Jason McCartney, a sur­vivor of the 2002 ter­ror­ist bomb­ing of a Bali night­club and a for­mer Australian foot­ball play­er, said a life­time sen­tence in an Indonesian jail would be a harsh enough pun­ish­ment for the men who plot­ted the attack. At first, I prob­a­bly thought with my ini­tial anger that (the death penal­ty) is the way to go,” said McCartney. It’s var­ied a bit. Sometimes I won­der if that’s an easy way out for them, the death penalty…It’s a hard one.” McCartney, who sus­tained seri­ous injuries in the attack, now serves as an advo­cate for Bali sur­vivors and victims. 

(Herald Sun, July 23, 2003). See Victims.

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