DPIC has recent­ly added four pod­casts to our new series on impor­tant facts about the death penal­ty in each state. Seven state pod­casts are now avail­able: Michigan, Wisconsin, Maine, Minnesota, North Dakota, Alaska, and Hawaii. We expect to add new episodes each week, with two more com­ing tomorow (Oct. 17). The series has begun with states that have abol­ished the death penal­ty, and focus­es on the devel­op­ments lead­ing to repeal in those states. The issues that brought those states to abo­li­tion are often sim­i­lar to the ones states with the death penal­ty are fac­ing today, includ­ing wrong­ful con­vic­tions, unfair­ness, and the meth­ods of exe­cu­tion. We hope this new series will be an excel­lent resource for those inter­est­ed in the diver­si­ty of posi­tions states have tak­en on this key social ques­tion and for stu­dents research­ing their state’s his­to­ry. Our ear­li­er series of pod­casts, DPIC on the Issues cov­ers a vari­ety of top­ics relat­ed to the death penal­ty, includ­ing Innocence, Costs, and Lethal Injection. You can lis­ten to all of our pod­casts on our Podcasts page or by sub­scrib­ing on iTunes.

(DPIC, October 16, 2014). See also DPIC’s State-by-State pages and Multimedia.

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