In the lat­est edi­tion of the Death Penalty Information Center’s pod­casts, Professor Michael H. Fox, direc­tor of the Japan Innocence and Death Penalty Research Center, dis­cuss­es the cur­rent state of the death penal­ty in Japan. Prof. Fox com­pares pub­lic opin­ion on the death penal­ty in Japan and the U.S., explains some of the unique aspects of Japan’s crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem, and dis­cuss­es the prospects for change. Click here to lis­ten to this lat­est pod­cast. You can lis­ten to the pod­cast now or down­load it for future use. This pod­cast is the 19th in our series, DPIC on the Issues. See more below.

DPIC’s pod­casts offer con­cise, infor­ma­tive dis­cus­sions of impor­tant death penal­ty issues, suit­able for edu­ca­tion­al pur­pos­es. Other recent episodes include a dis­cus­sion of the inter­sec­tion of inter­na­tion­al view­points and the American death penal­ty and a gen­er­al pod­cast in Spanish. You can receive auto­mat­ic updates through iTunes when new episodes are post­ed and receive access to all pre­vi­ous episodes. Other audio and video resources, along with all of DPIC’s pod­casts, can be found on our Multimedia page. Many of our pod­casts are also avail­able on our iPhone or iPad App as well.

(DPIC Podcast #19: The Death Penalty in Japan, post­ed May 1, 2012). If you have sug­ges­tions for top­ics you would like to see addressed in future pod­casts, con­tact us at dpic@​deathpenaltyinfo.​org. See International.

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