One For Ten is a new col­lec­tion of doc­u­men­tary films telling the sto­ries of inno­cent peo­ple who were on death row in the U.S. The first film of the series is on Ray Krone, one of the 142 peo­ple who have been exon­er­at­ed and freed from death row since 1973. Krone was released from Arizonas death row in 2002 after DNA test­ing showed he did not com­mit the mur­der for which he was sen­tenced to death 10 years ear­li­er. Krone was con­vict­ed based large­ly on cir­cum­stan­tial evi­dence and bite-mark evi­dence, alleg­ing his teeth matched marks on the vic­tim. The film is nar­rat­ed by Danny Glover. All the films will be free and may be shared under a Creative Commons license.

During April and May 2013, One For Ten film­mak­ers will be trav­el­ing across the United States, pro­duc­ing two films a week for imme­di­ate dis­tri­b­u­tion. The project will be inter­ac­tive, with the audi­ence sug­gest­ing ques­tions for the exonerees and pro­vid­ing feed­back on the films. 

(“One For Ten” at www​.one​forten​.com, 2013; DPIC post­ed, February 18, 2013). See Innocence; explore DPIC’s Multimedia resources.

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