A num­ber of promi­nent con­ser­v­a­tives in Ohio are lend­ing their voic­es in sup­port of clemen­cy for Shawn Hawkins (pic­tured), who is fac­ing exe­cu­tion on June 14. Republicans Ken Blackwell, a for­mer Secretary of State and 2006 guber­na­to­r­i­al can­di­date, for­mer Attorney General Jim Petro, and state Sen. Bill Seitz have all writ­ten let­ters to Gov. John Kasich or to the Parole Board on behalf of Hawkins. Blackwell wrote, I have been a pub­lic advo­cate for the death penal­ty and remain so today. Furthermore, in the 30-plus years of my pub­lic life, I have only writ­ten two let­ters request­ing clemen­cy for an indi­vid­ual. I have reviewed the facts and cir­cum­stances of this case with a num­ber of sources. Shawn Hawkins does not deserve to die… I urge you to spare him from the death penal­ty.” Sen. Seitz added, “[T]here is no rea­son to end Mr. Hawkins’ life on some­thing so utter­ly flim­sy as mis­han­dled and incon­clu­sive fin­ger­prints and the tes­ti­mo­ny of a wit­ness with every motive to lie…” The sen­tence of life with­out the pos­si­bil­i­ty of parole was not an option in 1989 when Hawkins was sen­tenced. The chief wit­ness against Hawkins, Henry Brown, was also charged with mur­der and rob­bery as a co-con­spir­a­tor in the same crime, but was giv­en immu­ni­ty in exchange for tes­ti­mo­ny against Hawkins. Brown changed his state­ment at least five times and failed two lie-detector tests.

(J. Craig, Shawn Hawkins faces last chance for life,” Cincinnati Enquirer, May 3, 2011). Read more New Voices. See Clemency and Innocence.

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