Houston Police Chief C.O. Bradford said that crim­i­nal defen­dants in Texas are at the mer­cy of pros­e­cu­tors in an unfair sys­tem that empha­sizes win­ning rather than jus­tice. Bradford said that he believes there is suf­fi­cient prob­a­ble cause to con­vene a court of inquiry to inves­ti­gate the entire Police Department crime lab, not just the DNA por­tion (see below). Bradford also voiced sup­port for changes that would help to bal­ance the Texas jus­tice sys­tem, which he believes cur­rent­ly works in favor of pros­e­cu­tors. He described the atti­tude in the dis­trict attor­ney’s office as, What can I do to win? Win, win, win.” Bradford sup­ports mea­sures such as an open dis­cov­ery process in crim­i­nal trails and stan­dard­iz­ing the appoint­ment of foren­sics experts to assist court-appoint­ed attor­neys in cas­es with DNA evidence.” 

(Houston Chronicle, June 24, 2003). See Innocence.

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