i­ty employ­ee or for­mer coun­ty or munic­i­pal deten­tion facil­i­ty employ­ee, or fire­man or for­mer fire­man dur­ing or because of the per­for­mance of his offi­cial duties.
(8) The mur­der of a fam­i­ly mem­ber of an offi­cial list­ed in subitems (5) and (7) above with the intent to impede or retal­i­ate against the offi­cial. Family mem­ber” means a spouse, par­ent, broth­er, sis­ter, child, or per­son to whom the offi­cial stands in the place of a par­ent or a per­son liv­ing in the offi­cial’s house­hold and relat­ed to him by blood or mar­riage.
(9) Two or more per­sons were mur­dered by the defen­dant by one act or pur­suant to one scheme or course of con­duct.
(10) The mur­der of a child eleven years of age or under.
(11) The mur­der of a wit­ness or poten­tial wit­ness com­mit­ted at any time dur­ing the crim­i­nal process for the pur­pose of imped­ing or deter­ring pros­e­cu­tion of any crime.
(12) The mur­der was com­mit­ted by a per­son deemed a sex­u­al­ly vio­lent preda­tor pur­suant to the pro­vi­sions of Chapter 48, Title 44, or a per­son deemed a sex­u­al­ly vio­lent preda­tor who is released pur­suant to Section 44 – 48-120.

South Dakota:
(1) The offense was com­mit­ted by a per­son with a pri­or record of con­vic­tion for a Class A or Class B felony, or the offense of mur­der was com­mit­ted by a per­son who has a felony con­vic­tion for a crime of vio­lence as defined in sub­di­vi­sion 22 – 12(9);
(2) The defen­dant by the defen­dan­t’s act know­ing­ly cre­at­ed a great risk of death to more than one per­son in a pub­lic place by means of a weapon or device which would nor­mal­ly be haz­ardous to the lives of more than one per­son;
(3) The defen­dant com­mit­ted the offense for the ben­e­fit of the defen­dant or anoth­er, for the pur­pose of receiv­ing mon­ey or any oth­er thing of mon­e­tary val­ue;
(4) The defen­dant com­mit­ted the offense on a judi­cial offi­cer, for­mer judi­cial offi­cer, pros­e­cu­tor, or for­mer pros­e­cu­tor while such pros­e­cu­tor, for­mer pros­e­cu­tor, judi­cial offi­cer, or for­mer judi­cial offi­cer was engaged in the per­for­mance of such per­son­’s offi­cial duties or where a major part of the moti­va­tion for the offense came from the offi­cial actions of such judi­cial offi­cer, for­mer judi­cial offi­cer, pros­e­cu­tor, or for­mer pros­e­cu­tor;
(5)The defen­dant caused or direct­ed anoth­er to com­mit mur­der or com­mit­ted mur­der as an agent or employ­ee of anoth­er per­son;
(6) The offense was out­ra­geous­ly or wan­ton­ly vile, hor­ri­ble, or inhu­man in that it involved tor­ture, deprav­i­ty of mind, or an aggra­vat­ed bat­tery to the vic­tim. Any mur­der is wan­ton­ly vile, hor­ri­ble, and inhu­man if the vic­tim is less than thir­teen years of age;
(7) The offense was com­mit­ted against a law enforce­ment offi­cer, employ­ee of a cor­rec­tions insti­tu­tion, or fire­fight­er while engaged in the per­for­mance of such per­son­’s offi­cial duties;
(8) The offense was com­mit­ted by a per­son in, or who has escaped from, the law­ful cus­tody of a law enforce­ment offi­cer or place of law­ful con­fine­ment;
(9) The offense was com­mit­ted for the pur­pose of avoid­ing, inter­fer­ing with, or pre­vent­ing a law­ful arrest or cus­tody in a place of law­ful con­fine­ment, of the defen­dant or anoth­er; or
(10) The offense was com­mit­ted in the course of man­u­fac­tur­ing, dis­trib­ut­ing, or dis­pens­ing sub­stances list­ed in Schedules I and II in vio­la­tion of § 22 – 422.

