One For Ten is a new collection of documentary films telling the stories of innocent people who were on death row in the U.S. The first film of the series is on Ray Krone, one of the 142 people who have been exonerated and freed from death row since 1973. Krone was released from Arizona’s death row in 2002 after DNA testing showed he did not commit the murder for which he was sentenced to death 10 years earlier. Krone was convicted based largely on circumstantial evidence and bite-mark evidence, alleging his teeth matched marks on the victim. The film is narrated by Danny Glover. All the films will be free and may be shared under a Creative Commons license.

During April and May 2013, One For Ten filmmakers will be traveling across the United States, producing two films a week for immediate distribution. The project will be interactive, with the audience suggesting questions for the exonerees and providing feedback on the films.

(“One For Ten” at, 2013; DPIC posted, February 18, 2013). See Innocence; explore DPIC’s Multimedia resources.

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