Family mem­bers of mur­der vic­tims gath­ered out­side a cour­t­house in Castle Rock, Colorado, in sup­port of Robert Autobee, whose son was mur­dered, but who oppos­es the death penal­ty for the per­pe­tra­tor. Inside the cour­t­house, jury selec­tion was under­way in the tri­al of Edward Montour, who is accused of mur­der­ing cor­rec­tion­al offi­cer Eric Autobee (pic­tured), Robert’s son. Montour orig­i­nal­ly plead­ed guilty and was sen­tenced to death, but his con­vic­tion was over­turned, and he has plead­ed not guilty by rea­son of insan­i­ty. The District Attorney intends to seek the death penal­ty if Montour is con­vict­ed. Among those join­ing Autobee out­side the court was Tim Ricard – whose wife was also a prison guard killed by an inmate – and a rel­a­tive of a woman killed by Nathan Dunlap, an inmate on Colorado’s death row. Ricard said, I know my wife wouldn’t want some­body killed.” In a recent meet­ing between Robert Autobee and Montour, Autobee told Montour, It’s a time for for­giv­ing, and it’s a time to move on.” Montour replied, I am deeply, deeply sor­ry for the pain I caused you and your fam­i­ly for killing your son.”

(“Murder Victim Relatives Join Death Penalty Protest,” CBS4/​Associated Press, January 8, 2014). See Victims and New Voices.

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