“Sacco and Vanzetti” is an 80-minute-long documentary that tells the story of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, two Italian immigrants who were accused of a murder in 1920, and executed in Boston in 1927 after a controversial trial. It is the first major documentary film about this landmark story, which came to symbolize the bias against immigrants by some in America. At the time of their execution, millions of people in the U.S. and around the world protested on their behalf, and now — nearly eighty years later — the story continues to have great resonance.
“Sacco and Vanzetti” brings to life the personal, political, and legal aspects of this intriguing story. The powerful prison writings of Sacco and Vanzetti are read by actors John Turturro and Tony Shalhoub. Artwork, music, poetry, and feature film clips about the case are interwoven into the storytelling. Through this story, audiences can experience a universal – and very timely – tale of human resilience.