Justice Talking” on National Public Radio recent­ly addressed cur­rent death penal­ty issues, includ­ing an exam­i­na­tion of the con­tro­ver­sy sur­round­ing lethal injec­tions. The pro­gram, which is avail­able online, fea­tured an overview of the U.S. death penal­ty by pro­fes­sor John Blume, founder and direc­tor of the Cornell Death Penalty Project at Cornell University, and an inter­view with Deborah Denno, a pro­fes­sor of law at Fordham University who is one of the nation’s lead­ing schol­ars on the death penal­ty and lethal injec­tion. The pro­gram also includ­ed con­trast­ing views about lethal injec­tion and oth­er issues with New York Law School pro­fes­sor Robert Blecker and Death Penalty Information Center Executive Director Richard Dieter. Other guests includ­ed Bryan Stevenson, who heads the Alabama-based Equal Justice Initiative, death row exoneree Harold Wilson, and Supreme Court reporter Lyle Denniston, who pro­vid­ed an overview of recent Court cas­es deal­ing with the death penal­ty. The pro­gram aired on March 262007

(Justice Talking, March 26, 2007). See Lethal Injection, Race, Innocence, Supreme Court, and Resources.

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