DPIC has added a new easy-to-use state data­base of death penal­ty infor­ma­tion to its Web site. In addi­tion, Richard Dieter’s (DPIC’s Executive Director) tes­ti­mo­ny before the New York State Assembly Standing Committees on Codes, Judiciary, and Correction regard­ing the costs of the death penal­ty is also avail­able. The Committees are hold­ing hear­ings on whether New York should re-instate the death penal­ty.

To access infor­ma­tion on any state’s death row pop­u­la­tion, the num­ber of exon­er­a­tions, exe­cu­tions, or clemen­cies, and to learn facts about the state’s his­to­ry of the death penal­ty, and more: Click Here. For the tes­ti­mo­ny on costs: Read the PDF File of Mr. Dieter’s tes­ti­mo­ny

(January 252005).

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