Tenn. Code Ann. § 39 – 13-204

(1) The mur­der was com­mit­ted against a per­son less than twelve (12) years of age and the defen­dant was eigh­teen (18) years of age or old­er;
(2) The defen­dant was pre­vi­ous­ly con­vict­ed of one (1) or more felonies, oth­er than the present charge, whose statu­to­ry ele­ments involve the use of vio­lence to the per­son;
(3) The defen­dant know­ing­ly cre­at­ed a great risk of death to two (2) or more per­sons, oth­er than the vic­tim mur­dered, dur­ing the act of mur­der;
(4) The defen­dant com­mit­ted the mur­der for remu­ner­a­tion or the promise of remu­ner­a­tion, or employed anoth­er to com­mit the mur­der for remu­ner­a­tion or the promise of remu­ner­a­tion;
(5) The mur­der was espe­cial­ly heinous, atro­cious, or cru­el, in that it involved tor­ture or seri­ous phys­i­cal abuse beyond that nec­es­sary to pro­duce death;
(6) The mur­der was com­mit­ted for the pur­pose of avoid­ing, inter­fer­ing with, or pre­vent­ing a law­ful arrest or pros­e­cu­tion of the defen­dant or anoth­er;
(7) The mur­der was know­ing­ly com­mit­ted, solicit­ed, direct­ed, or aid­ed by the defen­dant, while the defen­dant had a sub­stan­tial role in com­mit­ting or attempt­ing to com­mit, or was flee­ing after hav­ing a sub­stan­tial role in com­mit­ting or attempt­ing to com­mit, any first degree mur­der, arson, rape, rob­bery, bur­glary, theft, kid­nap­ping, aggra­vat­ed child abuse, aggra­vat­ed child neglect, rape of a child, aggra­vat­ed rape of a child, air­craft pira­cy, or unlaw­ful throw­ing, plac­ing or dis­charg­ing of a destruc­tive device or bomb;
(8) The mur­der was com­mit­ted by the defen­dant while the defen­dant was in law­ful cus­tody or in a place of law­ful con­fine­ment or dur­ing the defen­dan­t’s escape from law­ful cus­tody or from a place of law­ful con­fine­ment;
(9) The mur­der was com­mit­ted against any law enforce­ment offi­cer, cor­rec­tions offi­cial, cor­rec­tions employ­ee, pro­ba­tion and parole offi­cer, emer­gency med­ical or res­cue work­er, emer­gency med­ical tech­ni­cian, para­medic or fire­fight­er, who was engaged in the per­for­mance of offi­cial duties, and the defen­dant knew or rea­son­ably should have known that the vic­tim was a law enforce­ment offi­cer, cor­rec­tions offi­cial, cor­rec­tions employ­ee, pro­ba­tion and parole offi­cer, emer­gency med­ical or res­cue work­er, emer­gency med­ical tech­ni­cian, para­medic or fire­fight­er engaged in the per­for­mance of offi­cial duties;
(10) The mur­der was com­mit­ted against any present or for­mer judge, dis­trict attor­ney gen­er­al or state attor­ney gen­er­al, assis­tant dis­trict attor­ney gen­er­al or assis­tant state attor­ney gen­er­al, due to or because of the exer­cise of the vic­tim’s offi­cial duty or sta­tus and the defen­dant knew that the vic­tim occu­pied such office;
(11) The mur­der was com­mit­ted against a nation­al, state, or local pop­u­lar­ly elect­ed offi­cial, due to or because of the offi­cial’s law­ful duties or sta­tus, and the defen­dant knew that the vic­tim was such an offi­cial;
(12) The defen­dant com­mit­ted mass mur­der, which is defined as the mur­der of three (3) or more per­sons, whether com­mit­ted dur­ing a sin­gle crim­i­nal episode or at dif­fer­ent times with­in a forty-eight-month peri­od;
(13) The defen­dant know­ing­ly muti­lat­ed the body of the vic­tim after death;
(14) The vic­tim of the mur­der was sev­en­ty (70) years of age or old­er; or the vic­tim of the mur­der was par­tic­u­lar­ly vul­ner­a­ble due to a sig­nif­i­cant hand­i­cap or sig­nif­i­cant dis­abil­i­ty, whether men­tal or phys­i­cal, and at the time of the mur­der the defen­dant knew or rea­son­ably should have known of such hand­i­cap or dis­abil­i­ty; or
(15) The mur­der was com­mit­ted in the course of an act of terrorism.

