Professor Matthew Robinson of Applachian State University has written a new book entitled Death Nation: The Experts Explain American Capital Punishment. This book provides a solid yet brief background on the major issues pertaining to capital punishment in the United States. It covers topics such as the history of the death penalty in America, American death penalty law, justifications for capital punishment, as well as alleged problems with its practice.
The book also presents a study of expert opinion of capital punishment. The aim is to determine what published scholarly experts think about the death penalty. Does it meet its goals? Is it effective? Is it plagued by any serious problems? Do the experts support it? What is the likely future of capital punishment in the United States?
(Summary by author, book published by Prentice Hall, available March 2007). See op-ed by Prof. Robinson, Tallahassee Democrat, Jan. 4, 2007. See also Books.
Aug 10, 2022