In the February 2025 episode of 12:01: The Death Penalty in Context, DPI Managing Director Anne Holsinger speaks with three experts on California’s Racial Justice Act (RJA). Natasha Minsker, an attorney and consultant, formerly of the ACLU, speaks on the history of the RJA and the impetus for its passage. Genevie Gold, research and writing fellow at the Office of the State Public Defender (OSPD), describes the process that an RJA claim follows through the legal system, and how the RJA has affected the work of OSPD. Avi Frey, a lawyer at the ACLU of Northern California, explains the potential systemic effects of the RJA, which are just beginning to take shape as the legislation approaches its fifth anniversary of passage.
Ms. Minsker describes the effort to enact a Racial Justice Act in California as a way “to bring civil rights law into the criminal courts in California.… We have civil rights laws addressing pretty much every other aspect of life – employment, public accommodation, housing – but we have no civil rights law for the criminal legal system, and so that is how we frame the California Racial Justice Act.” She also defines the four grounds for raising a challenge under the RJA: bias directed at the person who was charged or convicted of a crime, discriminatory language used at trial, racially discriminatory application of the law, and racial disparities in sentencing.
Ms. Gold explains the practicalities of bringing an RJA claim and also reflects on how it has prompted those working in criminal defense to reexamine their own biases. The law considers bias from all actors in the legal system, including witnesses, judges, prosecutors, and defense attorneys. “What it’s required us to do is not just to look at the past — what … previous attorneys have said that could violate the RJA,” Ms. Gold says, “but really look at our current practice, and how do we change what we do when we start to understand the role of things like implicit bias and rhetoric when we’re talking about the client, when we’re talking about the client’s community … how we show up [for our clients] – that has been really important to me, and [it is] something that I think is a really beautiful change that the RJA has brought about.”
Mr. Frey speaks about the ACLU’s involvement in RJA claims, including detailing their effort to bring a claim based on a fresh data set about racial discrimination that defendants across the state can also use in their claims. The ACLU study shows, he notes for example, that prosecutors are more likely to seek the death penalty in robbery-murders when the defendant is Black and the victim is white. Mr. Frey also speaks about the importance of having courts act as “referee” when considering the role of race in criminal cases.
12:01: The Death Penalty in Context – The Past, Present, and Future of the California Racial Justice Act, Death Penalty Information Center, February 27, 2025.
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The Past, Present, and Future of the California Racial Justice Act
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