Texas: Tex. Penal Code § 19.03

(1) the per­son mur­ders a peace offi­cer or fire­man who is act­ing in the law­ful dis­charge of an offi­cial duty and who the per­son knows is a peace offi­cer or fire­man;
(2) the per­son inten­tion­al­ly com­mits the mur­der in the course of com­mit­ting or attempt­ing to com­mit kid­nap­ping, bur­glary, rob­bery, aggra­vat­ed sex­u­al assault, arson, obstruc­tion or retal­i­a­tion, or ter­ror­is­tic threat under Section 22.07(a)(1), (3), (4), (5), or (6);
(3) the per­son com­mits the mur­der for remu­ner­a­tion or the promise of remu­ner­a­tion or employs anoth­er to com­mit the mur­der for remu­ner­a­tion or the promise of remu­ner­a­tion;
(4) the per­son com­mits the mur­der while escap­ing or attempt­ing to escape from a penal insti­tu­tion;
(5) the per­son, while incar­cer­at­ed in a penal insti­tu­tion, murders another:

(A) who is employed in the oper­a­tion of the penal insti­tu­tion; or
(B) with the intent to estab­lish, main­tain, or par­tic­i­pate in a com­bi­na­tion or in the prof­its of a combination;

(6) the person:

(A) while incar­cer­at­ed for an offense under this sec­tion or Section 19.02, mur­ders anoth­er; or
(B) while serv­ing a sen­tence of life impris­on­ment or a term of 99 years for an offense under Section 20.04, 22.021, or 29.03, mur­ders another;

(7) the per­son mur­ders more than one person:

(A) dur­ing the same crim­i­nal trans­ac­tion; or
(B) dur­ing dif­fer­ent crim­i­nal trans­ac­tions but the mur­ders are com­mit­ted pur­suant to the same scheme or course of conduct;

(8) the per­son mur­ders an indi­vid­ual under 10 years of age; or
(9) the per­son mur­ders anoth­er per­son in retal­i­a­tion for or on account of the ser­vice or sta­tus of the oth­er per­son as a judge or jus­tice of the supreme court, the court of crim­i­nal appeals, a court of appeals, a dis­trict court, a crim­i­nal dis­trict court, a con­sti­tu­tion­al coun­ty court, a statu­to­ry coun­ty court, a jus­tice court, or a munic­i­pal court.

Utah: 76 – 5202, Utah Code Annotated

(1) the homi­cide was com­mit­ted by a per­son who is con­fined in a jail or oth­er cor­rec­tion­al insti­tu­tion;
(2) the homi­cide was com­mit­ted inci­dent to one act, scheme, course of con­duct, or crim­i­nal episode dur­ing which two or more per­sons were killed, or dur­ing which the actor attempt­ed to kill one or more per­sons in addi­tion to the vic­tim who was killed;
(3) the actor know­ing­ly cre­at­ed a great risk of death to a per­son oth­er than the vic­tim and the actor;
(4) the homi­cide was com­mit­ted inci­dent to an act, scheme, course of con­duct, or crim­i­nal episode dur­ing which the actor com­mit­ted or attempt­ed to com­mit aggra­vat­ed rob­bery, rob­bery, rape, rape of a child, object rape, object rape of a child, forcible sodomy, sodomy upon a child, forcible sex­u­al abuse, sex­u­al abuse of a child, aggra­vat­ed sex­u­al abuse of a child, child abuse as defined in Subsection 76 – 5109(2)(a), or aggra­vat­ed sex­u­al assault, aggra­vat­ed arson, arson, aggra­vat­ed bur­glary, bur­glary, aggra­vat­ed kid­nap­ping, or kid­nap­ping, or child kid­nap­ping;
(5) the homi­cide was com­mit­ted inci­dent to one act, scheme, course of con­duct, or crim­i­nal episode dur­ing which the actor com­mit­ted the crime of abuse or des­e­cra­tion of a dead human body as defined in Subsection 76 – 9704(2)(e);
(6) the homi­cide was com­mit­ted for the pur­pose of avoid­ing or pre­vent­ing an arrest of the defen­dant or anoth­er by a peace offi­cer act­ing under col­or of legal author­i­ty or for the pur­pose of effect­ing the defen­dan­t’s or anoth­er’s escape from law­ful cus­tody;
(7) the homi­cide was com­mit­ted for pecu­niary gain;
(8) the defen­dant com­mit­ted, or engaged or employed anoth­er per­son to com­mit the homi­cide pur­suant to an agree­ment or con­tract for remu­ner­a­tion or the promise of remu­ner­a­tion for com­mis­sion of the homi­cide; (i) the actor pre­vi­ous­ly com­mit­ted or was convicted of:

