DPIC is pleased to announce the addition of five more states to our State Information Pages. Information is now available for 25 states, including the latest entries: Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, Massachusetts and New York. These pages provide historical and current information on the death penalty for each state (regardless of whether it currently has the death penalty), including famous cases, past legislative actions, and links to key organizations. For frequently-updated information, such as execution totals, the size of death row, or the number of exonerations, see our State-by-State Database. The remaining state pages will be made available soon, especially as residents send information, pictures, and links to organizations. You can reach the State Information Pages through the “State by State” button at the top of every page on our website or under the “Resources” tab in our main menu.
(DPIC, October 20, 2011). Much of the information for these pages has been provided by individuals and organizations working on the death penalty in each state, and we welcome further input. Thanks to those who helped make this new resource possible. For links to some of DPIC’s other new resources, see our Special Resources page.
Jun 16, 2023
Barry Jones Freed from Arizona’s Death Row after 29 Years
May 12, 2023