The coun­try’s mur­der rate declined 2.7% in 2007. The rate dropped the most in the Northeast, and declined in the Midwest and the West, but increased in the South. According to the pre­lim­i­nary Uniform Crime Report pub­lished by the FBI, vio­lent crime declined gen­er­al­ly by 1.4 per­cent in 2007 in the U.S. This report sug­gests that vio­lent crime is decreas­ing and remains near his­toric low lev­els,” said Peter Carr, Principal Deputy Director of Public Affairs for the Justice Department. (T. Frieden, FBI: Violent crime down 1.4 per­cent in 2007″, CNN, June 9, 2008).

The over­all drop in the mur­der rate came dur­ing the year when the U.S. had the low­est num­ber of exe­cu­tions (42) in 13 years. Almost all the exe­cu­tions (86%) occurred in the South, which was the only region with a rise in its mur­der rate (+2.9%). The Northeast had no exe­cu­tions in 2007, and it had the largest decrease in its mur­der rate (-8.6%) among regions in the coun­try. The Northeast con­tin­ues to have the low­est mur­der rate in the coun­try and the low­est num­ber of exe­cu­tions of the four regions. See Deterrence.

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