A new declaration issued by Catherine Ashton, the European Union’s High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, expressed deep concerns about the possible execution of Troy Anthony Davis, a death row inmate in Georgia. Evidence that emerged after his trial has thrown doubt about his conviction. The High Representative, writing on behalf of the EU, stated, “The EU has repeatedly intervened on behalf of Mr. Davis and notes that serious and compelling doubts regarding his culpability continue to persist. The EU therefore calls for a commutation of his death sentence.”
The complete statement appears below.
Brussels, 8 June 2011
Declaration by the High Representative, Catherine Ashton,
on behalf of the European Union
on the death penalty of Troy Davis
The European Union has followed the latest developments in the case of Mr. Troy Davis, a
U.S. citizen sentenced to death in the State of Georgia, with great concern. He may now be
at risk of imminent execution following the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court on 28
March 2011 not to consider his final appeal and the announcement by the State of Georgia
to change to an alternative drug that is more readily available in its three drug combination
for executions.
The EU has repeatedly intervened on behalf of Mr. Davis and notes that serious and
compelling doubts regarding his culpability continue to persist. The EU therefore calls for
a commutation of his death sentence.
The European Union reaffirms its principled and longstanding opposition to the use of
capital punishment under all circumstances.
(Declaration by the High Representative, Catherine Ashton, on behalf of the European Union on the death penalty of Troy Davis, June 8, 2011). See Innocence and International.