DPIC recent­ly released its lat­est report enti­tled Innocence and the Crisis in the American Death Penalty.” The report is available from  this Web site , or print­ed copies may be purchased by  email­ing DPIC .

Some high­lights from the report include:

  • 116 inmates have been exon­er­at­ed and freed from death row in 25 states since 1973.

  • These defen­dants togeth­er spent over 1,000 years incar­cer­at­ed between their sen­tenc­ing and exon­er­a­tion.

  • More than half of the exon­er­a­tions have occurred in the South, the region with the most exe­cu­tions.

  • 61% of those exon­er­at­ed were from racial minori­ties.

  • As the pace of exon­er­a­tions has increased in recent years, death sen­tences around the coun­try have dropped by 50%. Public sup­port is now almost even­ly split between life with­out parole and the death penal­ty for those con­vict­ed of mur­der.

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