A new report by Michael Mears of the Office of the Multi-County Public Defender pro­vides a detailed exam­i­na­tion of every death penal­ty tri­al in Georgia since the state passed its cur­rent death penal­ty statute in 1973. This resource con­tains a list­ing of death penal­ty cas­es by name of the defen­dant, name of the coun­ty, name of the judi­cial cir­cuit, as well as the dis­po­si­tion of every death penal­ty case. It also pro­vides a brief overview of the his­toric role Georgia has played in the Supreme Court’s exam­i­na­tion of the mod­ern death penal­ty. (An Analysis of Death Penalty Cases in Georgia by Judicial Circuits 1973 – 2003, Office of Multi-County Public Defender, August 2003). See Resources.

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