Karla, a new play by singer and song­writer Steve Earle will open at the 45 Bleecker St. Theatre on October 20 in New York City. The play tells the life sto­ry of Karla Faye Tucker, the first woman exe­cut­ed in Texas since the Civil War. She was exe­cut­ed by lethal injec­tion in 1998 while George W. Bush was gov­er­nor, despite her obvi­ous reha­bil­i­ta­tion and oppo­si­tion from a broad spec­trum of nation­al and inter­na­tion­al lead­ers. The play is being pre­sent­ed by The Culture Project, which also pre­sent­ed The Exonerated at the same the­atre. Reduced-priced tick­ets are avail­able (see side­bar). (The Culture Project release, Sept. 292005). 
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