(i) aggra­vat­ed mur­der under this sec­tion;
(ii) attempt­ed aggra­vat­ed mur­der under this sec­tion;
(iii) mur­der, Section 76 – 5203;
(iv) attempt­ed mur­der, Section 76 – 5203; or
(v) an offense com­mit­ted in anoth­er juris­dic­tion which if com­mit­ted in this state would be a vio­la­tion of a crime list­ed in this Subsection (1)(i);

(9) the actor was pre­vi­ous­ly convicted of:

(i) aggra­vat­ed assault, Subsection 76 – 5103(2);
(ii) may­hem, Section 76 – 5105;
(iii) kid­nap­ping, Section 76 – 5301;
(iv) child kid­nap­ping, Section 76 – 5301.1;
(v) aggra­vat­ed kid­nap­ping, Section 76 – 5302;
(vi) rape, Section 76 – 5402;
(vii) rape of a child, Section 76 – 5402.1;
(viii) object rape, Section 76 – 5402.2;
(ix) object rape of a child, Section 76 – 5402.3;
(x) forcible sodomy, Section 76 – 5403;
(xi) sodomy on a child, Section 76 – 5403.1;
(xii) aggra­vat­ed sex­u­al abuse of a child, Section 76 – 5404.1; Utah Code Page 2
(xiii) aggra­vat­ed sex­u­al assault, Section 76 – 5405;
(xiv) aggra­vat­ed arson, Section 76 – 6103;
(xv) aggra­vat­ed bur­glary, Section 76 – 6203;
(xvi) aggra­vat­ed rob­bery, Section 76 – 6302;
(xvii) felony dis­charge of a firearm, Section 76 – 10-508.1; or
(xvi­ii) an offense com­mit­ted in anoth­er juris­dic­tion which if com­mit­ted in this state would be a vio­la­tion of a crime list­ed in this Subsection (1)(j);

(10) the homi­cide was com­mit­ted for the purpose of:

(i) pre­vent­ing a wit­ness from tes­ti­fy­ing;
(ii) pre­vent­ing a per­son from pro­vid­ing evi­dence or par­tic­i­pat­ing in any legal pro­ceed­ings or offi­cial inves­ti­ga­tion;
(iii) retal­i­at­ing against a per­son for tes­ti­fy­ing, pro­vid­ing evi­dence, or par­tic­i­pat­ing in any legal pro­ceed­ings or offi­cial inves­ti­ga­tion; or
(iv) dis­rupt­ing or hin­der­ing any law­ful gov­ern­men­tal func­tion or enforce­ment of laws;

(11) the vic­tim is or has been a local, state, or fed­er­al pub­lic offi­cial, or a can­di­date for pub­lic office, and the homi­cide is based on, is caused by, or is relat­ed to that offi­cial posi­tion, act, capac­i­ty, or can­di­da­cy;
(12) the vic­tim is or has been a peace offi­cer, law enforce­ment offi­cer, exec­u­tive offi­cer, pros­e­cut­ing offi­cer, jail­er, prison offi­cial, fire­fight­er, judge or oth­er court offi­cial, juror, pro­ba­tion offi­cer, or parole offi­cer, and the vic­tim is either on duty or the homi­cide is based on, is caused by, or is relat­ed to that offi­cial posi­tion, and the actor knew, or rea­son­ably should have known, that the vic­tim holds or has held that offi­cial posi­tion;
(13) the homi­cide was committed:

(i) by means of a destruc­tive device, bomb, explo­sive, incen­di­ary device, or sim­i­lar device which was plant­ed, hid­den, or con­cealed in any place, area, dwelling, build­ing, or struc­ture, or was mailed or deliv­ered; or
(ii) by means of any weapon of mass destruc­tion as defined in Section 76 – 10-401;

