“Justice Talking” on National Public Radio recently addressed current death penalty issues, including an examination of the controversy surrounding lethal injections. The program, which is available online, featured an overview of the U.S. death penalty by professor John Blume, founder and director of the Cornell Death Penalty Project at Cornell University, and an interview with Deborah Denno, a professor of law at Fordham University who is one of the nation’s leading scholars on the death penalty and lethal injection. The program also included contrasting views about lethal injection and other issues with New York Law School professor Robert Blecker and Death Penalty Information Center Executive Director Richard Dieter. Other guests included Bryan Stevenson, who heads the Alabama-based Equal Justice Initiative, death row exoneree Harold Wilson, and Supreme Court reporter Lyle Denniston, who provided an overview of recent Court cases dealing with the death penalty. The program aired on March 26, 2007.