The lat­est edi­tion of the Amicus Journal is now avail­able and fea­tures arti­cles relat­ed to death penal­ty top­ics such as gen­der bias and jurors, as well as infor­ma­tion on inter­na­tion­al cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment devel­op­ments in the Caribbean and Africa. The jour­nal fea­tures a sto­ry on the Middle Temple Library’s Capital Punishment Collection in Great Britain, an archive of text­books, case-prepa­ra­tion aides, film doc­u­men­taries, and oth­er pri­ma­ry sources on the death penal­ty. The Amicus Journal high­lights death penal­ty devel­op­ments from around the world in an effort to broad­en read­ers’ under­stand­ing of capital punishment. 

(15 Amicus Journal (2006), pub­lished in London by the Andrew Lee Jones Fund). See Resources.

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