Timothy Johnson was acquit­ted of mur­der charges and released from prison in Georgia on December 5, twen­ty-nine years after being charged with a mur­der and rob­bery at a con­ve­nience store. Johnson had orig­i­nal­ly pled guilty to the crimes in exchange for the pros­e­cu­tion’s agree­ment not to seek the death penal­ty. The Georgia Supreme Court over­turned his con­vic­tion in 2006 because he was not prop­er­ly informed of his con­sti­tu­tion­al pro­tec­tion against self-incrim­i­na­tion and his right to con­front wit­ness­es against him. The jury delib­er­at­ed for only about an hour before ren­der­ing the acquit­tal. His fam­i­ly greet­ed him upon his release. My heart is over­whelmed for him,” said his uncle, Willie Wilson. I’m just elated.”

(B. Purser, After 29 years in jail, Timothy Johnson is free,” Macon Telegraph, December 6, 2013). See Innocence and Arbitrariness. The case illus­trates the dan­ger of using the death penal­ty as a plea-bar­gain­ing incen­tive. Defendants some­times plead guilty to a crime they did not com­mit in order to avoid the pos­si­bil­i­ty of a death sentence.

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