The Death Penalty Information Center has expand­ed the resources relat­ed to its award-win­ning Educational Curriculum on the Death Penalty. We now offer a list­serv for edu­ca­tors who teach about cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment, free teacher train­ing work­shops, and free brochures for dis­tri­b­u­tion to schools and teach­ers. Launched in 2000, DPIC’s Educational Curriculum is a bal­anced Internet-based class­room tool that offers flex­i­ble les­son plans, teacher overviews, sep­a­rate teacher and stu­dent cur­ricu­lum Web sites, and learn­ing objec­tives that meet nation­al edu­ca­tion­al stan­dards. Teachers through­out the nation are using this resource, and edu­ca­tors in more than 14 states have host­ed DPIC’s free train­ing on how to teach the sub­ject of the death penal­ty. The new e‑mail list­serv pro­vides edu­ca­tors with time­ly updates on sig­nif­i­cant death penal­ty news and events for class­room dis­cus­sion and offers access to death penal­ty experts. To learn about the list­serv, find out more about the cur­ricu­lum, or to see how you can use this teach­ing tool with­in your com­mu­ni­ty, please click here.

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