Dave Lindorff’s arti­cle Unjust Executions” goes beyond the issue of inno­cence and explores cas­es where guilty defen­dants may have been exe­cut­ed despite uncon­sti­tu­tion­al tri­als. The arti­cle, avail­able on Salon​.com (May 6, 2003), fea­tures exam­ples of courts bar­ring new evi­dence and com­ments from death penal­ty experts such as Robert Blecker of New York Law School, a staunch death penal­ty advo­cate, who nev­er­the­less admits that: There are def­i­nite­ly plen­ty of sen­tenc­ing errors where those who die haven’t deserved to die.” See Resources.

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