The Wrong Men: America’s Epidemic of Wrongful Death Row Convictions” by Stanley Cohen is slat­ed for release in October 2003. This book tells the sto­ry of how more than 100 inno­cent peo­ple found them­selves on death row in the United States. Through an exam­i­na­tion of eye­wit­ness error, jail­house snitch­es, racism, junk sci­ence, pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al mis­con­duct, and incom­pe­tent coun­sel, Cohen pro­vides a behind-the-scenes look at the prob­lems lead­ing to wrong­ful con­vic­tions. He also cap­tures the sto­ries of those indi­vid­u­als whose dogged deter­mi­na­tion helped exon­er­ate the inno­cent. Among the cas­es high­light­ed in this book are those of Anthony Porter, Randall Dale Adams, and Earl Washington. (Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2003) See Resources.

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