Sacco and Vanzetti” is an 80-minute-long doc­u­men­tary that tells the sto­ry of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, two Italian immi­grants who were accused of a mur­der in 1920, and exe­cut­ed in Boston in 1927 after a con­tro­ver­sial tri­al. It is the first major doc­u­men­tary film about this land­mark sto­ry, which came to sym­bol­ize the bias against immi­grants by some in America. At the time of their exe­cu­tion, mil­lions of peo­ple in the U.S. and around the world protest­ed on their behalf, and now — near­ly eighty years lat­er — the sto­ry con­tin­ues to have great resonance. 

Sacco and Vanzetti” brings to life the per­son­al, polit­i­cal, and legal aspects of this intrigu­ing sto­ry. The pow­er­ful prison writ­ings of Sacco and Vanzetti are read by actors John Turturro and Tony Shalhoub. Artwork, music, poet­ry, and fea­ture film clips about the case are inter­wo­ven into the sto­ry­telling. Through this sto­ry, audi­ences can expe­ri­ence a uni­ver­sal – and very time­ly – tale of human resilience.

The film is sched­uled to appear in select venues across the nation. View a sched­ule of upcom­ing screen­ings of the film.

(“Sacco and Vanzetti,” Willow Pond Films, post­ed Mar. 30, 2007). See Resources.

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