(14) the homi­cide was com­mit­ted dur­ing the act of unlaw­ful­ly assum­ing con­trol of any air­craft, train, or oth­er pub­lic con­veyance by use of threats or force with intent to obtain any valu­able con­sid­er­a­tion for the release of the pub­lic con­veyance or any pas­sen­ger, crew mem­ber, or any oth­er per­son aboard, or to direct the route or move­ment of the pub­lic con­veyance or oth­er­wise exert con­trol over the pub­lic con­veyance;
(15) the homi­cide was com­mit­ted by means of the admin­is­tra­tion of a poi­son or of any lethal sub­stance or of any sub­stance admin­is­tered in a lethal amount, dosage, or quan­ti­ty;
(16) the vic­tim was a per­son held or oth­er­wise detained as a shield, hostage, or for ran­som;
(17) the homi­cide was com­mit­ted in an espe­cial­ly heinous, atro­cious, cru­el, or excep­tion­al­ly depraved man­ner, any of which must be demon­strat­ed by phys­i­cal tor­ture, seri­ous phys­i­cal abuse, or seri­ous bod­i­ly injury of the vic­tim before death;
(18) the actor dis­mem­bers, muti­lates, or dis­fig­ures the vic­tim’s body, whether before or after death, in a man­ner demon­strat­ing the actor’s deprav­i­ty of mind; or
(19) the vic­tim, at the time of the death of the victim:

(i) was younger than 14 years of age; and
(ii) was not an unborn child.

Virginia: VA Code § 18.2 – 31 (abol­ished the death penal­ty on March 242021)

(1) The will­ful, delib­er­ate, and pre­med­i­tat­ed killing of any per­son in the com­mis­sion of abduc­tion, as defined in § 18.2 – 48, when such abduc­tion was com­mit­ted with the intent to extort mon­ey or a pecu­niary ben­e­fit or with the intent to defile the vic­tim of such abduc­tion;
(2) The will­ful, delib­er­ate, and pre­med­i­tat­ed killing of any per­son by anoth­er for hire;
(3) The will­ful, delib­er­ate, and pre­med­i­tat­ed killing of any per­son by a pris­on­er con­fined in a state or local cor­rec­tion­al facil­i­ty as defined in § 53.1 – 1, or while in the cus­tody of an employ­ee there­of;
(4) The will­ful, delib­er­ate, and pre­med­i­tat­ed killing of any per­son in the com­mis­sion of rob­bery or attempt­ed rob­bery;
(5) The will­ful, delib­er­ate, and pre­med­i­tat­ed killing of any per­son in the com­mis­sion of, or sub­se­quent to, rape or attempt­ed rape, forcible sodomy or attempt­ed forcible sodomy or object sex­u­al pen­e­tra­tion;
(6) The will­ful, delib­er­ate, and pre­med­i­tat­ed killing of a law-enforce­ment offi­cer as defined in § 9.1 – 101, a fire mar­shal appoint­ed pur­suant to § 27 – 30 or a deputy or an assis­tant fire mar­shal appoint­ed pur­suant to § 27 – 36, when such fire mar­shal or deputy or assis­tant fire mar­shal has police pow­ers as set forth in §§ 27 – 34.2 and 27 – 34.2:1, an aux­il­iary police offi­cer appoint­ed or pro­vid­ed for pur­suant to §§ 15.2 – 1731 and 15.2 – 1733, an aux­il­iary deputy sher­iff appoint­ed pur­suant to § 15.2 – 1603, or any law-enforce­ment offi­cer of anoth­er state or the United States hav­ing the pow­er to arrest for a felony under the laws of such state or the United States, when such killing is for the pur­pose of inter­fer­ing with the per­for­mance of his offi­cial duties;
(7) The will­ful, delib­er­ate, and pre­med­i­tat­ed killing of more than one per­son as a part of the same act or trans­ac­tion;
(8) The will­ful, delib­er­ate, and pre­med­i­tat­ed killing of more than one per­son with­in a three-year peri­od;
(9) The will­ful, delib­er­ate, and pre­med­i­tat­ed killing of any per­son in the com­mis­sion of or attempt­ed com­mis­sion of a vio­la­tion of § 18.2 – 248, involv­ing a Schedule I or II con­trolled sub­stance, when such killing is for the pur­pose of fur­ther­ing the com­mis­sion or attempt­ed com­mis­sion of such vio­la­tion;
(10) The will­ful, delib­er­ate, and pre­med­i­tat­ed killing of any per­son by anoth­er pur­suant to the direc­tion or order of one who is engaged in a con­tin­u­ing crim­i­nal enter­prise as defined in sub­sec­tion I of § 18.2 – 248;
(11) The will­ful, delib­er­ate, and pre­med­i­tat­ed killing of a preg­nant woman by one who knows that the woman is preg­nant and has the intent to cause the invol­un­tary ter­mi­na­tion of the woman’s preg­nan­cy with­out a live birth;
(12) The will­ful, delib­er­ate, and pre­med­i­tat­ed killing of a per­son under the age of four­teen by a per­son age twen­ty-one or old­er;
(13) The will­ful, delib­er­ate, and pre­med­i­tat­ed killing of any per­son by anoth­er in the com­mis­sion of or attempt­ed com­mis­sion of an act of ter­ror­ism as defined in § 18.2 – 46.4;
(14) The will­ful, delib­er­ate, and pre­med­i­tat­ed killing of a jus­tice of the Supreme Court, a judge of the Court of Appeals, a judge of a cir­cuit court or dis­trict court, a retired jud­ge­sit­ting by des­ig­na­tion or under tem­po­rary recall, or a sub­sti­tute judge appoint­ed under § 16.1 – 69.9:1 when the killing is for the pur­pose of inter­fer­ing with his offi­cial duties as a judge; and
(15) The will­ful, delib­er­ate, and pre­med­i­tat­ed killing of any wit­ness in a crim­i­nal case after a sub­poe­na has been issued for such wit­ness by the court, the clerk, or an attor­ney, when the killing is for the pur­pose of inter­fer­ing with the person’s duties in such case. 

