For our last post in 2010, the Death Penalty Information Center would like thank every­one who has con­tributed to and sup­port­ed the Center’s efforts in many ways this year. We thought it would be help­ful to high­light some of the resources avail­able on our web­site that you may have missed. In 2010, we con­duct­ed with Lake Research Partners one of the most com­pre­hen­sive nation­al polls on pub­lic opin­ion about the death penal­ty. You can find the com­plete poll results here. In 2010, we also co-host­ed, along with Equal Justice USA and Death Penalty Focus, an inter­na­tion­al forum of law enforce­ment offi­cers on the death penal­ty. Videos of this unique pan­el dis­cus­sion can be found here. In December, we released our annu­al Year-End Report on death penal­ty sta­tis­tics and trends in 2010. You can find a break­down of 2010 death sen­tences by state on our Sentencing page. The process of lethal injec­tion was a sig­nif­i­cant issue this year – see more on our Lethal Injection page. Our audio pod­cast series, DPIC on the Issues, address­es var­i­ous top­ics relat­ed to cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment. The lat­est edi­tion answers ques­tions raised by read­ers of DPIC’s web­site. Limited infor­ma­tion in oth­er lan­guages is avail­able on our Special from DPIC page. Finally, smart phone users can now access much of our infor­ma­tion through our mobile web appli­ca­tion, that includes a down­load­able logo for the app sec­tion of your phone.

Best wish­es for the New Year. (DPIC, post­ed Dec. 302010).

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