The French par­lia­ment vot­ed to amend the coun­try’s Constitution to include an explic­it ban on the death penal­ty. In a spe­cial joint ses­sion held at the Palace of Versailles (pic­tured), France’s National Assembly and Senate passed the amend­ment by a vote of 828 – 26. The death penal­ty has been out­lawed in France since 1981, but the recent­ly passed amend­ment offi­cial­ly inscribes the pro­hi­bi­tion into the con­sti­tu­tion. We are accom­plish­ing the wish of Victor Hugo in 1848, the pure, sim­ple, irre­versible abo­li­tion” of the death penal­ty, for­mer Justice Minister Robert Badinter told lawmakers.

(International Herald Tribune, February 19, 2007, and Jurist Legal News and Research, February 20, 2007). See International Death Penalty.

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