A new study exam­ined all cas­es in which the death penal­ty was sought in Colorado over a 20-year peri­od, from 1980 to 1999. The study iden­ti­fied 110 death penal­ty cas­es, and com­pared the race and gen­der of the vic­tims. The authors con­clud­ed that the death penal­ty was most like­ly to be sought for homi­cides with white female vic­tims. They also deter­mined that the prob­a­bil­i­ty of death being sought was 4.2 times high­er for those who killed whites than for those who killed blacks. 

(Michael Radelet, Stephanie Hindson, & Hillary Potter, 77 Univ. of Colorado Law Review 549 (2006)).

See Law Reviews, Race, Arbitrariness, and Sentencing.

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