Recent Death Sentences By Name, Race, County, And Year

2019 Death Sentences by Name, Race, and County

34 new death sen­tences were imposed in the United States in 2019, the sec­ond-fewest in any year in the mod­ern his­to­ry of U.S. cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment, which dates back to the Supreme Court’s 1972 deci­sion in Furman v. Georgia strik­ing down all exist­ing death-penal­ty laws then in effect in the country. 

The new death sen­tences imposed in 2019 declined by 20.9% from the already low 43 new death sen­tences that had been imposed in 2018. The year’s num­bers also rep­re­sent­ed a more than 89% decline from the peak of 310 or more new death sen­tences imposed each year from 1994 through 1996. The only time in the past 47 years in which few­er defen­dants were sen­tenced to death was 2016, when 31 new death sen­tences were imposed.

The cas­es result­ing in new death sen­tences in 2019 con­tin­ued to reflect major defi­cien­cies in the tri­al process. They includ­ed two defen­dants whose juries did not unan­i­mous­ly rec­om­mend the death penal­ty; a brain-dam­aged defen­dant who was deemed com­pe­tent to rep­re­sent her­self and then pre­sent­ed no defense at either the guilt of penal­ty phas­es of her tri­al; a for­eign nation­al who waived his right to con­sular assis­tance and then refused the assis­tance of coun­sel; and oth­ers who waived their right to coun­sel, waived their right to a jury tri­al, and/​or pled guilty and pre­sent­ed no case for life.

Because of the volatil­i­ty of sen­tenc­ing from year to year, sin­gle-year fluc­tu­a­tions in the num­ber of new death sen­tences should be viewed with cau­tion. The mul­ti-year trends in 2019, how­ev­er, point­ed to a con­tin­u­ing long-term decline in cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment in the U.S.

  • Continued near-record low death sen­tences: 2019 was the fifth con­sec­u­tive year in which there were few­er than 50 new death sen­tences imposed in the United States. 1973 is the only oth­er year in the mod­ern era of U.S. cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment in which few­er than 50 new death sen­tences were imposed nation­wide. At least 100 new death sen­tences were imposed in the U.S. every year from 1974 through 2010, a span of 37 years.
  • 3‑Year Trend: There were 116 new death sen­tences imposed in the United States in the three-year peri­od from 2017 – 2019, for an aver­age of 38.7 per year. That marked a decline of 24.2% from the pri­or three-year peri­od from 2014 – 2016, in which 153 new death sen­tences were imposed, or an aver­age of 51.0 per year.
  • 5‑Year Trend: There were 196 new death sen­tences imposed in the United States in the five-year peri­od from 2015 – 2019, for an aver­age of 39.2 new death sen­tences per year. By com­par­i­son, 437 new death sen­tences were imposed from 2010 – 2014, an aver­age of 87.4 per year. There were 241 few­er new death sen­tences imposed in the sec­ond half of the decade than in the first, a decline of 48.2 death sen­tences per year. That amount­ed to a 55.1% decline (more than half) in the final five years of the decade com­pared to the years 2010 – 2014.
  • 10-Year Trend: There were 633 new death sen­tences imposed in the United States in the decade of the 2010s, for an aver­age of 63.3 per year. By com­par­i­son, 1,458 new death sen­tences were imposed in the decade of the 2000s, an aver­age of 145.8 per year. There were 825 few­er new death sen­tences imposed in the decade of the 2010s than in the first decade of the 21st cen­tu­ry, a decline of 82.5 death sen­tences per year. That amount­ed to a 56.6% decline (again, more than half) in the decade of the 2010s com­pared to the decade of the 2000s.

Defendants Sentenced to Death in 2019

First NameMiddleLast Name


StateCountyRaceAge at CrimeNon-Unanimous /​Judge Sentencing
Brett Richard Yeiter AL Escambia W 46 10 – 2 jury vote
Lionel Francis AL Madison B 34 11 – 1 jury vote
Michael David Belcher AL Tuscaloosa W 31
Kenneth Wayne Thompson AZ Yavapai W 28
Miguel Crespo CA Kern L 42
John Hernandez Felix CA Riverside L 29
Rigoberto Villanueva CA Riverside L 40
Brandon Council Federal S.C. B 32
Donald Davidson FL Clay W 34
Robert Earl Craft FL Columbia W 27
Rocky Ali Beamon FL Jackson W 34 1‑judge sen­tenc­ing
Johnathan Alcegaire FL Polk B 26
Rocky Ali Beamon FL Santa Rosa W 39
Christian Cruz FL Volusia L 19
Scottie Allen FL Wakulla W 40
Tiffany Moss GA Gwinnett B 30
David Isiah Godwin NC Carteret W 25
Mikel Brady NC Pasquotank W 24
Seaga Gillard NC Wake B 28
Thomas Knuff Jr. OH Cuyahoga W 42
Joseph McAlpin OH Cuyahoga B 29
Matthew Nicholson OH Cuyahoga B 28
Kristofer Garrett OH Franklin B 24
Arron Lawson OH Lawrence W 23 3‑judge sen­tenc­ing
George Brinkman OH Stark W 45 3‑judge sen­tenc­ing
Derek Don Posey OK Canadian B 29
Jacob Sullivan PA Bucks W 43
Rahmael Sal Holt PA Westmoreland B 29
Jerome Jenkins Jr. SC Horry B 20
Timothy Jones Jr. SC Lexington W 32
Ronald Lee Haskell Jr. TX Harris W 33
Dameon Jamarc Mosley TX Smith B 35
Hector Acosta-Ojeda TX Tarrant L 32
Gary David Green TX Upton W 50

2019 Death Sentences by Race of Defendant and Victim

2019 Death Sentences by County

2019 Death Sentences by State