On January 23, 2025, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals lifted an injunction enjoining the enforcement of an Arizona statute, Victim Contact Limits, which prohibits criminal defense teams from contacting crime victims and their family members directly. The restrictions are found in Arizona’s Victim Rights Implementation Act (Rev. Stat. Ann. § 13- 4433(B)) and also apply to death penalty cases. The decision means that prisoners and their lawyers may no longer engage directly with victims and their families for an exchange of information or discussion about the appropriateness of a sentence.
The ACLU, on behalf of Arizona Attorneys for Criminal Justice, filed a federal challenge to the statute in 2017, arguing the law violated First Amendment free speech. After an initial defeat in federal district court (subsequently overruled by a 9th Circuit panel in 2021) the suit succeeded in 2022 in securing an injunction against the law’s enforcement. Arizona appealed the ruling, and last week another 9th Circuit panel unanimously reversed the district court’s ruling. Jared Keenan, an attorney for the ACLU who represents the defense lawyers, told the Arizona Daily Star that a new lawsuit is being contemplated.
“[T]he views of survivors are one of the primary factors in whether prosecutors seek a death sentence. … And that means if family members drop their support for execution, the defendant is more likely to be able to get negotiate with prosecutors for a plea deal for life in prison.”
At the 2022 hearing challenging the statute, capital defense attorneys explained that their contact with victim families often involves “sharing information about the criminal legal system, for instance explaining to victims that the death penalty process takes years and involves continued contact with the legal system that can be retraumatizing.” Other defense attorneys share their beliefs about justice and punishment with victims, investigate offenses, gather mitigation evidence in death penalty cases, and answer victims’ questions about the defendant, the case, and the legal system.
Victim’s families do not uniformly support capital punishment for those found responsible for the death of their loved ones. When they do not, this fact can be a powerful argument in favor of clemency. When former President Biden commuted the sentences of 37 of the 40 inmates on federal death row, he was criticized by Rev. Sharon Risher for leaving Dylan Roof out of the commutation. Rev. Risher’s mother, Ethel Lee Lance, and two cousins were killed by Mr. Roof, who opened fire on Black parishioners at a Charleston, S.C. church in 2015. Rev. Risher called Biden’s decision to exclude Mr. Roof “unfair” to victims’ families, continuing, “I need you to understand that when you put a killer on death row, the families are left to be hostages for the years and years of appeals that will continue to come.”
Arizona is not the only state to restrict victim contact. Last year, Louisiana enacted HB 734, which prohibits death-sentenced prisoners and their family, friends, and legal representatives, or anyone purporting to represent the “interests” of the prisoner, from directly contacting any victim’s family member in connection with clemency proceedings. All contact now must be arranged through a victim’s service coordinator appointed by the state, and anyone who violates this provision may be “fined not more than five thousand dollars, [and] imprisoned for not more than three years, with or without hard labor, or both.” This legislation appears to be a response to the coordinated mass clemency campaign that Governor Landry bitterly opposed during 2023 when he was still Louisiana’s Attorney General.
Joe Duhownik, Ninth Circuit revives Arizona law limiting contact between defense attorneys and victims, Courthouse News Service, January 23, 2025; Howard Fischer, Ruling: Arizona’s limited access to crime victims OK, Arizona Daily Star, January 23, 2025; Ella Lee, Alex Gangitano, The Hill, Biden’s death row commutations draws chorus of mixed reactions, KTSM, December 23, 2024; IN HUGE FIRST AMENDMENT WIN, FEDERAL DISTRICT COURT RULES CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEYS HAVE FREE SPEECH RIGHT TO CONTACT CRIME VICTIMS, ACLU Arizona, November 7, 2022;
Read the court opinion, here.
Victims' Families
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