The lat­est edi­tion of the Consular Rights in America newslet­ter is now avail­able. The newslet­ter dis­cuss­es legal and polit­i­cal devel­op­ments con­cern­ing cit­i­zens of oth­er coun­tries who are in prison or on death row in the U.S. Issue 29 con­tains excerpts from the Texas Lawyer of recent argu­ments before the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals in the case of Jose Medellin, a Mexican cit­i­zen on death row in Texas. This case has already been the sub­ject of argu­ments before the U.S. Supreme Court, the International Court of Justice, and of a pres­i­den­tial deci­sion. The newslet­ter also dis­cuss­es the deci­sion of the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals regard­ing Osbaldo Torres, a for­mer death row inmate also from Mexico. The newslet­ter is pub­lished by Mark Warren of Human Rights Research. 

(Consular Rights in America, Issue 29). See also Foreign Nationals.

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