Alice Hoagland’s son, Mark Bingham (pic­tured), was killed on September 11 as he joined with fel­low United Airlines pas­sen­gers to ground a plane that may have been head­ed toward the White House. Hoagland is urg­ing a life sen­tence for Zacarias Moussaoui, who faces the death penal­ty for his role in the ter­ror­ist events of that day. In an inter­view with The Advocate, Hoagland not­ed that spar­ing Moussaoui’s life would hon­or a rev­er­ence for all life” and that it would pre­vent some from view­ing him as a mar­tyr. Hoagland, a for­mer flight atten­dant who is now active in trans­porta­tion safe­ty issues, stated:

We Americans have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to keep him from becom­ing glo­ri­fied as a mar­tyr.… Al Qaida, oth­er fun­da­men­tal­ist Muslim groups — even main­stream Muslims — would be tempt­ed to view Moussaoui’s death as a mar­tyr­dom. This man does not deserve that hon­or.

We Americans have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to demon­strate our com­pas­sion toward a man who has shown no com­pas­sion for America. We are a nation of laws, of jus­tice, and of mer­cy. By spar­ing his life, we can demon­strate our human­i­ty by acknowl­edg­ing the human­i­ty of a human being who bad­ly needs com­pas­sion. By spar­ing his life, we will have over­come the sort of hatred that he dis­plays toward us.

It is dif­fi­cult to imag­ine a more despi­ca­ble human than Zacarias Moussaoui has shown him­self to be. But he, like all of us, is a bun­dle of traits and atti­tudes. His low­er self has dic­tat­ed his present low behav­ior. I hope we as a nation can demon­strate our high­er impuls­es by spar­ing his life — while keep­ing him safe­ly behind bars for the remain­der of his life. If we can do that, we will hon­or our own high stan­dard of rev­er­ence for all life, and we will mod­el a bet­ter stan­dard of behav­ior for Zacarias Moussaoui to take to heart.

(Advocate​.com, April 8, 2006. Hoagland’s com­ments will appear in the May 9, 2006, edi­tion of The Advocate (Calif.)). See New Voices, Victims, and Federal Death Penalty.

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