The August 2006 edition of the National Geographic Magazine contains a chart illustrating the probabilities of dying from particular causes. For example, the chances of dying from heart disease are 1 in 5. The chances of dying in a motor vehicle accident during one’s lifetime are 1 in 84. Far down in the list is the chance of dying by legal execution: 1 in 62,468. The very next item in the list is dying by a stroke of lightning: 1 in 79,746.
In 1972, in his concurring opinion in Furman v. Georgia, which found the death penalty to be unconstitutional because it was so arbitrary, Justice Potter Stewart wrote: “These death sentences are cruel and unusual in the same way that being struck by lightning is cruel and unusual.… I simply conclude that [the constitution] cannot tolerate the infliction of a sentence of death under legal systems that permit this unique penalty to be so wantonly and so freakishly imposed.”
(National Geographic, August 2006, at p.21, Furman v. Georgia, 408 U.S. 238, 309 – 10 (1972)). See Arbitrariness.
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