The for­mer war­den of the Virginia prison that hous­es the state’s death row inmates has called for clemen­cy for a man about to be exe­cut­ed on November 9. Page True was war­den of the Sussex I State Prison and knew death row inmate John Schmitt for over 4 years. The crime was just ter­ri­ble,” True said, but there’s a lot worse inmates that I’ve dealt with in my 36 years in prison sys­tems than Mr. Schmitt.” 

True, who described him­self as hard­core as they come,” said there were many more inmates at the same prison serv­ing life sen­tences and that com­pared to some of them, [Schmitt is] a hell of a lot bet­ter inmate. We have the secu­ri­ty and inter­nal con­trol in pris­ons to han­dle a guy like Schmitt,” True said.

I just don’t think he should be put to death,” he said. I don’t want to dimin­ish his con­duct. It was ter­ri­ble. Somebody died and fam­i­lies are suf­fer­ing.… But this guy is no worse than most of those oth­er guys in these pris­ons [with] life sen­tences, and that’s my feeling.”

(F. Green, Richmond Times-Dispatch, Nov. 9, 2006). See New Voices and Life Without Parole.

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