Washington: (death penal­ty struck down in 2018) RCW 10.95.020

(1) The vic­tim was a law enforce­ment offi­cer, cor­rec­tions offi­cer, or fire­fight­er who was per­form­ing his or her offi­cial duties at the time of the act result­ing in death and the vic­tim was known or rea­son­ably should have been known by the per­son to be such at the time of the killing;
(2) At the time of the act result­ing in the death, the per­son was serv­ing a term of impris­on­ment, had escaped, or was on autho­rized or unau­tho­rized leave in or from a state facil­i­ty or pro­gram for the incar­cer­a­tion or treat­ment of per­sons adju­di­cat­ed guilty of crimes;
(3) At the time of the act result­ing in death, the per­son was in cus­tody in a coun­ty or coun­ty-city jail as a con­se­quence of hav­ing been adju­di­cat­ed guilty of a felony;
(4) The per­son com­mit­ted the mur­der pur­suant to an agree­ment that he or she would receive mon­ey or any oth­er thing of val­ue for com­mit­ting the mur­der;
(5) The per­son solicit­ed anoth­er per­son to com­mit the mur­der and had paid or had agreed to pay mon­ey or any oth­er thing of val­ue for com­mit­ting the mur­der;
(6) The per­son com­mit­ted the mur­der to obtain or main­tain his or her mem­ber­ship or to advance his or her posi­tion in the hier­ar­chy of an orga­ni­za­tion, asso­ci­a­tion, or iden­ti­fi­able group;
(7) The mur­der was com­mit­ted dur­ing the course of or as a result of a shoot­ing where the dis­charge of the firearm, as defined in RCW 9.41.010, is either from a motor vehi­cle or from the imme­di­ate area of a motor vehi­cle that was used to trans­port the shoot­er or the firearm, or both, to the scene of the dis­charge;
(8) The victim was:

(a) A judge; juror or for­mer juror; prospec­tive, cur­rent, or for­mer wit­ness in an adju­dica­tive pro­ceed­ing; pros­e­cut­ing attor­ney; deputy pros­e­cut­ing attor­ney; defense attor­ney; a mem­ber of the inde­ter­mi­nate sen­tence review board; or a pro­ba­tion or parole offi­cer; and
(b) The mur­der was relat­ed to the exer­cise of offi­cial duties per­formed or to be per­formed by the victim;

(9) The per­son com­mit­ted the mur­der to con­ceal the com­mis­sion of a crime or to pro­tect or con­ceal the iden­ti­ty of any per­son com­mit­ting a crime, includ­ing, but specif­i­cal­ly not lim­it­ed to, any attempt to avoid pros­e­cu­tion as a per­sis­tent offend­er as defined in RCW 9.94A.030;
(10) There was more than one vic­tim and the mur­ders were part of a com­mon scheme or plan or the result of a sin­gle act of the per­son;
(11) The mur­der was com­mit­ted in the course of, in fur­ther­ance of, or in imme­di­ate flight from one of the following crimes:

(a) Robbery in the first or sec­ond degree;
(b) Rape in the first or sec­ond degree;
(c) Burglary in the first or sec­ond degree or res­i­den­tial bur­glary;
(d) Kidnapping in the first degree; or
(e) Arson in the first degree;

(12) The vic­tim was reg­u­lar­ly employed or self-employed as a news­re­porter and the mur­der was com­mit­ted to obstruct or hin­der the inves­tiga­tive, research, or report­ing activ­i­ties of the vic­tim;
(13) At the time the per­son com­mit­ted the mur­der, there exist­ed a court order, issued in this or any oth­er state, which pro­hib­it­ed the per­son from either con­tact­ing the vic­tim, molest­ing the vic­tim, or dis­turb­ing the peace of the vic­tim, and the per­son had knowl­edge of the exis­tence of that order;
(14) At the time the per­son com­mit­ted the mur­der, the per­son and the vic­tim were fam­i­ly or house­hold mem­bers” as that term is defined in *RCW 10.99.020(1), and the per­son had pre­vi­ous­ly engaged in a pat­tern or prac­tice of three or more of the fol­low­ing crimes com­mit­ted upon the vic­tim with­in a five-year peri­od, regard­less of whether a conviction resulted:

(a) Harassment as defined in RCW 9A.46.020; or
(b) Any criminal assault.

Wyoming: W.S.A. § 6 – 2101(a)

(1) The mur­der was com­mit­ted by a person:

(A) Confined in a jail or cor­rec­tion­al facil­i­ty;
(B) On parole or on pro­ba­tion for a felony;
(C) After escap­ing deten­tion or incar­cer­a­tion; or
(D) Released on bail pend­ing appeal of his conviction.

(2) The defen­dant was pre­vi­ous­ly con­vict­ed of anoth­er mur­der in the first degree or a felony involv­ing the use or threat of vio­lence to the per­son;
(3) The defen­dant know­ing­ly cre­at­ed a great risk of death to two (2) or more per­sons;
(4) The mur­der was com­mit­ted while the defen­dant was engaged, or was an accom­plice, in the com­mis­sion of, or an attempt to com­mit, or flight after com­mit­ting or attempt­ing to com­mit, any air­craft pira­cy or the unlaw­ful throw­ing, plac­ing or dis­charg­ing of a destruc­tive device or bomb;
(5) The mur­der was com­mit­ted for the pur­pose of avoid­ing or pre­vent­ing a law­ful arrest or effect­ing an escape from cus­tody;
(6) The mur­der was com­mit­ted for com­pen­sa­tion, the col­lec­tion of insur­ance ben­e­fits or oth­er sim­i­lar pecu­niary gain;
(7) The mur­der was espe­cial­ly atro­cious or cru­el, being unnec­es­sar­i­ly tor­tur­ous to the vic­tim;
(8) The mur­der of a judi­cial offi­cer, for­mer judi­cial offi­cer, dis­trict attor­ney, for­mer dis­trict attor­ney, defend­ing attor­ney, peace offi­cer, juror or wit­ness, dur­ing or because of the exer­cise of his offi­cial duty or because of the vic­tim’s for­mer or present offi­cial sta­tus;
(9) The defen­dant knew or rea­son­ably should have known the vic­tim was less than sev­en­teen (17) years of age or old­er than six­ty-five (65) years of age;
(10) The defen­dant knew or rea­son­ably should have known the vic­tim was espe­cial­ly vul­ner­a­ble due to sig­nif­i­cant men­tal or phys­i­cal dis­abil­i­ty;
(11) The defen­dant pos­es a sub­stan­tial and con­tin­u­ing threat of future dan­ger­ous­ness or is like­ly to com­mit con­tin­ued acts of crim­i­nal vio­lence;
(12) The defen­dant killed anoth­er human being pur­pose­ly and with pre­med­i­tat­ed mal­ice and while engaged in, or as an accom­plice in the com­mis­sion of, or an attempt to com­mit, or flight after com­mit­ting or attempt­ing to com­mit, any rob­bery, sex­u­al assault, arson, bur­glary, kid­nap­ping or abuse of a child under the age of six­teen (16) years.